
A treasure

A man has the desire to obtain a treasure which he does not know what it is, and in search of the treasure he finds adversaries.

Sasukee_Uchiha · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

At dawn they heard a noise coming from Shigoki's hollow, they went to see what it was and Shigoki was standing with blue eyes with fangs, hair on his face and huge claws, fiddling with his bandage when they went to see the bruise had healed, they tried to arrest him to know why he was like that, they took the spears and slingshots to stop him because he was attacking the men, when they hit a slingshot at him and stunned him, when he woke up he ran into the village sage and they trapped him in a torture room with a magnetic stone that had the power to magnetize the body of werewolves, as he appears to be one, put him there, he was out of control, broke the handcuffs and killed every person who was in the room, out of the room saw that there were men pointing spears, swords and slingshots at him, he went upstairs and jumped about 3.4 meters and fell on top of a man who called himself Saul who was with a slingshot.

After the jump he killed one by one and fled, when he was at the gate of the village a red-eyed girl jumps in front of him hands him a slingshot and asks:

- Can I join your destination?

- How do you know I have a destination?

- We all have a destiny that we don't know what it is. And if we're here it's because someone from this world went to the blue sea and killed everyone who is here, and we'll find out together who did it!

-Let's go!? Okay let's go as soon as they're getting closer pretty fast!

Then they left the village and followed a river that leads to a cave from where she came, Shigoki found it strange that she was taking a stranger to her house, so by way of telepathy that only works with werewolves, she tells him that she is taking him to her house because he is also a werewolf and because she knows him and wants to help him because he is an omega and she wants to teach him to control the power that maybe he has already acquired when he was born, then Shigoki says

"A day ago I was bitten by a monster, do you think that may have been because of the monster?"

- I don't know in my house we'll see.


10 minutes passed and they arrived at her house which was on top of the mountain, Shigoki is surprised because it was a very beautiful house. Arriving there she and her father put him in a magnetic stone capsule and see that he was born with the power of werewolf but the power had only awakened with the bite, Shigoki asks what was their name and they answer:

- Kitsune.

- Merlyn.

- Merlyn the Great Wizard?

- Yes it's me.!

- Kitsune the bounty hunter?

- No one ever called me that after the accident.

"Let's go to sleep, what's your name?"

- I don't have to call me Shigoki.

- What does it mean?

- Strange God strange God strange something like that.

"You come with me and I'll show you where you're going to stay until you don't learn to control yourself.


- Here, made of stones that take away all your power when you get out of control Kitsune told me everything that happened to you in the village, you are very strong must have chosen something good with the Buddha right?

- Yes I chose to be stronger.

- Made a good choice, I chose intelligence and Kitsune asked for agility, good night Muryo!

"Muryo I liked, good night Merlyn, good night kitsune!

- Good evening Muryo.

In the course of the night Muryo resisted the power of the stone and destroyed the entire room, when Merlyn got up in the morning to see what had happened at dawn he came across Muryo eating metals and meats like a troll but he was no longer transformed, so Merlyn said:

- Kitsune, come here!

- What happened here?! Muryooooooooo!!!!

- She's angry, is it better you run Muryo or you fight a werewolf a patent above you what do you think will run or stay?

- I stay through this time I learned to control my strength and transformation!

- That one I want to see!

- Let's Go Out of the House Before You Destroy It Whole

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