
A vampires love story (fanfiction of a vampires pet)

a fan fiction of a vampires pet by cannon same world just different characters.

Kiarva_Ryan · Bücher und Literatur
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vampire pet: world layout

Vampire pet: World Layout

Time: Modern

Vampires hirearcy:

Lords, Ladies = rulers of the city and castle Most powerful

- Can turn a human into a vampire

- Has powers

Prince/princess = offspring of lords/ladies

- 1st born has 75 percent of parents power

- 2nd born 50 percent and slowly dwindles from there. 1st born is the heir.

- (note they arent as powerful when they arent in their own territory)

- They also have powers much like parents

Vampires: They reside in the castle under the lord and ladies rule.

Pet masters: Breed and sell pets. Some own shops that are opened every day others own shops that open once a month.

- cannot feed from their stock.

- school and teach their stock what they see fit

- Can not rape their stock

- Arent checked on as far as not eating from their stock or not killing their stock

- Pets depending on what the shop does are submitted to yearly testing for disease and other thigns. Some shops do this once monthly ( they go to a huge wearhouse where they are treated like dirt for 2 days. All pets must submit to this)

- Pets can be sold at the age of 12 all the way to 24

- Own the papers for their stock till stock is sold

Orphanage: Is a place where children whose parents were slaves are put. They are raised by vampires. They are allowed to live and learn what the vampire raising them sees fit till they reach 12 then they are sorted out into slaves, pets, breeders, or slaughter.

Humans: citizens = people who live and work in the city. They are free to do as they please as long as its not against any rules of the city. They are only required to donate blood every two months at which point they all line up and are accounted for before the blood is drawn.

- Are allowed to live as long as they want

- Go to school

- Have jobs

- Paperwork on them at all times stating that they are free and citizen

- freedom

Slaves: Were men who served a certain vampire, or served the castle.

- Allowed to age to 25 then were used to breed pets or were chosen to be sent to the slaughter house

- Slaves while living in the castle could breed a pet if the vampire master wanted this to happen more often then not a beloved pet would be bred by her master with a slave boy so that her master could have her child.

- Extensive paperwork on their parents and them

Breeders: A breeders only job was to have children.

- They were to have a child once every two years sometimes sooner. Their masters/owners would be the ones who decided when and who they would have children with.

- Normally a breeder would start at the age of 16 till 30 before being sent to the slaughter house.

- Extensive paperwork on their parents and them

Pets: mostly woman between the ages of 12 to 25

- Are to serve their vampire

- Only speak when spoken to

- Might have some schooling if pet owner/ shop owner saw fit

- No rights

- Expected to live in a small cage

- Can get whipped if they are out of line or if the vampire just feels like it ( new whips cause more damage then an old used one does)

- Wear a collar and leash

- Dress how vampire sees fit

- Short life could be a week could be less ( once 25 are forced from their vampire masters into breeding or slaugher house. No one can prevent this from happening population control.

- Don't really form relationship with their master vampire due to them having such a short life however, it has happened before just frowned apon since only a lord or lady can change a human into a vampire and even then sometimes it doesn't work

- Owner has their paperwork though paperwork is first given to the lady or lord before being transferred to the vampire owner.

Rogue: Humans that have ran away

- Killed on sight

- Might be turned into a pet/breeder

Slaughterhouse: Where humans are sent when they reach a certain age or step out of line. The name pretty much entails what is going to happen. The humans would be slaughtered for their blood. Though its not unheard of, for the vampires working at the slaughter house to take certain liberties out on the humans before they meet their demise.

Blood moon: Once a year. Vampires cant help their primal urges and go into a blood lust. Some gain their wings on that night others don't.

Wings: Only on a blood moon or a time of danger will a vampire gain their wings it takes a lot out of them. Lords/lady's can control when they get them

this is a fan fiction based on the book 'A Vampire's Pet' by cannon