
Part 2: The Antechamber

I woke up in an unfamiliar room, and I felt light-headed, I looked around the chamber, and several people were standing in the room. I desired to ask what was transpiring to me but didn't have enough stamina to speak. Abruptly, Someone in the room voiced. "Inject her with the No.1278". "But sire, that method can't be used anymore. Did you already forget what happened?. Besides, The vaccines for that aren't produced anymore. I can't use it and I won't use it breaking protocol". "Alright since you're not gonna listen to me, just use the other one. If you'll excuse me I'm in a hurry at the moment." "Okay. We have given her the shot for No.1268. The voyage of minds will start soon". "What are they talking about"; 'The voyage of minds?' I thought to myself.

"1,2,3 start the operation!". I feel dizzy again. It feels like my mind started to whirl. It feels like I'm in a different and strange world. It was all a simulation. None of it was real. I entered the place and there was woodland with countless ponds. Numerous vines were hanging from the trees as well. It all suddenly started to fade away. I returned to the room in a second and heard someone screaming in panic.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS ELADRIN? I LEFT THE CHAMBER FOR A MOMENT AND YOU ALREADY MESSED UP! THIS METHOD WAS TERMINATED 700 YEARS AGO. HOW DARE YOU USE IT WITHOUT MY APPROVAL. YOU KNOW YOU SHOULD NOT MESS WITH POTIONS SO IRRESPONSIBLY." "I'm so sorry Gorgon, my new assistant here is not the BRIGHTEST. She was supposed to teleport you to the actual worlds and not use a simulation" declared Dr.Doom. "What was about to happen?" I inquired. "It's nothing, don't worry about it." "ELADRIN! I think you and I have something to talk about. FOLLOW ME!". " Yes sir. I apologize but you told me to do this and I didn't use the draught OF-". "Miss Gorgon, Can you please wait for 5 minutes? I'll be right back". "Yes, for sure?"

Eladrin looks just as tall as a human. She has a slim figure. She had an intense look simply athletic rather than muscular. She had the same complexion as humans. She has fair skin and straight fine hair; pure white. In simple words, She looked gorgeous.

After a bit, Eladrin came back to the chamber. "I'm sorry for the disturbance. Doom told me to inject the Draught of pure deaths, but he returned to his words. He thinks I injected you with the wrong potion but the potion didn't work on you for some reason. You will now be sent to a test made for superior humans. You weren't supposed to be sent there but doom won't agree with me. I must warn you, When the test begins, Don't touch any of the instruments that will be used to determine your fate" Eladrin said. "What do you mean superior humans? Where am I going to be sent now? What in the heavens is going on here?". "We can't be late. Let's stop our conversation here".

"Follow me. We need to arrive at the platform on time." She guided me outside of the building and we passed through a long muddy road, onto a frosty road, onto a short grassy road going through tunnels, and so on until we arrived at our destination where there were many people waiting for the test to begin.