
A True Lie

A boy want to achieve his dream, to be the Demon Slayer Master.

samm29 · Aktion
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27 Chs


Itorabi went home, and went crazy. His mom was very scared of him.

- Hey, Itorabi, why are you so furious?

- Because I want to...if you talk to me one more time I will kill you...

- Oh..s-..sorry..


Itorabi went in his room. He was out of his mind.

At school, no one could stare at him. They we're so scared of him. Kuno and Jeno said:

- Hey, Itorabi, are you ok?

- Can you not please talk to me...i'll murder you all...

- Ok...

Itorabi wanted to meet his evil rival. He wanted to co-operate with him, Itorabi turned evil too.

Itorabi went to him, and talked to him.

- Hey...what is your name?

- Oh...me?

- Yes..

- Well my name is Itoh Katashi, yours?

- My name is Itorabi Shinji, I saw you in the restaurant when you killed that ghoukira, and I heard what you said in the bathroom, that you want to destroy this town, am I right?

- Nice to meet you, yeah. Wanna join me?

- That's why I wanted to talk to you...

- Perfect...