
Settling Business

As a businesswoman, a holiday is no time to lazy around all day. I have assets to develop, liabilities to sell, two places to manage, and taxes to bill. Opportunities don't come twice, and I want to seize them first. I will stop scheming when I have long-term walking assets that could generate revenues without me being present all the time. I would hire an assistant when the time comes. All is for my greater good.

Furthermore, I have muggle study exams this summer in my 'high school'. So studying is the utmost priority. The exams will be in the second week of the summer holiday. I will have a week to review until then. I am confident I will do well on it since I have studied them all year at Hogwarts.

There is also a matter of the Philosopher's Stone. I admit I have no idea what to do with it. I don't even know if it was real or not. I am not an alchemist, after all. I would need time to decipher it and think about the methods later. If the stone is the real deal, I'll try to make gold out of metals to see if it works. Later, I might make the elixir of life to use on me, my elves, and my pets. I honestly get attached to them with each passing time, especially Jelly. He's been a great help. I want them to live long with me.

The first thing I did after I got back from Hogwarts was oversee the results of my ROR-looting all year. They were inside my Hogsmeade House (read: Abode). Due to Quirrell and the Aurors presence, I couldn't loot much last year. So we only managed to take all the movable books and copied half of the unmovable books. There was still a lot unexplored. I was not in a rush since I would have years for that later. Safety always comes first.

I previously ordered Gilly to expand one of the guestrooms on the second floor to be the library for temporary storage. But, there were so many books. I soon realized that I needed a bigger permanent fix for the looted things later. I need to buy a manor, after all.

So, the next day, I found myself inside BloodFangs' office in Gringotts.

"Good day, Mr. BloodFangs! I hope you are well." I said

"Good day, Ms. Vautour. All is indeed well", he said while grinning. All his sharp teeth are showing.

BloodFangs is happy that the family account he manages is the wealthiest of all. He gets a lot of money from the investment profits and more. Not to mention the bonus I gave him occasionally. A happy employee is a happy business. He's been working for me flawlessly without complaining so far.

"What can I do for you, Miss?", BloodFangs continued.

"Sir, I was wondering if you have information about a Manor on sale? I'd love to purchase one."

After a year of dealing with the Goblins, I noticed that we needed to be as direct yet disclosing little information as possible. It is not in my obligation to inform of anything, and it is not the goblins' right to know anything. They are, in every essence of the word, the middleman. And if you know any banker, you would understand that they are one and foremost, profit-oriented. Anything could be traded, at the right price.

"I would need to ask around first for that. But, what kind of manor would you like to acquire?"

"It'd be best if the building is not too old, with a large backyard, three stories, a spacious library, a tea room, and several rooms with balconies. I would love to have at least three fireplaces with one functional floo-network. Of course, I need to see the property first before purchasing. And if everything is fit, I want it under fidelius charm too." I said to BloodFangs.

"Very well, Ms. Vautour. I would search for the properties according to your request. Please give me a month at least then I will tell you more. I will drop the information on your Messenger Box." He said to which I nodded at his explanation.

I understand that Manor hunting could take some time. It is not common for a Manor to be sold, as it's usually inherited, not bought. If things go my way and I live long enough to have descendants, this Manor would be the Vautour Manor my children shall inherit later.

"Here are the vault statements for this month. It detailed your current vault value and investments' revenues".

BloodFangs then handed me a document detailing my vault information and other investment performance. I took it and put it inside my brown sling bag for later reading.

"Do you still have any more business for me to handle, Miss?"

"Yes, Mr. BloodFangs. Could you please escort me to my vault? I want to visit it. Here is the key, and my vault number is 768." I needed to drop the treasure chests from the ROR. I deliberately avoid mentioning my visitation's purpose. Remember not to disclose anything to the goblins? No?

"Very well. Ragnok!" with a flick of his finger, another goblin enters. "please follow Ragnok to your vault Miss. If there's nothing else, we will meet again when we look into your newest property", BloodFangs said while getting rid of me.

"Of course, Mr. BloodFangs. Until we meet again."

"Follow me!" Ragnok said with a snappy voice.

I am used to the goblins' behaviors. They're not purposely being rude. They wanted to get things done quickly, hence the snappiness. But I could understand when others take offense to that. I've seen it happen in the hall with some wizards or witches. The goblins' behavior was deemed too rude or improper for their taste.

