

What happens when a young lady is coerced into marriage by her parents after her step sister, who should have been the bride runs away with her lover-and then her soon to be husband has a hideous scandal attached to his name? Facing the challenges of being a married woman and trying to avoid being close to her arrogant spouse, Emily vows to leave once her dad's debts are cleared. Then fate takes a huge step and she suddenly finds herself falling for the one person she despised. Emily sets out to expose his ex girlfriend image and the ones behind his tainted name while trying desperately to make Liam see her as a lady.

NuellaDuru · Urban
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31 Chs


We drove into the discarded place. Two men in black stood with their guns in their hands. Paul, my driver looked back at me in fear. I nodded before alighting the car.

When we got down, the two men approached us, one whispered something into the other's ear before pointing his gun at Paul.

"Hey, hold on..." Before Paul could say anymore, one of the men fired the gun at him. I knelt in front of him and place his hands in mine. "Run..." He struggled for words. Blood was already flowing from his forehead. He squeezed a tiny paper and flash drive in my hand before breathing his last.

"Why? Were you so eager to pull your trigger that you couldn't spare this innocent life?"

"I warned you. I told you to come alone but you didn't heed my instruction. Just like little children, when adults make mistakes, some consequences follow."

"Where is Rosie?" I fretted.

"Where's the money?" I scanned the room back and forth before opening the car.