
A vampire's mirage

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 18+ // this is the only warning for the excerpt] Synopsis: Li likes both Zhang and Wang, but believes that Zhang and Wang like each other. Li wants to be a good friend and sets Zhang and Wang up with each other. However, the truth is that neither Zhang nor Wang like each other; they both actually have feelings for Li. Novel contains: Insults to the reader's intelligence, irony, sarcasm. Novel does not contain: Good Synopsis. There are countless other satisfying novels for you to explore, so if this one doesn't catch your attention, feel free to switch.

Yara_0625 · Fantasie
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23 Chs

Bloodline legacy.

Wǎn Qīng's vampire bloodline traced its origins back centuries to the ancient kingdom of Valescia, steeped in legends and mystery. According to the lore passed down through generations, the first vampire in their bloodline was Seraphina, a noblewoman who dared to make a pact with the powerful entity known as the Crimson Shadow. This pact granted Seraphina immortality, strength beyond measure, and an insatiable thirst for blood. It also infused her bloodline with unique powers that would be inherited by her descendants.

Over time, each vampire family within Wǎn Qīng's bloodline developed distinct characteristics and abilities as they evolved and adapted to their surroundings. Among them, the Nightwinds stood out for their profound affinity with shadows. They had the uncanny ability to merge with darkness, becoming one with it, and moving with unparalleled stealth. Their family motto, "In nocte pax," meaning "In the night, there is peace," reflected their preference for the tranquility found within the veil of night.

On the other hand, the Ashenhearts boasted an innate connection to fire. They possessed the rare gift to summon flames, bend them to their will, and demonstrated a fierce temper and indomitable spirit. Their motto, "Ignis et virtus," meaning "Fire and strength," perfectly encapsulated their fiery nature and unwavering determination.

The Bloodthornes, another influential family within the bloodline, were renowned for their mastery of mind manipulation and illusions. Their powers of mental coercion were unmatched, enabling them to bend the wills of others and create intricate illusions to deceive their enemies. Their motto, "Veritas est lux," meaning "Truth is light," alluded to their skill in manipulating reality to suit their desires.

Throughout history, the vampire families within Wǎn Qīng's bloodline formed intricate alliances and rivalries that shaped their world. The Nightwinds and Ashenhearts had long fostered a cooperative relationship, pooling their strengths to protect each other and maintain a delicate balance of power. They recognized that their elemental affinities complemented each other perfectly, with the Nightwinds employing darkness to conceal the fiery nature of the Ashenhearts.

However, the Bloodthornes harbored an age-old rivalry with both families. Their unparalleled power over the mind made them cunning adversaries, often employing their illusions to sow discord and distrust among the other vampire clans. Their motives remained shrouded in mystery, but rumors circulated that they sought ultimate dominion over their bloodline, craving power above all else.

Wǎn Qīng's lineage played a pivotal role in maintaining this delicate equilibrium of power. Descended from all three families, she possessed a unique combination of powers: the shadow manipulation of the Nightwinds, the fiery prowess of the Ashenhearts, and the mental manipulation of the Bloodthornes. This convergence of abilities made her an exceptional force to be reckoned with, and a potential game-changer in the vampire world.

The story of Wǎn Qīng's lineage commenced with the forbidden love between a Nightwinds vampire and an Ashenhearts vampire several centuries ago. Their union defied the long-standing rivalry between their families and led to an unprecedented mingling of bloodlines. However, this secret union was known only to a select few within each family who comprehended the immense power it could bring forth.

The offspring of this forbidden union inherited the combined blood of the Nightwinds and Ashenhearts, exhibiting traits from both families. However, it was in subsequent generations that the Bloodthornes became entwined with the bloodline. A vampire from the Bloodthornes fell in love with a descendant of the Nightwinds and Ashenhearts, resulting in yet another forbidden union. This union solidified the convergence of the three families' powers within Wǎn Qīng's blood.

Through this intricate web of alliances, Wǎn Qīng emerged as the living embodiment of her bloodline's history, embodying the fusion of their distinct characteristics. The shadow manipulation of the Nightwinds, the fiery prowess of the Ashenhearts, and the mental manipulation of the Bloodthornes all coursed through her veins.

Her ancestry made her a rarity among vampires, granting her access to an unprecedented range of abilities and potential. It also made her a target for various factions who recognized the threat she posed to the established order of power.

Wǎn Qīng's lineage and the convergence of her bloodline's powers had the potential to upset the delicate balance among the vampire families. The alliances that had been maintained for centuries could be disrupted, leading to a dangerous power struggle and chaos within their world.

Many vampires believed that Wǎn Qīng had the power to tip the scales in favor of one family, igniting a bloody conflict that would reshape the vampire hierarchy. Her existence became a matter of intrigue and danger, with factions vying to either control her or eliminate her as a threat.

Unaware of the magnitude of her heritage, Wǎn Qīng found herself entangled in a complex web of rivalries and power plays. As she delved deeper into her family's history and unlocked her own potential, she realized that her choices would have far-reaching consequences. The future of her bloodline and the fragile balance of power depended on her decisions and alliances.

Wǎn Qīng's journey to understand her bloodline's legacy and harness her unique powers was fraught with challenges and revelations. She discovered hidden texts and ancient artifacts that unveiled the secrets of her ancestors, shedding light on the true nature of their powers and the underlying motivations of the Bloodthornes.

As she navigated this treacherous path, Wǎn Qīng began to grasp the significance of her existence. She was not merely a pawn in the power struggles of the vampire world; she had the potential to reshape the destiny of her bloodline and determine the course of vampire society.

With each step forward, Wǎn Qīng grew more confident in her abilities and more determined to forge her own path. She sought to bridge the gaps between the vampire families, hoping to unite them rather than succumbing to the divisions that threatened to tear them apart.

In her quest for unity, Wǎn Qīng sought allies among the Nightwinds and Ashenhearts who understood the importance of embracing their shared heritage. Together, they would challenge the Bloodthornes' manipulative agenda and strive to restore harmony and balance to their bloodline.

The journey ahead was perilous, as enemies lurked in the shadows, ready to exploit any weakness or fracture among the vampire families. But Wǎn Qīng was undeterred. She carried within her the legacy of her bloodline, the convergence of three powerful lineages, and she was determined to use her unique gifts to forge a new path for her kind.

Wǎn Qīng knew that the fate of her bloodline rested on her shoulders. The choices she made and the alliances she formed would determine not only her own destiny but the future of vampire society itself. It was a burden she accepted willingly, for she was the embodiment of her bloodline's legacy, and she would fight to protect and honor it until her last breath.