
A Vampire's Human Mate

Lyliath_ · Fantasie
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2 Chs


I was really happy and excited toda. Our college campus organized a camping tour for us in the middle of a North forest. We were staying for 3 nights. Currently I was packing my luggage for the camping in my home. I decided to take basic stuffs like , clothes obviously, few plastic bowls and spoons, sunscreen, mosquito repellent cuz why not it's a forest afterall, few protection things, first aid just in case and electronics and lights too and the things our college assigned us with..

I was in charge for food supplies... So I pack another bag filled with them enough for three nights, few more were in charge of foods too. Most of them were given from our campus.

Anyways I was almost done with my packing when I heard my phone ringing. Looking at the caller screen, a smile plastered on my face. It was my Best Friend!!... I received and my voice went excited in a sec.


"Hey Lily, how's everything going?" her cheerful voice bloomed

"Everything is complicated, I can't wait for tomorrow " excitement was written on my face

"same here bestie, this is like our first time. Can't wait to explore a forest nature"

We talk and gossip about another hour deciding what to do in the camping tour and making our plans. Feeling relieved, i go with rest of the day and went to sleep with a fresh mind, looking forward to our trip

Next morning.....

I woke up early, fresh up and had an appetizing breakfast before check my luggages again to make sure i didn't forgot anything. Then I went to get dressed up before leaving the house and locking up everything securely. A bus from campus was supposed to pick us up from our respective houses. I waited for 15 mins and saw a bus coming. My adrenaline pumped up thinking about the rest of the adventurous journey I'll experience. Stepping in, I located my best friend and we sat together, already started our gossips. It was a 3 hours journey to the forest. We did small activities in the bus to pass time quickly..

After reaching, we have to walk by foot into the forest. So we buckled up our luggages and backs starting our journey. Professors were infront leading us the way to the camp site. Walk a good 40 mins, we came in a quiet spacious land in the forest. Professors instructed us different partners and told to put up our tents. Me and Eliana were in same team, so we immediately scattered from others but near enough and started putting up our tent. It was a hardwork but we were successful. Other tents were also putted up. Some were putting tables and grills for food.

The professor called us up. We were required to go deep in the forest to collect woods for the bonfire. People incharge for cooking already started to work on the place.

Soon it was getting dark, I was called to bring the food so i went in my tent to bring that bag. By the time I came out, I felt a gush of wind blem my hair. My heart beating fast, my steps paused outside. I was so confused with the sudden feeling, I looked here and there around trying to figure out what made me feel like this.

I was getting so impatient from not able to figure out the cause. After a good 2 mins, I felt the feeling disappear. That's when I realized my teachers were calling me. I shook my head lightly and went towards the professor.

"here ma'am" i extended my hand and handed her the luggage. I was having a uneasy feeling, something I never felt before. I tried my best to brush it off.

"what happened Lily? Are you alright? is something bothering you? " i saw worry in my teachers eyes but I couldn't bring myself to admit what i felt.

"no ma'am, it's okay I'm alright. I'll go see if anyone needs help" i put up a small smile and move away before she could question more. I tried to act normal and went on with the night.

We ate delicious roasted food. Talked and played small things around the bonfire. The first night was really fun before we were told to move to ur tents to sleep.

Tomorrow we will be exploring the forest so need a lot of energy and enough rest.

Preparing our sleeping bags, me and my friend laid in it. She slept pretty quickly. But I was still thinking about the previous encounter of that sudden feeling and what caused it. Don't know when I drifted into sleep while thinking about it.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Lyliath_creators' thoughts