
A Transmigrator's Records to Surviving in the Attack on Titan Universe

You lived in a time of convenience in the modern era. At the very least you were an aspiring criminology student due to the influence of your father, your only parent. However, due to your reckless behavior, you got yourself killed in an accident during your internship. You felt your life flash before your eyes with some visages unrecognizable to you in the last attempt of your brain to survive. And then you wake up. In a familiar ceiling, and unfamiliar clothing. Familiar streets and supposed parents you barely have any recognition of and that familiar towering wall. In the year of 839. [Follows the main story starting from No Regrets OVA. Fic starts years before the OVA]

FictionDrunk · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

Episode 12: 64 Squares

You woke up just as the wagon you're in approached the nearby vicinities of Trost District. You scolded yourself inwardly for letting your guard down. But what can you say, the travel was exhausting and you were on high alert 24/7 protecting the wagon until you escorted the children in Klorva District. You grunted as you looked up the sun's brightness blinding you through the holes of the wagon's shelter, noticing that you were awake Eckhart spoke as he sat from the coachman's seat, "Ah Eve, I was just about to wake you. We will have to walk from here on out," He says as he keeps his eyes on the road. "Why?" You groaned it doesn't really feel good to sleep on your ODM gear while sitting. "Well, this is still Schwarz's wagon, or at least Flavon's. We can't have anyone seeing us with this. We'll need to abandon this wagon somewhere secluded." He says as he proceeds to a stop inside a forest.

You resigned and decided to walk letting Eckhart lead the way first. Always cautious. The way back was arduous. Then you realize, that you have been missing for quite a while. You wonder what excuse Lena gave to the Cadet Corps that she's able to hold them off looking for you for nearly two weeks. You have no idea if it's just because they're being lax or if Lena's influence simply runs that deep. Should you have called in sick? Well, your lack of preparation is now your lesson, you just hope that Lena will handle it for you in the meantime.

You arrive back at the same tavern where you first met with Eckhart, you wonder if you're even needed there for reporting back since you're literally with their leader the whole time. "Eckhart, I need to get back at Cadet Corps. I trust you relay all my contributions to everyone right?" You tell Eckhart.

Trust? Eckhart gave a small laugh to himself. You barely trusted him or everyone at all during the whole mission. "Alright, I'll handle everything from here." He says as he waved you goodbye with a warm smile. You found your horse, its reigns tied to the side of the tavern you tipped the man who was staying guard for the horses and you soon left. And now you're by your thoughts.

'So the Section Commander Lena secretly owns an underground network huh?

Not gonna lie that sounds badass.'

You think to yourself as you ride a short way back to Lena's office to report. Her office looked peaceful, clean, and cozy as usual. Save for the usual stressed expressions of the secretaries around. You were tired, dirty, and hungry. But first, you must get your compensation for this mission. You opened the door to the Section Commander Lena's office just as soon as you knocked. You're surprised to see a pair of familiar ocean-blue eyes. 

Oh my gawd, it's Captain America...

You tried your very best not to fangirl and look stupid, "Ah, I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt." You apologized politely as you shot your mentor Lena a look. "Ah, it's alright child, come in," Lena said in her most gentle voice as she remained in her seat. Seemingly surprised, Erwin looked at Lena's smiling expression, his gaze remaining stoic. He's never seen the strict Section Commander Lena be this gentle to anyone. Only except when she's boasting to him about a certain cadet named 'Eve Cromwell'. Something tells him that Section Commander Lena had really found 'the person' who met her standards. "Section Commander," he says as he watches you fumble your way in. "Is this the cadet you spoke of before?" He asked, intrigued about what you can actually offer at the table. "Yes, that she is," Lena replied. "Erwin, this is Eve Cromwell, that cadet I told you that'll graduate this year." She then gestures towards you, "Eve, this is Section Commander Erwin Smith. The future commander of the Survey Corps." 

Hype aside, it's too early for us to meet...There must be a reason that Lena is facilitating this introduction. Let's play along, for now, we lack information. You made a salute to Section Commander Erwin Smith. "At your service sir." Your ragged skin, dirty clothes, and your used ODM gear, you didn't notice it earlier because you were wearing your cloak but because of Lena's conveniently placed mirror on the opposite side of you, you notice there's the blood from your enemies on the side of your ears, your clothes, and your legs too.

Well fuck. Erwin is one of the most perceptive characters in the series, you were definitely up to something shady up until now. You remain composed and calm as you meet his eyes. Alright, if it's a staring contest you want then a staring contest I'll give you. 

