
A Transmigrator's Records to Surviving in the Attack on Titan Universe

You lived in a time of convenience in the modern era. At the very least you were an aspiring criminology student due to the influence of your father, your only parent. However, due to your reckless behavior, you got yourself killed in an accident during your internship. You felt your life flash before your eyes with some visages unrecognizable to you in the last attempt of your brain to survive. And then you wake up. In a familiar ceiling, and unfamiliar clothing. Familiar streets and supposed parents you barely have any recognition of and that familiar towering wall. In the year of 839. [Follows the main story starting from No Regrets OVA. Fic starts years before the OVA]

FictionDrunk · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

Episode 4: Tethers

You became even more inspired to become stronger. No more secretly training in the woods, or trying to ruin the ecosystem by killing as many animals you could. You're going to keep up your stamina now. In the past two months, you figured out how to raise your stats and farm SP.

One, you can increase your stats by continuously practicing the prerequisite stat category or skill by repetition. In these past few months you gained and leveled up your Hunting Skill to level 3 and your Logging Woods to level 4. This allows you to farm wood more easily and faster. As Logging Woods required strength, you were able to increase your STR stat greatly. Making you stronger.

The best part was that you found out that for every kill you make, you earn 1 SP. You finally solved the mystery of that popping sound when you killed that flea. For this, you are now ready to become a cadet.

Besides that, when you explored your "System" window you noticed a locked "System Store" feature. 


You click on it only to find that unlocking it costs 150 SP! You thought that it would be too expensive and at the moment you can't afford to waste 150 SP considering how weak you are right now.

Your eyes shine at the thought of getting even stronger now that you have a clear grasp of how you will get stronger. However, ever since farming for nearly a hundred or more SP, you were reminded yet again by your parents to not go in the forest. You'll end up scaring the animals and pushing their fragile existence to extinction. You agree. You may have gotten a tad bit carried away in farming SP. 

You had enough time so you decided you'd increase your stats by helping around chores that require strength. You also tried to increase your AGI by walking faster while lifting heavy things like buckets of water. You pictured yourself doing so and you looked even weirder.

While you were though, all you could think about still was how unreal this situation is. Last week in the afternoon, the Survey Corps returned from their recent expedition. Fewer and fewer soldiers returned than the numbers they came charging outside. From the looks of their faces, they suffered a massive defeat. You were there watching them arrive from the gate, from Shinganshina then passing through your town. They had the grimmest of expressions.

Amongst the line of soldiers, you managed to catch a glimpse of a certain familiar blonde man. His blue ocean eyes steeled with resolve his expression unreadable.

'Erwin Smith.'

And in front of him was another familiar face you recognize. His eyes sunken, his expression somber and his gaze downcast from either grief or shame. Maybe both, you thought.

'Keith Shadis'

You took note of the absence of a certain midget. This must mean he may have yet to join the Survey Corps and Erwin has yet to make necessary actions toward the anti-expedition faction. No wonder his expression is like that, you thought. Things must be hard for the regiment at the moment.

Remembering the sight of them yesterday made you feel uneasy about joining, doubting once again your current reality. You never felt quite at home with this world except for the times you were with your parents. Whenever you do, you'd look up the wall towering afar from the town you're in. Memories in two conflicting realities; this reality and the reality before flooded your mind making your head a mess and your memories even messier.

'I'm really here, aren't I?'

Sometimes you feel so distant from this world like a stranger lost in the woodlands that never stepped in once. Like the reality, things only you knew now existed in your current reality. You never felt so unnerved. The only way you found to cope was that you considered this reality, your second life. Your second chance and the life you spend in your home world, your past life.

"You mustn't get reckless."

Words of your father from your past life echoed like warm tidings you terribly miss. "Yeah," You thought to yourself that you'll never get that reckless ever again. Lest you let you get yourself or your comrades killed. Again.

Pictures from that bloody night resurfaced once again. This is when you swore to never again make the same mistake. That in this life you'll save your comrades this time.

'My comrades,'

You remembered snippets from your past life about the series you used to love. Once a fiction, now a reality you live in. 

'What a messed up world,'

From what you can remember, the wall will fall next few years in 845. Then that time, Eren Jaeger will come into the picture. Then those three who turned out to be shifters things will slowly get political from that end. 

'Ugh.. my head..'

You feel your headache and your nose bleeds as you try to remember further. Guess despite all the things that transpire lately, you're still a human a mere mortal.

You finish up the chores for this afternoon. You proceeded to have one last dinner with your family. Tomorrow will be your departure to the Cadet Corps headquarters. Your mother is quiet. Her expression was somber with her downcast gaze. She'd try to force a small smile here and then but undoubtedly, she still disagrees with you becoming one of the Survey Corps. You watch her serve the dinner as you proceed to help lay down the plates as usual. It was one of your favorite beef stews with your favorite mashed potatoes and cheese-stuffed bread. It brings you so many warm fuzzy memories. You wish you could bring some tomorrow. 

The sun has already set just in time for your father to arrive from the vineyard. You decided to greet him with a hug this time. Your unusually loving gesture of greeting him with a hug made his eyes flicker with sadness but only for a moment. It did not help your cause that the recent expedition of the Survey Corps failed with devastating losses yet with so little to no success. Just this morning you saw one of the Survey Corps deliver personal effects to your neighbor. Harrowing cries escaped through the door as she received what was left of her son. She would never again see her son, nor be able to welcome him home once again. If she was not tired, she would cry again in grief. Her quiet sobbing can still be heard when you walk past her home. Desolate, devoid of warmth it used to have.

