
A vampire's mirage

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 18+ // this is the only warning for the excerpt] Synopsis: Li likes both Zhang and Wang, but believes that Zhang and Wang like each other. Li wants to be a good friend and sets Zhang and Wang up with each other. However, the truth is that neither Zhang nor Wang like each other; they both actually have feelings for Li. Novel contains: Insults to the reader's intelligence, irony, sarcasm. Novel does not contain: Good Synopsis. There are countless other satisfying novels for you to explore, so if this one doesn't catch your attention, feel free to switch.

Yara_0625 · Fantasie
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23 Chs

18: The exile begins.

The moon cast an ethereal glow upon the darkened forest as Sebastian's steps echoed through the stillness of the night. The distant hooting of an owl and the rustling of leaves under his feet seemed to heighten his senses, reminding him of the dangers lurking in the shadows. His keen vampire vision allowed him to see clearly in the darkness, yet he couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability that came with his newfound status as an exile.

The weight of the past clung to his every step, and memories of Countess Vespera's betrayal replayed in his mind like a haunting melody. He had once considered her an ally, but now he saw her as a formidable adversary, fueled by ambition and a thirst for power. He couldn't comprehend why she had chosen to act with such venomous intent, turning against him and his vision of a united world.

In the moments of solitude, Sebastian's thoughts inevitably turned to his mother, Amelia. Her face, etched with concern and determination, was a constant presence in his mind. The guilt he felt for the dangers he had exposed her to weighed heavily on his heart. Yet, Amelia had been his guiding light, standing by his side even in the darkest of times. Her unwavering support had given him the strength to endure, and he vowed to make her sacrifices count.

The trail ahead led him through the remnants of small towns and villages that now stood as silent witnesses to the infection's devastation. Abandoned homes and belongings scattered on the streets spoke of hasty evacuations, leaving behind a haunting reminder of the lives lost. Each sight fueled his anger and determination to find a cure for this merciless plague that had wreaked havoc on both humans and vampires alike.

In one settlement, he encountered a lone survivor named Jonah. His eyes were haunted, and his voice trembled as he recounted the horrors he had witnessed. "It started with a little boy," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "He fell sick, and no one knew what it was. But then others started showing the same symptoms—fever, weakness, and then...then they turned into something else, something monstrous."

Sebastian listened attentively, his heart heavy with sorrow for the innocent lives lost. The vivid image of a once-vibrant child transformed into a monster haunted him, igniting a fierce determination to find the source of the infection and put an end to its merciless rampage.

As he continued his journey, he encountered a mix of reactions from vampires he encountered. Some, drawn to his cause, saw him as a symbol of hope and believed in his vision of unity. They shared stories of loved ones lost to the infection and sought a future where vampires and humans could coexist in harmony.

However, not all vampires shared this sentiment. He faced hostility from those who still clung to loyalty to the vampire clan, viewing his exile as a sign of weakness and failure. Some even accused him of being a traitor to his kind, a painful accusation that pricked at his heart. Yet, he remained steadfast in his belief that unity was the path forward, regardless of the challenges he encountered.

In one tense encounter, he narrowly avoided a confrontation with a group of vampires who saw him as a threat to their way of life. They taunted him, their words laced with venom, and mocked his efforts to bridge the gap between vampires and humans. Despite the provocation, he managed to keep his emotions in check, understanding that violence would only breed more division and strife.

Amidst the challenges and dangers, Sebastian found unexpected allies among humans who saw beyond his vampiric nature. They welcomed him with open arms, recognizing the goodness within him and his genuine desire for change. Their acceptance and support surprised him, reaffirming his belief that unity between the two species was not an impossible dream.

As days turned into weeks, his journey became a test of both physical and emotional endurance. He battled his inner demons, struggling to reconcile the weight of leadership and the burden of expectations. The harsh realities of a world ravaged by the infection served as a constant reminder of the urgency of his mission.

Yet, he pressed on, driven by a sense of responsibility to bring about change and to ensure that the sacrifices made by his mother and others were not in vain. Each step he took was a testament to his unwavering determination and the strength of his conviction.

The path ahead remained uncertain, and the road was filled with challenges and dangers. But Sebastian knew that he couldn't turn back. The fate of both humans and vampires depended on his success, and he was determined to prove that a new era of unity and understanding was possible—even in the darkest of times.

As he journeyed deeper into the unknown, he held on to hope, knowing that every step brought him closer to the truth, the cure, and the future he envisioned—a world where vampires and humans could live side by side, embracing their differences and finding strength in their unity