
Chapter 27: Wolf

Sigrid stood in front of me, wearing her usual leather attire. Some of her armaments were hidden underneath her cloak, but I could tell it was there and easily accessible by her at a moment's notice. She regarded me with a demanding expression.

"You went to sleep with that?" I gestured my both of my palms at her outfit.

"Get to the point," she crossed her arms, impatience seeping out from her violet eyes.

"I didn't," I shrugged. "I only asked whether if a person of your descriptions were staying here and the innkeeper said yes."

She snorted, having fallen for my petty bluff, "I heard it screech just now. It wasn't human. Why was it after you?"

"No idea," I gave her a Gallic shrug.

She maintained eye contact with me, trying to discern whether or not I'm giving her the whole truth. Unable to decipher anything, she turned around and left, not forgetting to close the door behind.

Ever since we arrived at this town, we had never once bumped into to her despite staying at the same inn. Except for that time when she helped arrowed down the first pig we had difficulty killing. She had apparently taken measures to avoid encountering to us in spite of the effort to do so. Must've been awkward talking to guy whose shoulder she dislocated by mistake. I snorted and shook my head. Doesn't seem like she's as cold-blooded as the rumors says.

I walked to the windows and shut it tightly, knowing it probably won't do much if that thing ever decided to return. Still, it made me felt a little bit safer than only leaving it open. I sat on the floor, leaning against the wall, facing the window. Reviewing the information I have.

That thing had been after me. Why else would it appear in my room when there had been plenty of other people in the vicinity of the forest? Could it be that it was attracted to Ellariel's aura? That reminds me, I somehow managed to utilize some of her power without her being conscious. I didn't know I could do that. I should use the opportunity to practice it whenever I can. Since it's the only measure I have against anything that wants a piece of me. I tried calling forth the power as I did before, focussing on bringing it out. Nothing. Well, the lights did flicker before it disappeared. Could it be that I'm out of fuel? I recalled what Ellariel said back then, about how it takes a lot of effort just to gather even a teeny bit of power. I pursed my lips, maybe it's better to save it for emergencies after all. I felt the effects of the caffeinated power starting to fade, the sleepiness starting to catch up with me. I don't think the creature would try to another move on me tonight, I told myself. Even if it did, I doubt that I can fend it like I previously did. So moved to the bed and decided to get some rest.


The next morning.

Someone knocked at my door, I jumped out of bed and readied my soulblade.

"Whozit?" I barked.

"The innkeep. Rando wants to see you. He's waiting downstairs together with your companion. Says it's urgent."

"I'll be down soon. Thanks."

"Sure." I heard the innkeeper's footsteps pattering away.

I got up, feeling groggy. I didn't even tried to adjust my bed-head and went straight down without delay. There, I found Lia sitting together with Rando. Breakfast readily served on the table, including mine. Some eggs, sausages, beans and a few strips of bacon. My stomach grumbled and I went to take a sit beside Lia.

"You look like hell," Rando said.

"Yeah, but it could've been worse," I replied, taking a piece of bacon with my hands and put the whole thing in my mouth. Table manners can go to hell, it would've been ironic if I were to die of hunger after surviving an attempt on my life by a snotty sandman.

"What happened?"

"Something tried to kill me last night. But as you can see, I'm doing fine now. Thanks for asking," I said mid-chew, savoring the fatty goodness of the pork before finally swallowing.

"Sh*t, man," Rando blurted candidly, resulting a gasp from Lia. I chuckled maniacally, drawing concerned looks from the both of them. One of the ways to prevent yourself from going insane from fear is to treat it with humor and hope that it lightens the load on your psyche.

"Anyway, what is it that's so urgent?" This time, I took the fork and stabbed a sausage as if commiting a crime of passion, and stuffed it in my mouth. Biting into it and releasing its juicy goodness. Awww yiss, being alive sure is great!

"Bastion is missing. He went to the woods yesterday and hasn't been back since," he said bitterly.

I choked on the sausage and widened my eyes in alarm. The creature! It had fled to the forest after being repelled by me last night. I frantically searched for a pitcher, poured a cup, and downed it all, clearing the blockages as the water swept through.

I let out a breath and focused back on Rando, "Isn't this a job for the townsfolk? You said that they helped searched for Bastion's daughter when she went missing. Shouldn't they do the same for him?"

Rando sighed and rubbed his forehead, "You see… Here's the thing… A few years back, after his daughter had been missing for two months, he deliberately went missing at the woods without telling anyone. Not even me. As a result, we had to organize another search party to find him. After a few weeks, we eventually did and found out that it was a ruse in order to get us to comb through the forest again in hopes of finding his daughter."

Now I get it. It's the classic case of the boy (man) who cried wolf.

"What makes you so certain that it wasn't the same ruse he tried to pull again?" I asked skeptically.

"I'm not. But the forest is dangerous place. There are many beasts that lurk there. That's the reason why the folks are hesitant to enter into the woods, especially during the night," Rando said. "Look, I'm not asking you guys to do it for free. I'm personally requesting you as Adventurers to help me find him," he said resolutely.

"You do know I'm just an Iron-rank Adventurer right?"

"Doesn't matter. It's an emergency and I'm willing to pay ten Gold for your help, each."

I gulped my saliva after hearing his offer. However, I've already made up my mind. There's no way I'm going to visit the home of the thing that tried to kill me. Money is only worth something when you're alive. Yeah, that's right. I'm scared, so bite me.

"You're a cool guy, Rando. But I don't think I'm the right man for the job," I said bitterly.

"Mike!" Lia cried out.

Rando sigh, "I guess-"

"Wait!" Lia interrupted. She looked at me with displeased eyes.

I sigh and turned to Rando, "Could you let us talk about it for a moment in private?"

"Sure." He got up and sat on another table further away.

"I really don't think we should take this request. The thing that tried to kill me… It fled to the woods and I don't think there's much I can do should it decide to come after me again," I explained.

Lia frowned at me, "All the more reason to take this request. Who knows what might happen to that poor man over there."

I snapped, "Don't try to coax me with sympathy, you're not the one under the clutches of that creature last night. He knew the dangers the moment he decided to set foot on that forest, as such I have no obligation, morally, nor as an adventurer to save him."

Lia opened her mouth to try and argue, but the words just won't come out. She knew I was right. Her blue eyes immediately started accumulating tears. Aw cr*p, what have I done. I felt terrible for making her cry, but I really don't want to die.

"I'm sorry… I just thought… But we can't just…" she whimpered.

She turned away to run but I caught her arms just before she did. Lia struggled and tried to pull herself free.

"Fine! I'll do it!" my voice whipped, calling her resistance to halt.

She slowly turned to me, her expression hopeful, "Really?"

I let go of her arm, "Really. And I'm sorry for saying what I said."

She wiped her eyes and smiled at me, "It's fine, I forgive you. Let's go tell Rando that we'll accept his request." Lia walked towards Rando's table and I followed.

Halfway through, I froze. What the hell happened? Did I just agreed to waltz into the creature's homebase over a few tears?

"Come on, Mike!" Lia turned to call at me. I shook my head and went on to take a seat.

At least the money's good. With that, I can finally afford some real armor dan weapon. I thought about my strategy of making it out alive incase I have to fight that thing again. But it wouldn't be wise to have only Ellariel to rely on since there's no telling whether I might have enough juice to pull off the same trick again, let alone kill it. And since I've already accepted the request, the only thing I can do right now is to increase my odds of survival.

"I'll accept the request."

Rando's expression brightened.

"In that ca-"

"Under one condition,"

"Sure, what is it?"

"I want you to hire Sigrid as well."