Erwin closed his eyes for a brief moment, a small smile adoring in contrast to his cold demeanor before turning to talk to your mentor, "She is every bit as intriguing as you told her to be." What? Excuse me? You guys were talking about me behind my back? Not to mention probably most of these things about you were from Lena's observation alone. You suddenly feel conscious of yourself. As you held yourself back from shifting uncomfortably, "Ma'am, sir." You say in your calm, professional tone, "I'm right here." You say holding back saying something snarky at your superiors. 

"At ease Eve, Erwin is in on this," Lena says as she waves her hand. "Report about the mission." She continued. 'Erwin Smith is in on this? Does he approve of such methods?' You thought as you complied with your mentor, superior officer's orders. "The children from the underground are safe and sound. We have engaged in a skirmish against the escorts of the wagon containing the children and won. The escorts are confirmed dead after by the team. The Klorva District accepted the identity passes of the children and reached the target area safely. Any traces in regards to the bodies, and the wagon is cleaned up as well, ma'am." You say as you keep your report concise and straight to the point of your eventful mission. All the while keeping the identities of the "team" and the location of "target area" hidden from Erwin. As much as you like Erwin's character, Lena is still your mentor and boss. 

Lena nodded from her seat with a smile, while Erwin listened to you as he stood his expression indecipherable. "But that's not all is it?" Lena said waving a folded piece of paper between her fingertips. 'Ah, that's probably Udo.' You thought to yourself while Erwin just watched everything happen. "You did quite a superb job. I was beginning to think this mission is beneath you although you still have room for improvement." Lena continues, "What do you think about becoming the successor of the network?" Your eyes widen, so does Erwin's. "You trust me that much ma'am?" You ask. To be entrusted with something this important, you're not sure if you're up for the task nor are you sure if you wanted to be entangled with something like this. You may need to kill humans from this point on should you accept the offer. And that is something you're not ready yet. You clicked your tongue, So she was testing me huh...

"Yes, I have observed you for long enough to know that you're worthy of that trust," Lena says as she takes a sip from her wine. For Lena, she watched you act at the kindness of your heart, take your promises just as seriously, and follow instructions well enough. Your orders didn't include escorting the children all the way to Klorva District and yet to ensure their safety, you did. Lena truly cared for the people in the network, those from the underground, and being kind enough you look after the people from the network was enough assurance to her that you'd be a good leader to them. 

Having an entire underground network sounds so badass though, should you not end up becoming a soldier you can still help the Survey Corps from within the walls. It works just as much even if you become a soldier. 

Your expression filled with hesitance was enough to answer for Lena, "It's alright Eve, there's no need for you to answer." She says as she gives a small sigh setting her cup containing wine on her desk. Erwin only closed his eyes as he leaned on the wall behind him. The sunlight from the window cast down on him illuminating his tall frame and broad shoulders that his army green uniform failed to hide, highlighting his figure in the room as he crossed his arms in contemplation. In your past life, you would call people like him photogenic. You're not exactly sure about what he's thinking but you can bet that since Lena mentioned 'he's in on it too,' they were probably counting on someone with your qualifications to cooperate. Not to mention, Erwin would've wanted a capable soldier in his hands. "If I refuse?" You ask, your brows frowning in apprehension. "You'll get on with your life as normal," Lena replied, as she held the cup in her hands.

But for Lena to be alright with me refusing even after I already knew of her underground network, even after I knew of their system, 

This is the kind of woman who'd train someone as weak as Jina to become stronger not leaving her behind, someone who'd care for those children in the underground, someone who'd go to such lengths to straighten up the corruption in the government, "There's no need." You say, your gaze calm and resolved, "I'll accept your offer, mentor." You say as your gaze softens and you reach out your hand for a handshake. At this moment you two aren't just a cadet and a superior but two people a teacher and a student who aim for the same goal. Her eyes widen before smiling, she then stands up steps a bit closer to you, and shakes your hands. "Then it's settled then," Erwin only nodded as he smiled seemingly content. He looks at you with a smile his ocean-blue eyes hinting his intrigued, "I look forward to working with you." You turn to him, your gaze no longer resembling that fumbling cadet earlier, "Likewise, Section Commander Erwin."


"So basically your goal is to stop the anti-expedition faction from making any further movements by pinning them on a lock with their own dirt?" You ask as you summarize what they had just told you. The three of you sat in the available couches of Section Commander Lena's office. Lena takes the seat beside you while Erwin takes the seat opposite to yours. 

