
The Break Up

Two weeks passed since they've met, and during these two weeks Koharu visited the shop everyday while discussing with Mizuki about different stuff, like sports, gaming, anime, manga, school and both of them discovered that both of them were otaku's, but that didn't matter and were avoiding stuff about her boyfriend.

One day though, Koharu was getting ready to go see Mizuki, but her boyfriend, Kentaro Kage, saw how she was about to leave and asked where is she going again today

"I'm going to see a friend of mine" Koharu responded to him with a cold voice

"And you went to see him or here everyday for the past two weeks?" Kentaro asked her again with a bit of suspicion in his voice

"Yes, and now leave me alone because that's none of your business" Koharu responded to him yet again with a cold voice and now she gave him a pissed look

"Well I'm coming with you to meet this friend of yours" Kentaro suggested something that didn't please Koharu's ears

"You don't need to co..." while she was denying his suggestion she turned her glare towards him and froze in terror. Kentaro heard her rejection and almost snapped out of anger for no reason. After a few minutes he calmed down and went to change his clothes to go meet Koharu's "friend"

Back at the shop, no one was there except Mizuki, obviously, and the sound of the fire from the grill. This silence was broken when Koharu showed up together with Kentaro. Mizuki greeted both of them

"So... you are the friend Hanami was visiting everyday for the past two weeks" Kentaro already started to question Mizuki

"Oh... so you are the boyfriend. Nice to meet you" Mizuki tried to make a good first impression, while having a fake smile on his face

"Two bowls of ramen please" Kentaro ordered for both of them. While saying this Koharu was afraid that Kentaro will burst out and threaten Mizuki with all kind of stuff

"Coming right up" Mizuiki started preparing the bowls

Five minutes later, Mizuki gave them their order and silence reappeared. The pressure in the room was heavy, but the only one affected was Koharu because she worried more for Mizuki than her boyfriend

"So how's college?" Mizuki's question broke the silence by asking something common

"I-It's going quite g-" Koharu tried answering, but was interrupted by Kentaro "That's none of your business". Koharu saw that Kentaro built up anger for no reason and was about to snap. She was worried how will Mizuki respond to this

"Who said that I was asking you?" Mizuki confronted him with a calm voice

Kentaro heard and snapped. He took the empty bowl and threw it towards Mizuki. He dodged the bowl with ease. Kentaro started cursing and threatening Mizuki. Koharu was terrified, but she remembered what Mizuki told her when they met. She took a deep breath, got up and smacked Kentaro's face with full force. After that smack she started yelling at him

"Since we started dating you treated me like an animal. I've got fed up with all your bullsh*t. That's it, we're done!!" Koharu was feeling a burst of average of courage and adrenaline

"So you are breaking up with me?! You b*tch..." Kentaro heard Koharu's words, raised his first to hit her, but was stopped when a white light flashed in front of his eyes. He looked at his right and saw a knife stuck in the wall. Kentaro turned his look towards Mizuki and all his transformed into fear after seeing Mizuki's deathly face

Kentaro's face turned from a bright red into a pale, white face in seconds. Sweat started streaming down his face, took a deep gulp and continued threatening Mizuki, but with a stutter deep down in his voice

"Y-You two a-are going r-regret this" Kentaro build up courage to say this and then he left running

After he left, Koharu fell down on her knees and tears started streaming down her cheeks. They were not tears of sadness, but rather tears of joy

"It's over, it's finally over" Koharu was so happy that sparks of happiness showing up "That bastard is gone"

"For a while. He will come back, but we will scare him that he will poop his pants" Mizuki brought her to reality, but cheered her up. Koharu agreed with him