
A Transmigrator's Records to Surviving in the Attack on Titan Universe

You lived in a time of convenience in the modern era. At the very least you were an aspiring criminology student due to the influence of your father, your only parent. However, due to your reckless behavior, you got yourself killed in an accident during your internship. You felt your life flash before your eyes with some visages unrecognizable to you in the last attempt of your brain to survive. And then you wake up. In a familiar ceiling, and unfamiliar clothing. Familiar streets and supposed parents you barely have any recognition of and that familiar towering wall. In the year of 839. [Follows the main story starting from No Regrets OVA. Fic starts years before the OVA]

FictionDrunk · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

Episode 15: The Survey Corps

"Alright, I'll bet on that. What are the stakes?" 

You only cross one arm to your side, supporting the arm where you rest your chin with the back of your hand depicting your confident attitude as you pondered for a moment, "If I turn out to be as fearing of death as you think I'd be like any other human, then you'll win this bet and my life will be yours to command, a loyal 'knight' to your chess game." You flash the best smile you'd give working as a part-time saleswoman back in your past life, "I'll throw in a bonus to answer your earlier question about my reason for joining this regiment." You paused maintaining your smile, "But, should I win and prove to be that I am as fearless and devoid of the natural instinct to fear death, then I'll win this bet and you shall arrange a workshop for me in the Survey Corps Headquarters." You say a small sly smirk forming on your lips, saying otherworldly things no normal human person would say.

'What a bold move. A workshop in the Survey Corps Headquarters? That's all? Interesting.' Erwin thought, the gears in his mind turning considering the bet.

Had this been a prank by any normal cadet, Erwin would've ignored this and maybe even thrown in disciplinary action to correct such behavior, but that's not the case here. The stakes are too high in this bet, in hindsight it would seem like Eve is offering her loyalty and life as a soldier to Erwin but that's not all. Eve stood to be the only successor of the vast underground network that Section Commander Lena built. Besides you, the strongest soldier amongst the recruits who's shown the most promising results as part of the stakes, Erwin would stand to gain the vast underground network as well. That's the real catch here and Erwin would never just let this opportunity slide, as the latter is something he would need to acquire if he wanted to go against the nobility, the government. But for you to throw all that over a mere workshop? What for? Erwin became even more interested in seeing the outcome of this gamble, "Alright, I accept those terms of the bet."

"You're not even suspicious?" You asked, one of your brows arching slightly. You did not expect Erwin to just bite like that at the very least you thought he'd ask some questions first but you're actually glad he didn't. He chuckled a bit at your question. "I do have some questions, but I'll hold them off for now. Let's see if your gamble will pay off in the end, shall we?" He replied, his facial expression remaining calm, a small gentle smile on his face. The kind of smile he usually gives out as a common gesture to everyone. Yet his voice had a tinge of challenging remark to it. He's confident. He was ready to start the gamble and see how it all turned. It's not that he's not suspicious, he just doesn't find you enough of a threat… yet.

Erwin thought to himself studying you once again,

'Should I be? Are you actually afraid of death just like any other normal human being and yet still proposed this bet?' He then studies your expression, 'I hope you know what you're getting into.' 

For Erwin, he is curious about what about this workshop would make you risk so much, making your wager rather… interesting to see this all play out. The gears in his mind continued to turn as he thought of multiple occurrences, on how to put you through the grill, or the varying contingency plans he had in mind. Nevertheless, Erwin is sure to find a way to stay in control of the situation. Rather than any of those Erwin is more curious about one thing, 'What's your angle here?' You didn't strike him as someone as smart as Hange, no, not even your training as a cadet did not mention anything regarding your intelligence being exceptional as well. Had it been something as a research benefiting your duty as a soldier the easiest way is to submit a formal request or join the technology department but you took the almost nonexistent route to get a workshop? 'Must be something personal or...' Erwin thought, studying you still. 'Must be something she cannot easily divulge either due to personal reasons or ulterior motives. Regardless this just means I won't get much information. For now.' He straightened himself from leaning as he reorganized the paperwork for your enlistment, a single wisp of his blond hair straying adoring his thick eyebrows, as he did so.

