
A Villain's Royal Blood

In a heartbeat, my life shattered and twisted, poison claiming me. I found myself reborn as a three-year-old Princess in the Otheonate Empire. The kingdom appeared like a painting of tranquillity and prosperity, with majestic landscapes and vibrant gardens that filled my heart with awe. The bustling cities hummed with life and abundance, and I couldn't help but feel the warmth of this golden era. But amidst this apparent paradise, a hidden darkness lurked, unseen by most. And then, everything changed as I suddenly awoke in this new life, memories of my past blending with those of the young Princess. I vividly recalled the chaos that unfolded as my father, the King, made a heart-wrenching decision. He found a secret escape for my mother and three siblings, urging them to flee to safety while he stayed behind to protect the country. I could still hear his words, "I love you, honey," and see the tears in my mother's eyes as she pleaded to him to join us. But he knew his duty was to safeguard the empire, promising to return and reunite with us. —-------------------------------------------------- "THE KING IS DEAD!" the people cried while the others cheered for the new King's reign. Kill the others," the new king commanded his knights. During the chaos, I witnessed the resilience of my family. My siblings and mother fought bravely to survive, even amidst the torn path. We yearned for a place to call home—a sanctuary to heal, grieve, and rebuild our shattered lives. Filled with grief and determination, I made a silent vow to myself. I would rise from the ashes, reclaim my kingdom, and dismantle the oppressive empire that had caused so much pain. The same country that once appeared peaceful and prosperous would be crushed by my own hands. ============================== Good day Everyone, Finally, I can count on your support throught sending gift and golden tickets. So that everyone becomes aware of my story. If that happened, I might publish a mass of chapter for you all. Thank you everyone. ============= STATUS: Hiatus please wait for announcement

Jadeite_Green · Geschichte
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25 Chs

New Life

Throughout the day and night, the woman experienced the same routine, but something changed during the nights.

In the dark hours, she began to hear a haunting voice, softly humming and singing in a language she couldn't comprehend.

It sent shivers down her spine, but she couldn't ignore the eerie beauty of the melodic tunes that echoed in her mind.

The following day, after completing her daunting task of finishing reports, she felt drained and in dire need of rejuvenation.

Her weary eyes caught sight of a vending machine in a corner, and she wasted no time in acquiring a much-needed cup of coffee.

The comforting aroma offered a momentary respite from the chaos that had consumed her.

With her coffee in hand, she decided to take a short break and ventured to the company canteen. The late-night atmosphere enveloped her, with only a handful of employees scattered around, quietly enjoying their meals.

She found a corner table, sipping her coffee slowly, savoring its warmth as she took in the tranquil scene around her.

However, as she took another sip, a sudden jolt of pain surged through her body, and dizziness washed over her.

Fear gripped her heart, and she realized that something was terribly wrong. Trying to remain composed, she summoned the strength to approach a lone figure sitting nearby, seeking help.

"Are you alright?" she managed to utter, her voice trembling with concern.

Their eyes met hers, but something sinister lurked behind their gaze as they responded with a chilling smile, "Of course, I am."

Her legs gave way, and she collapsed, her vision blurred and limbs feeling heavy. A horrifying realization dawned on her - she had been poisoned.

As she fought to stay conscious, she reached for her phone, attempting to call for help, but her body betrayed her, and darkness began to claim her.

Amidst the haze of unconsciousness, she found herself drawn to a blinding white light, where a mysterious figure stood before her.

Her eyes adjusted to the blinding white light, she beheld the enigmatic figure before her - an angelic being with a strikingly handsome face, emanating an aura of wisdom and serenity.

The calming energy enveloped her, assuaging her initial apprehension.

"You have been chosen to cross to another world," the celestial figure spoke, their voice reverberating in the vastness of the white realm.

she blinked in astonishment, trying to comprehend the gravity of the words. "Chosen? But why me? What does it mean?"

Confusion engulfed her, and she struggled to comprehend the meaning of being chosen and the purpose behind her presence in this strange place.

The celestial being smiled gently, their eyes filled with profound insight.

"Your soul possesses a unique balance between light and dark energies that is rare and difficult to handle even for us. You have been brought here to be tested, to determine if you will bring disaster with this power or wield it for the greater good."

Her heart pounded in her chest as the weight of the revelation settled upon her.

"What kind of power are you talking about? I don't understand."

The celestial figure's gaze softened, a sense of understanding in their eyes.

"Within you lies the potential for immense power - a power that could shape worlds and influence destinies. But with such power comes great responsibility.

You have the capacity to bring harmony or chaos, depending on the choices you make."

Her mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions, grappling with the enormity of the situation.

"I never asked for this... How am I supposed to know what to do?"

"You will be guided," the celestial being assured her, their voice infused with reassurance.

"You will encounter challenges and trials, but you won't be alone. Trust in yourself."

The words resonated deep within her soul, bringing a glimmer of hope amidst her confusion. She took a deep breath.

"That's all we ask of you. Embrace your destiny, and may your choices lead you down the path of light and harmony.''

She nodded, feeling herself being drawn back into the dimness as the celestial environment surrounding her faded.

But this time, with the balance of light and darkness within her, she set off on a voyage to a strange place.

Before she could articulate her thoughts, the figure gently touched her forehead, engulfing her in warmth.

The white world faded, and she found herself back in darkness, leaving her wondering if the realm of light had merely been a fleeting dream.

When she opened her eyes once more, a world vastly different from her own unfolded before her. Gone were the familiar surroundings of her office and the canteen.

Instead, she was surrounded by the enchanting architecture and rustic charm of a medieval era.

The shock and bewilderment overwhelmed her as she realized she had been reborn in this unknown world.

Her hands, once accustomed to typing reports, were now small and delicate like those of a newborn baby. The questions flooded her mind, but answers remained elusive.

In the midst of her confusion, a tender voice called out her name, "My Dear Melissa."

She turned to see a woman standing before her, offering a warm smile.

"Welcome to our home, my dear," the woman greeted, filling Melissa with a sense of both comfort and intrigue.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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