"For the meantime, yes," Erwin answered as he sat on the couch with near-perfect posture. He adds, "If that proves to be more effective than expected, then we'll keep using the same tactic to keep them pinned." You pondered before looking at him, "Why do you have to go about it this way? Is legal confrontation not possible?" Lena looks at you with a surprised look as if telling you that step is much too dangerous while Erwin's gaze does not waver one bit.

"I understand that you may have some reservations with the methods we're using. These nobles will stop at nothing to hide their misdeeds while our ideals, dreams, and these very same morals we hold on to will all be nothing and the same against the titans out there. They will trample on our ideals and principles without so much hesitation. So we must use any means necessary for the sake of humanity." He says in a low voice, his gaze fixed on yours. He didn't think that a cadet like you would think something like overthrowing the current government. But with the current cards and pieces he has at the moment, starting something such as overthrowing the government isn't something within the realm of possibility at the moment.

'For humanity... that sounds like Erwin alright,' You thought.

"Alright, so what's my part in this?" You ask looking at the two their expressions serious in deep contemplation as you pose the question in silence. "We lack the necessary manpower for infiltration and abled men to fight but if we use the manpower we have right now to sniff out information and send you alongside a team of your own for the operations, that would be a favorable situation," Lena answered. You nodded in agreement. "It'll take a long time, to gather the information we need since these nobles are a bit difficult to handle." She concludes as she leans back on her seat. Erwin has been quiet for the most part of this conversation, you can't help but think he must be planning something inside that head of his, you just can't quite figure out what it is. Before you realize it, you've been staring at him for too long and he notices too. He looks at you as the wisps of his blond hair sway over his signature brows. His ocean-blue eyes bore deep into yours as if knowing that you're trying to figure out his intentions, you look away as his presence can be too intimidating. Ugh, why'd you look away? You scolded yourself. He then began to speak still looking at you, "So until then we will wait and then send you to gather the pieces we need." 

'Sigh that was exhausting and nerve-racking.' You thought to yourself as you stretch your arms. It was already sunset by the time you had finished your conversation with Section Commanders Lena and Erwin. You walk briskly on the ground, abandoning propriety in this moment of solitude you bought for yourself. You feel the heavy coin pouch that Lena just gave you before you left. At the very least it was worth the effort and all that energy you poured in. You are walking back to your horse, preparing to ride back on your way to the Cadet Corps. You didn't really expect to see Erwin there. You thought you'd at least meet him by later this year or next year by the time you enlist in the Survey Corps. And boy does he have the most imposing presence. The way he looks at anyone, the way his blue eyes gaze onto you as if looking through your soul and your secrets makes you feel a tad bit uncomfortable. The way he eloquently spoke and gathered himself throughout the conversation makes him an enigma, like something about him or that expression of his tells you he knows a few steps ahead of you. He's every bit the Commander Erwin you knew from the series. 

You sighed to yourself, as you rode on horseback with an exhausted expression. You were more tired of being on guard around Erwin's perceptive eyes than the rest of the nearly two weeks of the mission you were recently in. Soon you reach the gates of the Cadet Corps, your mind finally snaps back to reality as you remember the excuse Section Commander Lena told you she sent to the Cadet Corps officers. Apparently, you messed up some documents and ledgers in the office and Lena kept you in the office to fix it yourself alongside disciplinary action that was given. The Cadet Corps wouldn't usually let anyone mess with their cadets or abuse their cadets but if it's your mentor, the Section Commander Lena, and also your assigned superior officer, they're willing to let that slide. Not willing to risk themselves over a cadet, more than what's necessary. 

You quickly snuck to your dorm, taking a bath, and putting on clean clothes and your uniform as fast as you could. After checking everything in place, you left your dorm and decided to turn in to report to the Cadet Corps officers. You walked across the training grounds and saw your friends training diligently, the sun setting on them as smiled at each other. You can't help but think that their friendship would grow all the same even if you weren't transmigrated in this world. You walked into the officers' well office and right after you entered, you heard Instructor Wittman shouting at you, "Cromwell! I've received word of your recent accomplishments in Section Commander Lena's office!" He scolds you, "You were sent there to learn and help not mess up the entire funding of the Survey Corps!" He says knocking a fist on the top of your head. What? but Lena said it was just some documents and ledgers that were included in the letter she sent the Cadet Corps? What funding of the Survey Corps? Your eyes widen at the weight of the situation you're in now. "Ah, I see you're only realizing now your mistakes huh?!" He says shouting at you further, "You need more discipline!" Until another figure, probably another officer places a reassuring hand, "Come know Instructor Wittman, Section Commander Lena had already had her disciplined and corrected her own mistakes. Poor kid had just completed twenty laps, right after correcting her mistakes." He then adds, "Section Commander Lena already asked us not to punish the kid any further. I mean just look at her." Only then that Instructor WIttman and the unnamed officer get a good look at you. Some bruises on your face, your dry ragged skin, and the deep circles under your eyes that you apparently for from the sleepless nights of correcting your mistakes and from whatever those twenty laps were, instead of the mission you just completed recently. 