Something tells you that Erwin already had an idea of how to take control of the situation either way. After all, this is Erwin 'freaking' Smith here. It is not every day that a cadet would just waltz in barely a rookie yet making a wager with him of all people with her life at stake. 'As expected of Erwin Smith… ' You thought, feeling as though defeated from this exchange even though you achieved your goal regardless. Now that you think about it, you didn't really specify anything about the workshop, that really just gives Erwin more control over things. A blunder on your part. 'Sigh…' You don't mind that though that was the entire point anyway to make him agree to a bet where he'd lose nothing. But your pride can't help but make you feel defeated and you don't like that. Now that you don't have much really anything to say considering that he essentially blocked any more of your questions with that response or anymore will end up spoiling your bet. Well regardless if you win or lose, you're prepared to help him either way. It's just a matter of how much control and freedom you'll have with your secrets and movements if you want to help-–is the sole difference.

You sighed with a smile and since you were done with submitting your enlistment forms anyway, "I see." You nodded satisfied with the outcome. "Well then, I'll excuse myself now sir." You say, giving him a salute. He gives a stern nod, acknowledging your salute, his expression remaining as unreadable as before, "Alright, you may go." You nodded and walked away, only then did you notice your friends who were standing not too far from where you were standing with their mouths agape.

"Are you out of your mind?!" Kate exclaims as she slaps your shoulder in an attempt to scold you. "I've always known you're unpredictable but sigh you'll get yourself in trouble at this point," Kayle says pointing out one possible problem with your prank on a superior officer Jina tugs at your uniform, "Eve, if you apologize and say it's a prank you just might end up with a lighter disciplinary action," Jina says with a nervous look in her eyes It seems as though your friends interpreted your exchange with Section Commander Erwin as a mere prank. "Oh no, you misunderstand friends," You say a bit theatric, "I'm serious about that wager." You added with a grin on your face.

"Eve!" Jina scolds you her face forming a cute adorable frown, you chuckle, "I don't think Erwin will punish me for tonight's wager." You say confident about your choices, "Eve, he is our superior officer. He's pretty much the Commander's right-hand man. Do you have a plan?" Kayle says his voice frustrated as he sighs. "Yes and also the Section Commander is an intelligent and cunning man whose wits are yet to be unbeaten." You continue, "He doesn't strike me as someone who'd back down from a challenge like this." You say as you remember Erwin's cold and stoic gaze that had a subtle hint of intrigue and–you're not sure but you think it's exhilaration. "That's it? C'mon Eve that doesn't guarantee anything. " Kayle argued, "Yep, it doesn't," you say. Then your eyes sparkled as you grinned holding back your laughter, "Oh God no." Kayle said as if knowing what you'd say already. "Would you like to bet on that?" You say no longer able to hold back your laughter, "I knew it." Kayle says laughing, "No way I'm agreeing to that bet." He adds, "Why you're scared you'll lose?" You taunt him. "No! It's just– fine you win." He says raising up both of his arms in surrender. Kate and Jina only laughed at this sight, yes you may be a bit way too bold tonight but well it's just you being you. They just hoped Section Commander Smith wouldn't punish you for this.

"Attention, recruits!" A man wearing a Survey Corps uniform snapped you out of your daze. It's true that getting into the Survey Corps and finally wearing the legendary uniform is something you've been thinking of as a fan of the series. But even with that in mind, you still find yourself lacking in energy. It's just all the interacting with the crowd yesterday and the cleaning of your new dorm room was really emotionally and physically tiring that you end up dazing off this early morning. You lighten up and slap your cheeks lightly to wake yourself up or risk getting into trouble on your first day here. The open plaza is filled with scouts neatly lined up in the formation, some scout officers on the line up watching from behind. You also saw Section Commanders Lena and Erwin with the Commander, Keith just watching the orientation proceed along with their Team Leaders officiating this welcome ceremony. Watching this lineup of formal orientation reminded you of those incredibly long and boring speeches back in your past life. The sun glaring down at you made it more difficult to hold back a yawn, "YAAAAWHN." And you did. Only when you tried to look back at the man speaking on the platform did you realize that everyone's eyes were on you and the man on the platform had stopped talking... Kate elbowed you, "Wow Eve, that was an impressive yawn." She grins teasing you not taking her eyes off the platform nor changing her standing posture. Your face reddens in embarrassment. You could hear her stifling her laugh. "And you are?" The man on the stage asked you his eyes shooting daggers at you. You bit your lip in a sheepish smile, "Eve Cromwell sir! At your service!" You say giving your best salute.

