
A True Lie

A boy want to achieve his dream, to be the Demon Slayer Master.

samm29 · Aktion
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27 Chs


The West team didin't know what happened. The barrier was broken. Meanwhile The East team, ran to the West, and escaped. They we're very proud of what they made. They saved all the kids.

*No way...did we stop all of this..?*

- Hey!! What happened?

- Well, we found a cave, and that cave was not a normal cave...

- What was it?

- In that cave was the mage that sustained the shield power. We defeated, and make a promise with him. That we will spare his life, but with one condition. That he will stop the magic barrier. And he understood what he had to do.

- Wow...so you guys saved us!

- Yeah...do you guys have any food?

- We have but now let's calm ourselves.

The kids ate the vegetables that the other team had. They we're doing fine.

- I think my father lied to me...he said that he we're somewhere in Anako Mountains...and then we got trapped..

Itorabi was very angry, and swear that he will kill his father. The other kids we're angry too. That they we're fooled.