You notice Instructor Wittman's expression calms down before saying, "Alright, just be careful next time. For now, rest cadet." He says dismissing you. You smiled with a salute, "Thank you, sir!" You do deserve a rest after all. You then walked out of the Cadet Corps office, and you walked across the training ground once again, you saw your friends had just finished their training. You walk up to them, "Hi, Eve!" Jina says as she greets you, "I heard you messed up some documents of the Survey Corps' funding?" Kayle says as he grimaces at the thought of making the same mistake. "Eh yea, it was nerve wracking." You say as you scratch the back of your head cementing the lie. You didn't want to lie to your friends like this but you have to for now. 'I mean does it even matter? I've been lying to them all this time.' You thought at the back of your head. "How have you guys been doing lately?" You say as you shift the topic, "Well it's just me and Kate helping Jina train." Kayle says as he gestures at Kate who is gathering her belongings. "Oh right, it'll just be a few months until we graduate huh?" You say as you watch the cadets in the training ground and the instructors begin to leave. "Yep, so we are doing our best to make sure we pass the next evaluation," Jina says as she wipes the sweat from her face with a face towel. "I have an idea," You say as something sparks in your eyes, "Why don't we throw a spice up the celebration after the graduation?" Kate then interjected after hearing you say something of an idea again, "Oh, something fun?" She says as she places her hands akimbo on her waist.

"Let's dance and sing!" You say as the idea forms a plan in your mind. Remembering the stunt you pulled at the riding exercise before, Kate grins, "That sounds like a great idea! It'll be a blast!" She says and Jina giggles at the thought. Kayle only sighed and followed the rest of your group back to the dorm. You had originally thought of the celebrities-particularly K-pop, which sings and dances in complete harmony and badassery with their music. Although there's much to be practiced in well, all areas and holes in this plan just having fun with good music and simple moves doesn't sound so bad to you.

Lena sat on her desk, her cheeks resting on her fist as she leaned sideways a piece of paper in her other hand. Then a cup of wine on her desk in front of her. The books' spine covers on the shelves shine in reflection of the sun's light. Thin dust particles veiled the mid-day sunlight as it illuminated the room in warm light.

According to the flimsy writing on the piece of paper, you had just finished the mission and acted on your own to escort the children to Klorva District instead of Udo. Lena folded the piece of paper as she smiled to herself. It's been a while since she received the piece of paper. She also sent a letter detailing an elaborate excuse for your absence these past few days to the Cadet Corps. It wasn't that difficult to pull this off considering her lineage and influence although she wished she didn't need to use that as much. "That child never changes, does she?" She says to no one at all as she remembers her observations of you. These past few days, she had been looking at the folded piece of paper rather frequently in contemplation since she received it. You easily passed the bars, the standards that she had placed upon the underground network, upon her future successor. You were nearly ideal, sure there's room for improvement but in time she believed that you could. Like her diamond in the rough. 

Although, as she views you more and more like her successor, she can't help but feel suspicious of you. You had been hiding things from everyone, although she didn't have any logical reasons or evidence supporting this only her hunch. And her hunch never failed her before. The way you pause for a moment and place your gaze sideways, there's always a small glint of blue, that flashes momentarily in your eyes. It's faint but it's there. Lena had never seen anyone's eyes change color like that before. The way excellent displays of strength you had showed not to mention the pre-evaluation report she had found after some digging that you somehow managed to lop off several titan dummies' heads from the nape off with ease. From your attitude, it seems you have no idea that you did or that it doesn't even count as an accomplishment or anything worth to you. Then, your ODM gear skills that Eckhart and Udo witnessed in the recent mission, rendered them speechless as you carried the skirmish by yourself. The way that you'd be so adamant in inviting your family for a seemingly long vacation and yet you wanted to buy a house for that? Lena had an underground network so it wasn't exactly that hard for her to watch your every move as you browse, through the land and housing sellers. Many of which are scams you're not aware of anyway. So Lena took it upon herself to get rid of them for you and for the sake of someone as naive as you. The way that you fight in hand-to-hand combat, is a technique that has yet to be seen in the military. Or the way that you avert the questions with your poor acting skills of looking dumb. She did look up your background and family. You do have a verified past with an ordinary family but she can't shake the feeling that you must be hiding something. Something in her gut sends alarms that you could potentially be dangerous. Yet, the only trustworthy thing about you was your kind actions purely out of selflessness just like the ones you did in the mission. You could've just left the children to Eckhart and Udo's care, both strangers that you don't know and you don't trust, and just received your pay here after the mission's completion. But no, you had to go through literal extra miles just to make sure the children were safe. You shared what's little of your rations with strangers and the hungry children, hunted and cooked for them on your journey, and even personally escorted them off right into the orphanage. Most people wouldn't even bat an eye to help the filthy and hungry children but you did. Not to mention your futile efforts to protect their innocence by covering their eyes at the sight of murder. And you, not immediately killing off the wagon's escorts but only knocking them out. Several alarm bells tell her gut that you could be dangerous but your actions say otherwise, that she could trust the kindness of your heart to care for the people in the underground network. In Lena's eyes, you are someone so young yet with so much power hidden beneath, she could see great potential in you and she's not about to waste it. Something dangerous as an ally? Lena smiled to herself as she attempted to dissuade her gut instincts for the first time in her life. She chose to trust you against the odds. 