"It seems like Private Eve still is feeling sleepy." He says walking towards you in a menacing voice, "Are you feeling sleepy recruit?" You display an "oopsie" expression, and he towers over you, "Not anymore sir." You say remaining in your position. "Oh, but it seems to me that you are sleepy. Drop fifty push-ups. That should wake you up." He says in a commanding tone pointing to the ground area outside of the formation. You look at him your eyes widen and you try to give Lena a look, she simply does not react, or do anything but just watch you. "Right now sir?" "Of course right now!" He yelled at you his glare sharpening by the minute. Eeep! You then ran towards wherever his fingers were pointing and began your push-ups.

'Great what a first day, I didn't really expect to be humiliated like this on my first day,'



Then while you were doing your push-ups, the man upfront continued where he left off, apparently his name was Hansen Baumann one of the Team Leaders. He sure has the guts to put you on the grill right on your first day and Lena is just right there! Or maybe he just doesn't care, or maybe he doesn't know. Either way, you'd still follow orders anyway. He walks back to the platform and Team Leader Ness walks up to the front explaining to the recruits an introduction of their superiors who are standing behind him on that stage, training schedules, and rules–an orientation of sorts. 


'That was Section Commander Ness!'

Well technically, he isn't a Squad Leader or a Section Commander yet but he currently is still just a Team Leader at the moment. 

'30, Fuck… hah'

But does that mean that by the time Eren joined the Survey Corps, Lena was no longer the Section Commander? Your thoughts spin as you try to make sense of what you just observed, you pray that Lena retired on her own peacefully or was transferred elsewhere.

'46, Hell…ugh'

'50, Finally…'

You got up exhausted and definitely a lot awake, that was then that Team Leader Ness had just finished his orientation and Team Leader Ness walked up to the stage uniforms in hand. "Alright recruits, about time we baptized you. Here are your uniforms," He smiles proudly, "wear it with honor." Hansen adds as they hand out the uniforms to the recruits. The recruits formed two neat lines and you gathered yourself staggering for a bit before reaching the end of the line. 

Team Leader Ness hands you out your uniform. 'Woahh,' You thought as you felt the deep green fabric on your fingertips. 'This feels so real.' You rubbed your fingers feeling the fabric and the embroidery of the Wings of Freedom on it. The inner fan in you awakens, as you excitedly wear the cape over your shoulders, the embroidery of the Wings of Freedom hanging on your back, you can't help but excitedly smile as your eyes glimmer in joy, finally earning your wings. 

'I had always dreamed of something like this,'

You thought to yourself as your eyes became teary-eyed. At this point, it didn't matter to you how many push-ups you did today or how much you're humiliated anymore. The dream you had as a freshman back in your past life, as a fan has come true. You couldn't help but feel warm and happy. Watching your reaction, Team Leader Ness smiled at you. For him, you remind him of the children who watch the Survey Corps leave the walls and see them as heroes. He's glad that a promising recruit like you, who still has her dreams intact has joined the Survey Corps. He fought the urge to give you a head pat in front of his superiors so all that he could say was, "Grow up strong recruit." He tells you with a warm smile. 

You look up at him, eyes widen before smiling back once more, "I will, sir." You then gave them a salute before being dismissed.

As she watched you leave with your eyes sparkly practically childlike, Lena smiled to herself. 'Look at her all happy and smiling after earning her "wings".' A gentle expression graced her previously stoic countenance. The familiar feeling of pride upon seeing you wear your Survey Corps uniform with such a look on your face tells her that you've been dreaming about this day. It was just like how she was back when she too was just a recruit. Nostalgia washed over her both bitter and good memories occupied her mind at that moment. Her heart swelled with mixed emotions as she watched you trot your way to fulfill your duties. She was happy that despite the things that are happening around the world, you remained dreaming. 

