
A Villainess Reborn

Bai Mei Li is a woman that is grounded in reality and science. What happens when a woman of science falls into a world where science and reason don’t prevail and instead might makes right? Jin Hong Hui a man more beautiful then any God ever created and certainly more powerful. He descends on the lower bound hell on recovering the precious treasure stolen from his family… burning to ash anything that dares get in his way. Jin Hong Hui “Where are you going.” He asked looking at her with a wicked grin curving his thin and sexy lips. “I uh… just um… I thought I’d go for a walk. You know know to help my digestion.” She said looking at his perfect face nervous as she slowly backed away. His grin deepened as he crowed her. “I have a better way to help with that.” She didn’t even bother trying to argue and just directly made a break for it. He laughed as he watched her run. A game of seek and capture before dessert always made his appetite bigger…

camizzle · Geschichte
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43 Chs


Chu Ling's home was just like her. Small and cheerful. It was modeled after a English cottage. It had three bedrooms, a common living area, two restrooms, and a kitchen. Some how they actually managed to mimic cobbled stone. The lawn and backyard was fenced in and there varying plants of all sizes everywhere. It was charming and it fit Chu Ling perfectly.

Bai Mei Li was given the spare room and Xiao Jun was put in with Fei'er. Xiao Jun didn't seem to mind as he enjoyed being with Fei'er. The two children got along well.

"Thanks a lot for having us Ling Ling."

"It's not a problem at all." If she thought that Bai Mei Li would agree she would ask her to just take here. She really enjoyed the company and Fei'er would have something akin to a sibling, but Chu Ling understood that she agree. Everyone needed their own personal space.

"I'm going to go back to the apartment to see what can be salvaged." She touched Xiao Jun's head dotingly then turned back to Ling Ling. "Will you cook tonight? Divide and conquer?"

"No problem. Be careful, that building is a mess."

"I will. Xiao Jun be good and listen to sister Ling Ling okay?"

"I will." Xiao Jun nodded then headed into the Fei'ers bedroom to play with her. He appeared to be quite content with this arrangement.

"I'll try and make this quick. It's already getting late. If I take too long don't allow Xiao Jun to wait up for me. They have already had such a long day, they should get plenty of rest after they eat."

"I agree, don't worry I'll take care of things here."

Once things were settled at Chu Ling's cottage Bai Mei Li headed out and back to the apartment. She hoped that Xiao Jun's toys and books were still safe. He'd grown quite attached to his stuff.

It didn't take her long to get back to the apartment. The place was a total wreck. It looked worse then what she remembered. The entire wall over looking the courtyard was missing and the living room was coming trashed. None of the furniture was useable, it had all been smashed to pieces.

She didn't bother with the living room and instead went into the kitchen. The fridge was destroyed but the stuff in the cabinets were still useable. She gathered all of the up and placed them into her ring.

After that she went into Xiao Jun's room and looked around. The room was messy from the shaking but it was pretty much in tact. She gathered up all of his toys and personal belongs into her ring as well. After that she went into her room. It too had a window facing the courtyard so the wall of her room had suffered as well.

She collected her clothing and put them away. She didn't have many personal affects here yet. She had been here long enough to accumulate much.

She gave the apartment another once over and to make she had forgotten anything and then turn to leave. Just as she was leaving.

"Are you Bai Mei Li?" A voice came from came a voice from down the hall.

Bai Mei Li turned around to see a young man walking towards her. His face was flushed red all the way to the tips of his ears. Bai Mei Li's eyebrow raised in curiosity. He didn't seem to running. Maybe he just cooled off slower then others? "Yes, that's me. How can I help you?" She asked politely.

"I.. um.. I'm Yang Liao Chun…" He said then just stopped.

"Oh.. well nice to meet you Yang Liao Chun." Bai Mei Li replied and then chuckled. She waited for a while but he didn't appear to have the intention to say anything else. She was little confused. "So, I need to get going. Like it said it was nice meeting you."

That snapped him out of his stupor. "No no no. I mean wait. I… I was actually looking for you, sorry." He cleared his throat. He was having a hard time organizing his thoughts. He'd never seen a woman so beautiful. She was like a living breathing celestial princess. He was thoroughly distracted by her. "I've been placed in charge of building your new house. Young master Fan has asked me to find you and ask if anything important was distorted."