No doubt your parents fear the same for you. The spoons and plates clanking together are the only noises that can be heard from the three of you. Until your father broke the silence, "Eve my daughter, if you could you can just join the Garrison Corps, or if you could then join the Military Police." Your father spoke you could've sword you hear his voice tremble very slightly.

Then you remembered the information only you know about, "Father, why do soldiers train and fight only to retreat in the inner walls? That's counterproductive. At some point, humanity will have to learn to fight." You solemnly responded your voice not removing its tone of respect. You wanted to lie to them, to alleviate your worries, and just say you'll join the Garrison Corps but lying isn't really your forte. You don't have it in you to lie to your parents, to these people. "I promise to train to be the strongest and return home. Right here." You said, your parents not yet responding. "Promise me that next year's time, you'll move to Trost or Karanese anywhere within Wall Rose. I'll send funds to help with your travel expenses." The moment the words left your lips you realized you had been uncaring of your father's feelings. He was so kind and open-minded in letting you join the Survey Corps despite the dangers it poses and yet here you are telling him to leave the vineyard and abandon his dream realized.

Your knuckles turn white as you clench them. "I'm sorry Father..I never meant to be disrespectful." Your father turned to you his expression somber still. "I understand this is what you wanted for yourself. It's just we had only spent small years together child, it feels as though you were being taken from us all too soon." He said as he caressed the crown of your head, gentle pats spread warmth on your chest. "Leaving the vineyard isn't that easy. I know what you mean child. My father used to tell me too that the walls will not protect us forever. Even though I highly doubt that these gargantuan walls will even break we know and believe that we will miss you too soon. We'll visit you once or twice a year. Be careful out there." Your father's voice resigned at the face of your resolve within your eyes. Your mother, however, could not stop her tears from flowing any further.

You joked, "I'm still alive Mother, don't grieve me yet." Your lips left a small shy chuckle as you tried to cheer up the atmosphere of the dinner. 

The evening moon came and its 3 hours before dawn. Your things are packed, already. You decided to keep a journal and a few things for your hygiene. The hygiene routine you were used to in your past life followed you in this second life. The makeshift toothbrush from the expensive bamboo and a few spare towels to keep yourself clean. Some spare set of clothes for four days the pouch of coins you earned by trading what you hunted and some pocket money to spare your parents gave you earlier that night. And of course your filter modified costrel (a water bottle).

You took one last look at your room, one last feel on the staircase wood railings of your home. One last look on the wall with indents on how tall you were as a child in comparison to your parents. You sure grew up. Looking at the shadow you cast on the indented marks of your height progress, you have come to grow as a woman. You felt a bit embarrassed for only leaving now when you're at this age.

As you approach the door, you find your mother sitting on a couch not far from it and your father, upon seeing you reaches for his hat and prepares to set you off. You gave your mother one last hug, before promising her your return. "Thank you for taking care of me," you said to both of your parents. "I'm a big girl now, you don't have to worry about me." You said jokingly with a reliable smile on your face your arms akimbo that it almost looked theatric.

Your mother laughed wryly at your silly joke and handed you something that's wrapped in beeswax wrap. "It's your favorite, stuffed cheese bread. I made smaller versions last night for your journey." You held the packed warm bread in your hands, their warmth spread towards your chest, your entire being, and then to your eyes. Tears threatened to trickle from your eyes. You received love and felt love from your parents and you did not waste a second to hug your mother. This time with an even more genuine promise. "I'll return back home Mother, safe and sound. Don't worry." You feel her warm arms wrapped around you tightly. You break free from the embrace to hug your father as well. "It's about time to go child, you'll be late." He said with a gentle smile easing your worries.

'They'll be fine...I'll write them more letters in the future.'

You walked out the door, your boots giving a thud as you stepped on the cold wooden floorboards. The sky was still dark even though just a few hours and it was dawn. In front of you was a horse your father prepared for you when he returned from the vineyard. "She's not a royal breed or a war horse suited for my little soldier but she's great at long-distance travels. She wouldn't let you down." Your father said, entrusting you with the horse. She was dark, with some white and grey strip markings on her forehead and under her ears. She's beautiful. "The neighbors call her Morn, but you're free to name her as you wish." Your father added as he moved to readjust the saddle for you.

You took care in riding Morn, luckily for you, Eve had ridden a horse before so everything regarding horse riding has become part of your muscle memory since then. "Ah, before I forgot," Your father said while rummaging something in the pockets of his jacket. It was a piece of small paper containing simple directions and places you could pass by to get to your destination. "My vineyard farmer friend Ellie drew this for you, she wishes you the best of your journeys and to come back home safely." You received and viewed the small parchment once more, "Thank you, Father. Give my thanks to Ellie too." You smiled at him before beckoning your horse to move onwards.

And just as you were leaving you heard a familiar voice call your name a bit too loud and too embarrassing to hear in this ungodly hour, "Eve!" You turn your sights to see Niklas running towards you. His form is sweaty from rushing and running. He stopped and held his knees for support with ragged breaths before saying, "The hares will have grown and bred more by the time you're back! So be sure to come back safely!" You laugh at his farewell, "Sure, I will!"

Then you turned your back on riding a horse in that lonesome dawn.

Year 839,

Status: (Eve)

STR: 89

AGI: 50

DEX: 39 

HP: 60/60



DEF: 20

[Note: An average soldier's stats would range from 30-40 while a normal man's stats would range from 10-29. Common stat limit 100.]