You arrived back at your room. Your roommates are, Kate, Jina, and Diana. They're a good bunch to be around. Jina is usually the first one to get up, waking everyone up for the day's training, you learned that day that you're assigned to Team Leader Minze Hoffman. That day all you did was clean up the stables, "Oh, Morn!" You find a familiar friend, you could never been so happy that they brought Morn here.

'How considerate of them.' You thought to yourself as you caressed your long-lost friend. Beside her is a foal much smaller than her but had similar fur and spots on its body, her offspring! "Ohh how cute!" "That's her second foal, we took the liberty in naming the first, I thought that the second should be yours to name." A figure walked towards you, wearing a Survey Corps uniform on, his hands, gloved, while he wore an apron and a hat on, "I'm Varic, I'm a veterinarian under Section Commander Lena. Pleased to meet you." He says extending his hand for a handshake. You happily took so. "I'm–" "I've heard about you, Eve right?" He asks, confirming. You reckon that Lena had a hand in this. You only nodded smiling in response.

You learned that Varic was the one who took care of Morn when she was giving birth and that the foals Morn had were all healthy and contributing nicely to the Survey Corps. Varic was kind enough to help you clean the stables while you both talked about Morn. 

Diana had a doting younger sister she had left back at home, Petra. Little Petra, or as Diana calls her was just 10 years old before she left her to enlist for Cadet Corps. They lived with their parents at a simple yet decent home inside Wall Rose, her daily life included helping her mother with some chores like most daughters would, and Petra, her little sister would follow her around and she would teach her a thing or two an elder sister can.

That midsummer day, the gentle cooling breeze kissed their lashes as the sisters sat on a field of flowers. Diana sat cross-legged behind Petra, tying small sections of braid to the little girl's hair, before wrapping it around to a beautiful headband. "Diana, are you really going to enlist in the Survey Corps?" Diana paused, she could hear the worry in Little Petra's voice. Even without looking at her sister's face, she knew that Petra had a somber look on her face right now. 

Diana understands why her family was against her becoming a Survey Corps soldier. Their society usually puts an obligation upon them to enlist as a soldier and fighters for mankind, for the sake of humanity–though this was much more emphasized on men rather than women. Choosing the Survey Corps isn't really an obligation so she could've chosen the Garrison Regiment, and if she could have the privilege, the Military Police Regiment. So why?

"I'm not too sure why I wanted to Petra." Diana continued as she pinned some flowers on Petra's headband of braided hair, "Something about dedicating my heart for the sake of humanity just sounded–-I can't explain it. But I know it's what I've been looking for." She adds as she places more pretty flowers on Petra's hair. She didn't think it would answer the young girl's query considering her youthful mind. It was more like an answer to her own search than Little Petra's question but even so, she wanted to leave Little Petra an explanation of sorts. As she was about to make the finishing touches, Petra abruptly turned to face her, the little girl's face looked teary-eyed.

As Diana, repeatedly gathered water, sewn clothes, and fabrics, and bought food from the marketplace, her everyday life had always been limited to what a woman "should" do and what a woman is supposed to do. Until that fateful day when she was outside to buy vegetables in the marketplace, she saw a soldier–a woman. She sat valiantly on her noble steed. Her dark hair was braided into a low bun behind her. But what caught Diana's attention the most was the resolved look and unwavering gaze of that woman– the gaze of a hero. 

"Oh look it's Lena! It's that woman who had defeated a total of nine titans in a single expedition on her own!" "Really! Woa she looks so beautiful."

She heard a few hushed excited voices amongst the crowd that had watched the valiant woman called Lena as the expedition team awaited for the gates to fully open. Diana watched the woman sit upright on her horse as she beckoned her horse to charge forward the battlefield. It was a fleeting moment and Diana wished she could've seen more of that valiant gaze. Unlike her, that woman was free to fight for her own, while she stayed behind closed doors of what a woman should be like. It was then that without realizing it, Diana had a dream and she decided to march toward that dream. To be "free", as she wore the wings of freedom behind her back. To fight for her own under her own terms. To be a hero just like that woman was.