The journey was alright. I wore a self-heating cloak, so the cold did not bother me much. When reaching my vault, the goblin stayed at the cart. I stepped down from the cart and walked to the door.

However, about three steps from the door, thick mists suddenly blocked my vision from the cart. I was very alarmed at first. Was it another theft attempt? It was highly possible. My vault is filled with gold, and everyone knows it.

I took out one of the fake wands I had with me to prepare for battle. Although I was not very confident about my dueling skills just yet, I would not go down without a fight. If I died here, I already had my will finalized.

My will and Joan's will. But if I died here... *gasp*

Oh shit!

I suddenly realized another thing. If I died first before Joan, then my wealth will legally be in Joan's hand, which is Jelly. Jelly could not even access them. The muggle side was under Alexander Mortiss, which is me. And the magical side belongs to me. No one could access them. Meaning, that in the end, the goblins will have it after 100 years of inactivity. Not sure about the bank, but pretty sure they would absorb them as well. Not a pence will go to charities either, as everyone would think Joan is still alive. Gosh! I'm so stupid. It's such a huge loophole. I see that I need to rectify things. I need to make Joan "died" somehow. Maybe later when I've reached my majority or sooner when necessary. If that's the case then I need to emancipate myself. I need to talk to Mr. Vaughn.

I'm slapping my face to wake me up from my idiocy. Oh My GOD! Such stupidity... *sigh* *slap* *slap* *slap*

When I was deep in thought, I suddenly heard Ragnok shout: "Hey! Are you done there? We don't have all day!". He sounded irritated.

Huh? There was no attack?

"What's with the fog?" I shouted back.

"It's the protection!" he shouted back without any explanation. I did not know the protection included any fogs.

"It was not there last time!" I shouted back. If he could shout, then I would too. Who says he's the only one who could shout?

"It was added recently! The fog was included in your protection package after reaching a certain amount of gold inside" he shouted back. Pretty sure he muttered "stupid witches, too stupid to be riches."

Huh. Ok.

Taking my wand back into my wand holster, I spun around to face the door. I put my hand on the door and feel my hand-cut and magic drawn. I forgot about this part and was a bit surprised by the event. But I persevered.

Seconds later, the door opened inward just like last time. When the door opened, the fog got even thicker. When I entered the vault, a thin transparent barrier formed, replacing the entrance door. It blocked the fog from entering the vault. I wonder if the barrier was included in the package too?

Inside my vault, I could only stare into the golds that are my wealth. Looking around at the huge mountains of gold I have, I grinned maniacally. I understand why goblins are greedy. I might be a scrooge myself soon!

They're shining, shimmering splendid!

Such temptations!

Fuck it! I decided to jump into one of the shorter mountains of gold and just lay there. Then, I moved my limbs up and down and just tried to swim there. HAHAHAHA. What a hard surface! My body aches!

But I don't care! I would be all aches on riches! HAHAHAHA.

*laughing hysterically ensues*

A few minutes of manic burst later, I just lay there and stare at the ceiling. The ceiling is so tall. Many of my mountain golds reached the ceiling.

*sigh* What a great feeling to be rich.

I decided there and then that I would never be anything less than rich ever again. *grinning evilly*

Taking my sweet time just to spite Ragnok, I pulled out my mokeskin pouch containing the treasure chests. I put the pouch on the floor and asked it to give me the chests. Soon, the chest resurfaces one by one. I put all of the chests around my 'swimming place'. Looking at them, I am very proud to have looted and gotten them for free. I couldn't be happier.


Ten minutes later, I was back in the cart facing a sour-looking Ragnok. I just smiled sweetly at him, and we were off to the surface again.


After my trip to Gringotts, I visited my CSB account manager. I wanted to add a few investment options for him to take. I remember a few things from yester about some asset management companies that would go big in the coming decades.

I morphed into Alexander Mortiss after getting a change of clothes in my Flat. With a pop, I arrived at the CSB's street.

In CSB, Steve greeted me with such warmth that I felt uncomfortable. Steve was not a warm person. He is a banker, a cold one at that.

"Good morning, Mr. Mortiss. Long time no see. How do you do?" Steve said while smiling widely. His pearly white teeth are showing.

