


A young man aged around 24 or 25 sits perched with back aganist the wall of a dilapidated castle wall, shoulders lump, eye sight blurry with blood running down the right side of his head and a broken inhuman spear tip just barely missing his heart.

The man isn't dead, yet, but will soon be without the aide of a miracle. In the background the young man hears the laughter of what sounds like a warped jackal. But he knows all to well it's those "things" taunting him and spewing their curses.

With whatever strength left he grips his nearly broken sword covered in black tar like blood of those things, he kneels on one knee and says what he believes to be his final prayer before saying

"Today, I see both sides of life." He does the vile act of licking the blood of those monsters and charges down the castle portcullis stairs into what legend has his death.