Diana only smiled at the tearful Little Petra as she swept the stray strands that blocked Petra's beautiful face. "But I think that's where my heart leads me." Petra couldn't understand what that meant but she knew that it only meant that her elder sister didn't change her mind. Diana adds, giving a soft head pat on Petra, careful not to ruin her pretty hair. "One day you'll understand."

Diana sighed to herself remembering the last time she had a proper conversation with Petra. 'She must be growing into a fine young lady now.' She thought sweetly missing her sister, no longer the Little Petra. She remained seated on her table, a pen in her hand. She had been staring for far too long at the blank piece of paper. This week will be filled with arduous schedules as the day of the next expedition draws near. She decided to gather courage before beginning to write to her family, to Petra. 

Engel had just sorted out his belongings he didn't get to last night, "Sigh. I may have to get rid of some things but.." He hesitated. For a soldier, he has one too many belongings a lot of which are trinkets, just things that he had a personal attachment to rather than actually needing them. He scratched the back of his head, his long wavy hazel locks falling across his bluish-green eyes. He was well aware of his own attractiveness which is why he took great care of his hair and overall appearance. He may be playful, and some others regard him as lazy or cocky but there are a handful that regard him as cheerful, fun to be around with, or even a reliable teammate. Not to mention he ranked pretty high in the Top 10. Just that alone was enough to shut up most scouts from criticizing him in front of him at least. They still don't regard him as a scout just an honored rookie who ranked high in Cadet Corps graduation.

However, they overly underestimated Engel, when he pretty much zipped fast through the titan dummies faster than they all ever could. Engel learned his own way of using his ODM adding the common technique of using momentum to gain speed. 

"So fast…" The scouts exclaimed as Engel proudly landed on a tree branch, the scouts who had just been testing him gawked in amazement. 'That should shut them up,' Engel had thought to himself as he made his way back finishing his "training" early. A pretense they made up just to harass Engel. Just then a rather timid or as would Engel call this type–pushover walked up to him. Engel patiently waited for the guy to gather his courage and finally said whatever he meant to say, "Y-you're so strong. Why did you not join the Military Police instead?" It was just a moments ago that this guy would follow and float along the tides of whoever would win or prevail in this little harassment now that he had proven himself to be strong this guy is sucking up to him? Engel hated the types of people like these. For him, people like these had no backbone to decide for themselves.

It was some four or five years ago, that Engel refused his father's arranged marriage to a wealthier businessman's daughter in favor of his lover whom he'd devoted himself to. As a consequence, Engel's father cut all ties with him. He still vividly remembered the way his father had told him to, "Starve out on the streets and die!" as his father disowned him, regarding him as a disappointment. "That was our only ticket to finally getting back our losses this year and you wasted it!" Practically speaking, Engel could've agreed with it. He knew he could do it just like with many women he had laid with but he just wouldn't. The sight of hurting his lover's feelings are far worse thing he could think of than marrying some stranger or getting disowned by his father.

With Engel losing almost everything, he left his home and lived his own life for a year or two. He was sure he could do it, he was doing just fine as a carrier boy, the muscle man for all things needed lifting in some tavern he worked in. He was sure he could do anything he set his eyes on. Until his lover broke up with him and cheated on him with another man– that as far as Engel was concerned a far lesser man than he was, a nobody. That was then when Engel knew he couldn't do it anymore. He tried going back to his father, but just like he was, his father was also a stubborn man and pushed him away with the same words he left before. Since then Engel swore that he would die and come back alive. That was then that Engel disappeared from their lives and never came back.

Here he is now, a soldier of the Survey Corps prepared to face death and come back alive to slap that rejection off of their faces. He gave one last nonchalant look at this pushover guy who asked him that question, "Nothing, I'm just doing what I wanted." He says walking past the timid guy. Then a scouts officer called out to him catching his attention, "New face! This will be your task from now on." The date for the next expedition is near, none of you are permitted to slack off. Pulling himself from the crowd of curious, annoyed, or even awed recruits and scouts alike from the training ground.