Bai Mei Li watched the boy in front of her. He was tall and slender. His long black hair hung loosely down his back and was tied at the end was some kind of binding. His skin was white and smooth. He couldn't be considered handsome, he more cute then anything else. He had a boy next door kind of feel to him. 'Well I guess I shouldn't call him a boy… but given how old I was in my last life, it feel appropriate.' He was turning redder by the sentence. Bai Mei Li didn't have a low EQ at all so it hadn't taken her long to understand why he was acting like he was acting. 'Poor kid.' She sighed and shook her head.

"No, I've already packed up everything important to us. Nothing we really needed was destroyed. It's not a problem."

Yang Liao Chun looked at her smile and felt utterly mesmerized. She wasn't even upset about her place being wrecked. She was a living breathing goddess. He was instantly infatuated. He felt like his heart refused to beat at a normal rhythm so it was hard to breath. He knew that he shouldn't keep staring at her like this but he just couldn't help him. It was like he was trying to drink her in and each gulp only made him more and more thirsty. "That's great. Then I just need to set up a time a to meet up so that your house can be designed. Once that's done we'll directly start building."

She couldn't help chuckling again at the way he was looking her. It was like a man dying of thirst, but it wasn't in a vulgar way. He wasn't undressing her with his eyes. He was just thoroughly appreciating her beauty. She was a modern woman and wouldn't be offended by something like that.

"Alright, you can come to Chu Ling's house tomorrow for lunch. We can talk about then if that okay with you.?" She said in an accommodating way.

"Th… That would be great. Thank you!" He was so excited that he couldn't even remember to politely and sincerely pretend to refuse.

Bai Mei Li smiled then turned to leave. "Then see you tomorrow." She waved without turning around.

Yang Liao Chun was just standing there watching her leave. He couldn't believe how approachable she was. She wasn't pretentious at all. He was certain she had the right to be. She was young, beautiful, and he was sure she was powerful. If not Young Master Fan wouldn't be rushing people to get her settled.

He smiled to himself. It was great that she was settling in, that meant he might have more chances to see her. Although he knew that he didn't even deserve to talk to her, he couldn't stop himself from dreaming.

Back at the cottage Bai Mei Li told Chu Ling about her encounter with Yang Liao Chun.

"I've met him before. He seemed nice. He was just coming to the sanctuary as my house was finishing construction." Chu Ling said as she fixed the dinner plates.

"Yea, he seems harmless and very helpful. I guess he's something a architect? Apparently he'll be in charge of designing my house."

"Just the initial designs. He's only allowed to work on the homes of none cultivators by himself. Liao Guo Zhi will be the main Architect. He'll meet with you after Yang Liao Chun is finished with his part."

"Oh, everything is very organized isn't it?" Bai Mei Li accepted the plate that Chu Ling handed to her. The children had already eaten and were in bed now. Chu Ling had waited for Bai Mei Li to return before she ate.

"Yea, Fan Tao likes things orderly. It's hard to control the cultivators, but the regular people are well managed with makes the day to day stuff run smoothly. We have too do our part too."

"Oh? What's our part?"

"Well we usually do the heavy lifting, so to say. We are responsible for bring in the supply of spirit beast meat. It's far too dangerous for regular people to do that." Chu Ling sat down with her own plate.

"The town takes a percentage of money made from completing tasks on the message board of well right?"

"That's right, that's where we get the majority of our funds."

"I think it's a good system. Speaking of the tasks from the message board I'll be leaving tomorrow after I talking with that boy of my house. I was hoping that you'd watch Xiao Jun for me."

"Oh.. I thought.."

"I know I wanted us to go together too, but after what happened i'd feel more at ease if Xiao Jun and Fei'er were in your care. There's dangers here too that I hadn't thought of."

"I hadn't thought of that either. I have to agree with you." Chu Ling said sounding understanding but also very disappointed.

"When I come back we'll make some better arrangements for other tasks we'll do together." After she finished eating she picked up her plate and went into the kitchen to wash it. "I think Xiao Jun would be more comfortable too. You're the only other person he knows here."

"That's true too. He seemed pretty shaken up after being like with a stranger before. It might be to early to leave with another stranger. I think your right." The more Bai Mei Li spoke the more she began to agree with her, and feel less disappointed.

"Thanks a lot… for everything you've done for me since we got her." She gave Chu Ling a hug. "I'll see you in the morning."

Chu Ling watched her leave with a smile on her face. She actually felt like she was the lucky one. Bai Mei Li was so mature in the way that she dealt with things one could help be feel secure around her.