
Eliza At Work

Hera could feel the condescending tone Stephan was using to speak to her and she imagined herself smacking him hard across his stupid face. He needed to be taught a lesson – a lesson that his mother failed to drum into him before she died.

"You're sick and would not last to the end of this year!" Hera said with vitriol, unable to restrain herself form using harsh words any longer. 

"It will be better if you give up the position now… and to Kane for that matter. He is the one capable of running this kingdom with the firm grip that is required to be a powerful king."

"Empathy and compassion is required to be a powerful king too but does your son understand those words?"


"That wasn't for you to respond to, Hera," Stephan said curtly, cutting her sentence off as he already knew the answers to the question.

"Kane can not be the king of this Kingdom…" Stephan said.