
A vampire's mirage

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 18+ // this is the only warning for the excerpt] Synopsis: Li likes both Zhang and Wang, but believes that Zhang and Wang like each other. Li wants to be a good friend and sets Zhang and Wang up with each other. However, the truth is that neither Zhang nor Wang like each other; they both actually have feelings for Li. Novel contains: Insults to the reader's intelligence, irony, sarcasm. Novel does not contain: Good Synopsis. There are countless other satisfying novels for you to explore, so if this one doesn't catch your attention, feel free to switch.

Yara_0625 · Fantasie
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23 Chs

12: Restless nights.

The Smithson family's home became a haven for restless nights, as an eerie sense of unease settled upon them in the wake of Emily's secret burial. Their grief had woven a tangled web around their hearts, leaving them vulnerable to the whispers of the night and the foreboding shadows that danced in the corners of their minds.

As the moon ascended to its zenith, casting a pale glow through the bedroom window, Mr. Smithson, a man weathered by sorrow, found himself plagued by insomnia. Restless, he tossed and turned in his bed, his thoughts consumed by the memory of their clandestine ceremony in the secluded grove. The weight of their decision hung heavily upon him, stirring doubts and heightening his senses to alertness.

His wife, Mrs. Smithson, lay beside him, her face etched with lines of worry, fatigue, and deep sorrow. Her eyes carried the weight of countless tears shed in the wake of their daughter's loss. Every night, as she lay in bed, her mind would inevitably wander through a labyrinth of what-ifs and uncertainties, haunted by the memory of Emily's vibrant spirit extinguished too soon.

The once familiar sounds of their home, once comforting and reassuring, now seemed foreign and distorted, amplifying their fears and suspicions. Mrs. Smithson couldn't help but yearn for the laughter that used to fill the hallways, the warmth of Emily's presence that was now an aching void in their lives. It pained her to think of the milestones they would never experience together, the dreams and aspirations Emily would never have the chance to pursue.

Gazing at her husband's restless form beside her, Mrs. Smithson's heart ached with shared grief. Their connection, once a source of strength and solace, now served as a reminder of the profound loss they both endured. It was in these silent moments, beneath the cover of darkness, that her tears would flow freely, mingling with the unspoken words of longing for their daughter.

As the nights unfolded with their strange occurrences and spectral whispers, Mrs. Smithson couldn't help but find solace in the idea that Emily's spirit lingered in their home. She clung to the belief that the supernatural happenings were manifestations of Emily's enduring love, a bittersweet reminder that she was never truly gone.

Yet, the weight of her sadness never ceased. The knowledge that her daughter's absence would forever leave a mark on their lives seeped into her bones, a constant ache that resided deep within her being. It was a burden she carried silently, not wanting to burden her family further with her overwhelming grief.

In the stillness of the night, as the moon cast its gentle glow through the window, Mrs. Smithson would reach out, her hand searching for her husband's. Their fingers entwined, providing a modicum of solace amidst the darkness. Together, they found strength in their shared sorrow, knowing that their love for Emily would forever be an unbreakable bond that transcended the realms of the living and the departed.

Though the restless nights persisted, Mrs. Smithson held onto the fragments of hope that remained. She believed that their journey into the supernatural would lead them closer to understanding and perhaps even finding a sense of peace. With each passing day, as the weight of their loss pressed heavily upon their hearts, she drew strength from the love and memories they shared as a family, cherishing the moments they had with Emily and those that lay ahead in their quest for answers.

In the stillness of the night, strange occurrences began to unfold. Faint whispers seemed to echo through the corridors, barely audible but enough to send a shiver down their spines. Objects inexplicably moved from their usual places, unsettling the carefully arranged order of their home. Doors creaked open with an eerie slowness, as if manipulated by unseen hands. The air itself seemed heavy with an otherworldly presence, electrifying the atmosphere with an unnerving energy.

As the nights wore on, the Smithson family found themselves united in their shared experiences of the inexplicable. Emily's bedroom, now a solemn shrine, became the epicenter of these unsettling phenomena. Footsteps, soft and barely discernible, echoed through the empty hallway, leading them to the closed door of her room. Fear mingled with curiosity as they hesitated, their hands trembling, before gently turning the doorknob.

Upon entering, a chill ran down their spines. The room bore an uncanny resemblance to Emily's vibrant spirit, frozen in time. Her belongings remained untouched, the air carrying the faint scent of her favorite perfume. Yet, a subtle shift in the atmosphere was palpable—a presence that defied rational explanation, but one that felt undeniably real.

Unexplained sounds punctuated their nights, their eerie resonance haunting the very core of their beings. Whispers grew louder, though the words eluded their comprehension. Murmurs became indistinct, blending with the creaks of the old house and the rustling of leaves outside. The boundaries between the physical and the ethereal seemed to blur, as if Emily's spirit lingered within their midst, desperately trying to communicate.