"I'm fine, as always. How do you do? From your reaction, I'd say you have a great morning?" I said to him kindheartedly. Remember not to disclose anything? It's not anyone's business where I've gone to these months. Steve never saw me again during my stay at Hogwarts until today.

"Excellent! I have great news Mr. Mortiss!" he said to which I motioned him to continue.

"Your investments have been very successful. I'd say you have a great vision to select the right companies to invest in. Even though, I was very curious myself as to how such a young mind could achieve such feats. Alas, I'm happy to inform you, Mr. Mortis, that your total revenues for this year are 89 million pounds. The amount is a net value after taxes."

I smile kindheartedly. My body position is relaxed and in a non-threatening pose. "Thank you, Mr. Bennet. I do follow the market trends, of course, like everybody else. Though, there might be some lucks, as well. I believe many others have better revenues than me." I stated the truth. There were many high-rollers out there, who made gazzilion more money than I did. I was not naive to take his baiting.

"Well, that's correct. US economy seemed to flourish these years, so any investment in the hot markets should generate revenues." He said, hinting about my apparent interests in the US companies.

"That's true, Mr. Bennet. In fact, I was here today to request more investment in the US market." I said.

"Oh, is that so? What do you have in mind?"

"I would like to place some money to two asset management companies I have had my eyes on for a while, through the CSB. Both were in the US. Don't worry, I would still inquire about your services for my other investments, of course". I said to him.

Steve Bennet was quiet for some time. It was clear that he was calculating his next move. There was no need to decline the service as it was his job to allocate the money for his client. But, he did not want to be replaced by the new companies the client was requesting to invest in. They were both asset management companies, after all. They collected and allocated money for profits. The same thing he currently does with the CSB. It was only a matter of time before all of his money would be transferred somewhere else.

Steve thought that there was another way. Steve could attract the client's interest to another option, which is offshore wealth management. A financial service that he could support through the CSB. All of his client's investments so far had only reached the European and American markets. Maybe if he could try to expand his investments to the Middle East and South-East Asia, the money would stay in the CSB.

Middle-East is currently in an economic boom with the massive oil production there. South-East Asia, too, will be one of the most prosperous regions on earth, due to its size, population, and future development. They are emerging economies. It will take time, but I believe the client would be interested. Yes, that's what I'll do.

Steve said, "Of course, Mr. Mortis. We would be happy to help. Which companies would you like your money to be allocated into?"

"They're Blackrock and Vanguard. I would like to allocate 200 million pounds to Blackrock and 100 million pounds to Vanguard. I have a good feeling about the two." I said to him.

"Alright, I will see to it that your money is allocated well. Please fill out these forms for the legal contracts and settlements needed for the transfer", Steve said to me while handling some papers.

"Mr. Mortiss, if I could interest you in one of our services in asset management while you read through the paper.." Steve said to which I nodded for him to continue. I was indeed interested.

"We have a service called an Integrated Platform, which supports onshore and offshore wealth management. I personally would like to suggest offshore wealth management to our associates in the Uni Emirate Arab and Singapore. I believe both places were high potential for future developments, thus generating more profits. We could compile a few files regarding both of them for you to look at more."

"Very interesting. I am intrigued. The UAE and Singapore are two places I have not really thought about before. I think there's no reason for me to decline some information. I would like to look into it more before deciding, of course." I said to Steve. He had an excellent point that those places were very potential.

"Very well, Mr. Mortiss. I will drop the information in your mailbox soon next week. I would love to work out some business more with you." Steve said.

I nodded at him.

After completing the required documents, I said goodbye to Steve. I also brought my bank statements with me. It contained my account value after my latest transactions.

After exiting the CSB and moving to a secluded location, I apparated to my house to study my muggle subjects in the meantime.


A/N. I hereby declare that I have no affiliation with any companies mentioned in this story, and neither do I endorse them in any way. All information is for entertainment purposes, though they have some truths in it as well. You are free to find out more about them. Especially BlackRock, which is one of the most powerful companies in the world now. You might not hear it much, or ever, but the company owned almost all of the mainstream companies. It is also the only foreign company that could legally operate inside the Chinese mutual fund market, approved by President Xi Jinping. I'd say we will have very interesting years ahead.