As a veteran, Lena had a long list of her contributions to the military. As a veteran well she can't afford to be rusty. She looked up at the group of trees and titan dummies, the dawning sunrise of the grey sky didn't even manage to give warmth to her aging bones. Lena frowns the deep wrinkles under her eyes creasing further, she's a soldier, this is nothing compared to the hell she went and went back from. For one final time, she checked her ODM gear and the straps in place a habit she developed ever since she became a soldier. With dextrous hands, she pulled the triggers of her hand grips soaring to the skies. Making a spin she changed her trajectory mid-air then with the gas she swung and boosted herself towards the titan dummy's nape, slicing it perfectly. 

'Hah, I still got it.' Lena smirked to herself. She then aimed her hand grips once more, drawing a beautiful arc as she soared through the skies. The wind blew making her grey short locks look like beautiful fluff of clouds as she did so. The scars across her face are a reminder of a veteran's strength. She then spun once more breaking momentum before reshooting her anchors to a dummy, boosting herself, and then slicing the target with ease. Passing by the dummy, she shot one anchor to support her landing. Her breath was a bit ragged after the practice before coming to a calm pause. 'It's been a while.' She then glanced at her handgrips feeling the sensation of being back into action once more. 

You watched Lena, work her ODM gear slicing two titan dummies in quick succession. Her movements were graceful, and intricate, but practical and efficient like art as she drew an arc with her maneuvering. The movements were familiar to you, but she executed hers much better. 'So this is how I should execute her Advanced ODM maneuvering.' You thought to yourself as you study and etch that in your memory. Not far from you was her ever-elusive right-hand man Randalvin. Lena had briefly introduced you to him before. Still, you wouldn't really call it a proper introduction as the man in question was always about running errands you guess probably mostly for the organization. He had this awed expression as he watched Lena's ODM maneuvering practice. For him, Lena is still every bit like the soldier she was when she was younger. His memories were fleeting back to the soldier who had a grey braided to a low bun behind her, resolved eyes, and skill-directing command, grace, and precision. Like an iron maiden. He sighed a soft smile compared to his usual cold countenance, snapping himself back to reality as Lena nimbly landed on the ground. It was only then did Randallvin noticed your presence, "Eve, you're here." As you are Lena's successor he doesn't really approve of you–yet. Yes, you're skilled perhaps the best among the possible candidates he and Lena kept an eye on but you are much too brash, too reckless, not to mention you don't have the wits nor leadership necessary to lead an organization such as theirs. He couldn't quite figure out why Lena would choose you despite lacking the necessary skills but he chose to have faith in Lena's decision. 

"Ahah looks like I have to train my stamina back to how it was." Lena chuckles, tucking her handgrips to her sides as she walks toward you and Randallvin. Perhaps besides when she was drinking wine, or watching you and Jina train, you'd often see her smile but this is probably one of the rarest moments you saw her chuckle with a refreshed expression on her face. Maybe, going back into action really put her in a good mood. She then turns to you maintaining her gentle countenance, "Did you remember all that?" She was referring to her maneuvering hoping you were able to at least learn from what you saw. "Oh, uh yes!" You say quickly snapping from your thoughts, "Just a bit though but I got the gist of it." You still had a long way to go if you wanted to move in your ODM like Lena just did but you're glad you were able to pick up something from watching her. "Good, be sure to master the maneuvering I taught you." She says before turning to face Randallvin. If she hadn't turned from you, you wouldn't have caught a view of some of her grey locks turning white. If you hadn't known Lena, you wouldn't have guessed she's old. With the skill she just displayed, you wonder what she was like when she was in her younger years. She then proceeded to give you a few tips about things you were confused about.

Never underestimate an old woman who has been in a profession when often many young men die.