Sleep became an elusive companion for the Smithson family. Their weary eyes bore witness to the flickering shadows on the walls, their imaginations weaving tales of the supernatural. In hushed conversations beneath the covers, they shared their fears, their doubts, and their unspoken hope that these strange occurrences were manifestations of Emily's enduring presence, rather than something more sinister.

With each passing night, the weight of the unknown grew heavier, casting a haunting spell over their lives. The veil between the realm of the living and that of the departed had become perilously thin, blurring the boundaries of their reality. Their restless nights continued unabated, as they grappled with the unexplainable and dared to confront the unsettling truth—that their decision to secretly bury Emily had invited consequences far beyond their expectations.

As the family's nights grew more restless, their days became a haze of fatigue and anxiety. Dark circles formed under their eyes, their once vibrant spirits dulled by the relentless haunting that infiltrated their home. Whispers turned into distinct voices, each member of the family hearing their own name called out in the dead of night. The walls seemed to hold secrets, and the air became heavy with an unspoken presence.

Even the house itself seemed to respond to the family's unease. Floorboards creaked in protest under their weight, as if echoing their anxiety. Lights flickered, casting eerie shadows that danced and twisted along the walls. Pictures tilted on their hooks, and cherished mementos inexplicably fell to the ground, shattering the fragile peace that the Smithsons desperately clung to.

With their restless nights bleeding into their waking hours, the family sought solace in one another's company. They huddled together, seeking strength in their shared experiences, desperately trying to make sense of the inexplicable. Mr. Smithson, once a pillar of stoicism, now openly expressed his concern, his voice trembling with a mixture of fear and determination.

"We must confront this, for Emily's sake," he declared, his eyes meeting the gaze of his wife and children. "We owe it to her memory to unravel the mystery that has taken hold of our lives."

Mrs. Smithson, her face etched with a mix of weariness and unwavering love, nodded in agreement. She reached out and clasped her husband's trembling hand, finding solace in their shared resolve.

Emily's older sister, sensing the gravity of the situation, nodded with her parents. The restless nights had forged an unbreakable bond between them, a bond that transcended fear and uncertainty. United by their love for Emily and their quest for answers, they braced themselves for the inevitable confrontation with the forces that now resided within their home.

Armed with determination and a flicker of hope, the Smithson family delved into research, seeking insights into the paranormal and the supernatural. They consulted books on spirits and consulted experts in the field, hoping to shed light on the enigma that plagued their lives. Yet, as they delved deeper into the occult and the unknown, they couldn't shake the nagging feeling that their actions had opened a door they might never be able to close.

Within the pages of the supernatural books they consulted, a chilling discovery awaited them—a cryptic passage that sent shivers down their spines.

"When facing hauntings and restless spirits," the passage read, "check the grave of the deceased, for within the soil lay the answers you seek."

The words held an eerie resonance, fueling their determination to uncover the truth behind Emily's torment.

The Smithson family, their hearts pounding with a mix of trepidation and a glimmer of hope, realized they had no choice but to confront the truth that lay buried in Emily's secret grave. Their journey into the supernatural had led them to this pivotal moment—a moment where they must unmask the sinister forces that had taken hold of their lives.

With fear in their hearts and a newfound resolve, they set out under the cover of darkness, their footsteps muffled by the weight of their purpose. The grove loomed before them, its silent expanse a testament to the audacity of the Smithsons. They sought solace in the shadows as they approached the grave that held the key to their salvation.

The moon cast a haunting glow upon the scene as they reached Emily's grave, marked by a weathered flower bed. The air was heavy with anticipation as they gathered around, their breaths held in unison. Each family member, in turn, laid a hand upon Emily's resting place, feeling the cold touch of stone against their skin.

As they stood in solemn unity, a hushed silence enveloped them, broken only by the rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of nocturnal creatures. The weight of their secret bore down upon them, mingling with the whispers of the night. It was time to confront the truth that had been concealed in the darkness—the truth of what had truly transpired on that fateful day.

With a collective exhale, they began to dig, their movements methodical and determined. The soil yielded to their efforts, but as they dug deeper, their brows furrowed with confusion. Only loose soil greeted their hands, with no sign of a buried body. The realization struck them with a force that nearly knocked the wind out of their sails.

They exchanged bewildered glances, their hearts sinking in the face of this unexpected revelation. Had Emily's body been moved? Was there another secret buried within the depths of their tangled web of lies? Questions swirled in their minds, threatening to unravel the fragile thread of their hopes.

With a heavy sigh, Mr. Smithson leaned on the shovel, his gaze fixed on the empty hole before him. "This changes everything," he murmured, his voice filled with a mix of disbelief and unease. "There's more to Emily's disappearance than we thought."