She can't help but be reminded of the theory of a certain teacher, Erwin's father, whose very same son sought to prove. That maybe, just maybe you're from outside the walls or someone in connection to the outside? She laughed to herself as she poured wine into her cup, thinking that it was impossible. She had already verified your background. Just then, she heard a knock on her door. "Come in," she says, waking up from her own musings. The door opened to reveal that teacher's son, his piercing ocean-blue gaze that seemed to bore through her didn't faze Lena at all. 'Speak of the devil.' She thought to herself. The teacher's son, Erwin simply walked inside Lena's office, "Excuse me," he said. Even though they had the same rank, Lena is still a lot older compared to Erwin, a testament to Erwin's genius skills. Even so, Erwin remained polite to an old woman like her, that much she could respect Erwin besides his skills. Erwin closed the door behind him and as if knowing what Erwin came here for, Lena broke the silence, "The children are safe, including the informant." She says as she waves the small paper between her fingers. Little do you know, there was an informant of the underground network amongst the children. A piece of vital information that Lena intentionally hid from you. The children are indeed originally from the underground, but they were held captive as slaves in Schwarz's unofficial manor first. "So what did our informant say?" Erwin spoke in a low voice, his expression remaining stoic and calm but something about his eyes tells he's eager to know. He then reaches out for the piece of paper, to which Lena handed it over to him. Lena sighs, "It's a fail. The informant says there's nothing on Schwarz's pointing any evidence toward Lovof. She only snatched evidence pinning Schwarz just to not waste the trip going." Erwin then reads the paper reading and burns the details in his memory he asks Lena his eyes not leaving the paper, "How about our other informants?" "The one on his wife's house was kicked out. Narrowly escaped. As for others, no news yet. Except that they have found other leads." Lena answers as she refills her cup with wine. It's only been half a year since Lena and Erwin decided to work together to stop Lovof in his tracks and they have yet to see any promising leads. This entire operation has begun a wild chase against Lovof and his men. But Erwin devised a plan to corner Lovof all the while Lovof lets his guard down thinking he's winning. Then he'll use Lovof's men against Lovof himself. It'll take time, but Erwin was willing to play the long game. Erwin continued to read the detailed information on the paper. Then as he read the information, something seemed to have caught his attention. "This... so you have sent the cadet you mentioned before?" He asked, he remembered the name 'Eve' that Section Commander Lena was so proud of as she boasted to him of this cadet's accomplishments during her training days like a proud parent. He can't help but think that Lena used this chance once again to boast to him, about this cadet that she was so proud of training. "Yes, told you she's good isn't she?" Lena smiles as she gently swings the wine inside her cup before drinking it.

Just then the door opened almost simultaneously to the knocking. Erwin and Lena's attention was caught by the door opening, revealing you. In dirty ragged clothes, tired skin, ODM gear covered in dirt, and the faint smudges of blood on your cheeks, your ear, and on your legs.

Year 841,

Status: (Eve)

STR: 125

AGI: 73

DEX: 96

HP: 60/60



DEF: 20

Status: (Lena Grieves)

STR: ?

AGI: ?

DEX: ?

HP: ?/100


DEF: ?

Status: (Erwin Smith)

STR: ?

AGI: ?

DEX: ?

HP: ?/100


DEF: ?

[Note: An average soldier's stats would range from 30-40 while a normal man's stats would range from 10-29. Common stat limit 100.]