You had just recently enlisted in the Survey Corps and had received your uniform. Meanwhile, Lena had just arrived at the Survey Corps Main Headquarters which was a ways ride from the city. It was turning evening time then, the sun had just set leaving its fiery traces hidden by those walls. The sound of the crickets echoed in the quietude of the forest path. She and her right-hand man trot on horseback as they ride towards their destination. "Are you sure about this Section Commander?" Ralldavin, her right-hand man asked her. Lena only nodded, the wrinkles on her eyes creasing further as she smiled bittersweetly. Her dark gray hair allows her age to become more evident as wisps of white streaks adorn her short curly locks. "It's part of my sworn duty, Rall. Nothing we can do about it." She says looking back at the road. The cold evening air passed through the thick forests as if lulling her to sleep. "But ma'am, don't you think it's about time you tell them?" Randallvin interjected his brows frowning as his hands gripped the reins. Then silence permeated the air, with only the lone leaf carried by the wind ever daring to fly past between a superior officer and a soldier. "Rall, my word is final," Lena said in a low voice not even bothering to look behind her. 

It seems that due to Lena showing many favors to a certain cadet has placed her in a tight spot. Well to Lena it was just the icing on the cake, the real issue was that the anti-expedition faction was pressing accusations of Lena possibly pocketing the Survey Corps funds while she sat back from the expeditions, all the while abusing her authority. Whether or not this is true the results are all the same, Erwin would lose an ally in the fight against the expedition faction. 

'This is likely their true goal and to assure General Zackly, I must show otherwise by "showing all my cards".' Lena thought as she beckoned her horse to move forward. It is the least ideal, move for Lena but the most advantageous move for their cause. 'I guess I'll have to rush the investigations against Lovof. It may not overturn all the nobles to its roots but at least Lovof will be eliminated…' Lena resolved herself and for the first time in her life, her gaze filled with fragile certainty.

Lena soon arrived knocking at Commander Keith Shadis' office. "Come in," A voice says from the other side. Lena opened the door her subordinate following behind her holding necessary paperwork. Her expression was blank yet almost somber and a tinge of tiredness. "Keith," She says her voice almost sounding like a call from an old friend to the Commander. "I'm sorry Lena, I'm sure you're aware–" "I'm aware. I understand, Keith." Lena says cutting off Keith Shadis' words. At the moment, Keith's recent failures had rendered him incapable of fighting back against the faction that's been pressing them with problems. Slowly pushing the Survey Corps into disbandment. Making him powerless to protect an old friend–a promise he made a long time ago. Because of his weakness and turbulent emotions fighting between being a chosen one and a bystander, he had to send Lena on yet another expedition despite his promise to an old friend. The Survey Corps numbers are getting thinner and thinner as the expeditions pass. They are in need of capable soldiers and Lena is one of them not to mention that the anti-expedition faction has been up their asses limiting their funding and poking holes in whatever they could find faults in the Survey Corps. That includes Lena, a capable soldier who's not even joined any of the expeditions lately. 

No other words were said between the two except, "Here are my proposed training plans for the scouts. I'll expect them to be cooperative." She said in a low voice, Keith didn't say anything, "Now then, I'll excuse myself, Commander." She then left shortly closing the door behind her.

Keith held the paperwork, and training program in his hands crumpling the sheets in the process. 

Year 842,

Status: (Eve)

STR: 128

AGI: 80

DEX: 96

HP: 60/60



DEF: 20

Status: (Jina)

STR: 49

AGI: 41

DEX: 40

HP: 38



DEF: 30

Status: (Kate)

STR: 68

AGI: 49

DEX: 81

HP: 100/100



DEF: 90

Status: (Kayle)

STR: 66

AGI: 56

DEX: 55

HP: 100/100



DEF: 10

Status: (Lena )




HP: ?/100




Status: (Engel )

STR: 76

AGI: 83

DEX: 62

HP: 100/100



DEF: 30

Status: (Diana )

STR: 65

AGI: 50

DEX: 60

HP: 100/100



DEF: 38

Status: (Lena )

STR: ?

AGI: ?

DEX: ?

HP: 100/100



DEF: ?

Status: (Randalvin )

STR: ?

AGI: ?

DEX: ?

HP: 100/100



DEF: ?

[Note: An average soldier's stats would range from 30-40 while a normal man's stats would range from 10-29. Common stat limit 100.]