

Qianlong helped Cheng Baihua carry both bags. He also helped her walk out of the building slowly, knowing that she was still injured. When they went downstairs, Qianlong lifted Cheng Baihua onto the bicycle he had ridden and let her carry a bag. He carried his backpack in front of him and cycled with Cheng Baihua to the hospital.

By the time the two of them finished their business at the hospital, it was already noon. Qianlong stopped by the hospital's restaurant to let Cheng Baihua eat and take his medicine before heading to the factory in the afternoon. However, he had already asked for a vacation from the beginning to come and see her. Fortunately, he asked the doctor to write a medical certificate for her a day after the fact, claiming that she had no one to take her to the doctor, which caused the delay in treatment. The doctor understood that most factory workers would need a medical certificate to receive sick leave pay. He also saw that the patient's condition had not yet fully recovered. I guess she couldn't make it to the hospital yesterday. So he helped write for them. The doctor let Cheng Baihua take a week off from work to treat his wounds and come to see the doctor to clean his wounds every day. Since her wound required five stitches, it took quite some time to clean it until it closed. As for the medical expenses, Qianlong was the one who paid for her as usual. Fortunately, Qianlong had been saving money for emergencies like this since he started working. The expenses of his future wife were therefore not beyond Qianlong's control.

Cheng Baihua felt a little guilty because she had never helped him with any of his expenses. Even the wedding was Qianlong's money that he had saved up over the years. His family lives in a different city with his elder brother and sister-in-law. He, who loves to gain experience, came to find work here and has been sending money back home to support his parents ever since. She promised Qianlong that from now on, she would let him collect her salary. She was afraid that her family would force her to have sex with her in the future. Qianlong, who had heard Cheng Baihua's story since he started working, nodded and promised that he would help with this matter. No one will be able to snatch his family's money from now on. Cheng Baihua smiled sweetly at him, even though his cheeks were still a little sore. She was glad he didn't object to this. At first, she thought of keeping it in a bank account. But when she thought about what her mother was like, She didn't dare to open an account under her own name. But she will have the factory transfer the money to Qianlong's account along with his salary instead.

After eating and taking medicine, Qianlong and Cheng Baihua also went to the factory to arrange leave. When the fellow employees saw Cheng Baihua's condition, They now understand why she didn't come to work yesterday. Her supervisor himself approved her leave request without hesitation. He really wasn't a cruel person who could force a sick person to come to work. Furthermore, Cheng Baihua had never taken leave since he started working here. He was even more considerate of her. For now, his department will have to help her with her work. Cheng Baihua thanked her boss and excused herself to go and submit the leave form to the HR department, and then the two of them left the factory.

Qianlong rented a room near the factory. He bought a bicycle because he had to take Cheng Baihua home often after he started courting her. Cheng Baihua, who was starting to feel drowsy after taking the medicine, could only drowsily follow Qianlong into the room. She trusted that he would not do anything bad to her. Because soon they will be married.

Qianlong took Cheng Baihua to his bedroom to rest. However, he and she have been together for many years. He didn't dare to do anything too outrageous to the patient from the beginning. As the wedding day draws near He wanted her to get well soon, otherwise the photographer he hired would not get good pictures of the bride. Only factory workers were invited to their wedding. Because Qianlong's relatives were not able to travel far. As for Cheng Baihua's relatives, they probably don't think anyone would dare to come. Tomorrow when he goes to work, he will tell his friends at the factory the whole story. Others will finally know that their future wife's mother is not as good as they often see her as.

During Cheng Baihua's break Qianlong took good care of her until her wound healed completely and the doctor allowed her to go back to work after a week. Both of them worked happily. Because in a few days, they will celebrate their wedding at the restaurant that Qianlong had previously arranged to hold. Friends in the factory also prepared to give money to the bride and groom. The two of them have a few dozen coworkers. This event was therefore a small wedding with only twenty or thirty people.

Until the wedding day at the restaurant Cheng Baihua's family did not dare to come to the wedding as Qianlong had predicted. He had previously taken Cheng Baihua to file a report with a medical certificate a long time ago. So he took her back to get the house registration and helped with the funeral for only one day. Fortunately, Cheng Xiaolong was afraid of the police, so he was the one who secretly went to get the household registration for his sister instead. After the two of them registered their marriage, Cheng Baihua changed the household registration to Qianlong's room. They returned it to Cheng Xiaolong. Cheng Baihua didn't even think about inviting her brother to the wedding. She didn't say a word but let Qianlong handle everything for her. Because she didn't want to give in, she did this.

After work, both of their supervisors and colleagues came to congratulate them. Qianlong was really happy, he finally had a wife, Cheng Baihua, after waiting for many years. The attendees teased the bride and groom with fun. They congratulated each other and ate together until almost 10 pm, when the wedding party ended. The bride and groom also received quite a few envelopes. The two of them paid for the entire banquet and still had several thousand yuan saved up. They didn't expect that the factory would give them a thousand yuan in a congratulatory envelope. The people who attended the event gave at least 50 yuan in red envelopes. In addition, the supervisors of other departments who were unable to attend the event still sent envelopes . They were afraid of losing face to the other department heads, so they gave each of them 500 yuan in an envelope. However, their salary is more than one thousand yuan. The supervisors were not bothered by the fact that it was rare for them to be able to put money in a wedding envelope.