
A Tiring Journey

Colt Kasai, born (or rather, reborn) in a pseudo-Japanese household is a tired and easily annoyed individual that still tries his best regardless so that he doesn't become a burden to those around him..., which would only make circumstances more annoying, Though, he did possess a secret of his own and that was the fact that he knew the world around him, he'd read about it as a story in his 'last' life. Now, Colt headed to the Advanced Nurturing High School. Would his life be normal? Or would he get caught up in the games at play?

Dreizehnn · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Entrance Ceremony

Tokyo, Japan,

Advanced Nurturing High School,

Colt POV,

Rows upon rows of students stood in an auditorium, their gazes fixed on the stage to the front... or so it should have been but, this was school. The very first day for the first years but still, students would be as students were. Some acted as if they were paying attention, the others didn't even bother with that much and of course, there were those that paid resolute attention as well.

Schools would have such students after all. The ones who were diligent and upright.

While their uniforms were the very same for the most part, white dress shirts, brown shoes and dull green pants or mini skirts (depending on their genders of course) with red button up blazers, there were also clear signs that so long as it was within reason, small changes were permissible. Some students wore accessories, others had differently coloured shirts or something along said lines.

"I am the student council president, Manabu Horikita."

Among these students, one stood out to some extent, it was Colt after all.

Perhaps it was height or looks, perhaps both. Foreign blood did make for a rather 'unique' appearance.

Colt too was among those that had made changes to their uniforms, choosing to wear a black dress shirt instead of the white under his blazer. He observed his surroundings, discreetly, it would look stupid to be moving around his head after all.

Noticing some interesting personalities sated his curiosity and Colt once more returned his attention to the teenager standing on a podium, his voice was serious and stern, a strict gaze and a very neat appearance.

Colt shrugged, that much should have been expected of the Student Council President of such a school.

A small satisfied smile never left his face though, why? Well, Colt had gotten into class 1-C, the one he'd been hoping for with all his heart.

His reasoning was mostly,

'1-A are posh cunts.

1-B are power of friendship weirdos.

1-C are bearable.

1-D are just misfits that would bring him no end of trouble.'

Well expanding on this more though, the first was a power struggle he wasn't interested in, the second were too meddling and open, they wouldn't leave him alone and the last were, well anyone who's read Classroom of the Elite would know that there would be no end to annoyances were he to go to the same class.

Well, it wasn't like he wouldn't interact with what happened.

Being a background character was fucking boring after all. Also bloody retarded cause he'd be giving up a good ride.


Same Location,

Kazuma POV,

Kazuma Sakagami, stood along with the other teachers at the very back of the auditorium and his gaze was fixed on the row that made up Class 1-C. Certainly an intriguing collection of individuals, these kids were competent, there was no doubt about that.. but, they had flaws as well. They wouldn't be in his class otherwise.

He gazed at the red haired teenager standing at the head of the class with his hands in his pockets, a small mocking grin had been present on his face ever since he'd walked in. Kakeru Ryuen, he was as much of an 'individual' as Kazuma had expected. Hell he'd not even bothered to be prim and proper for the entrance ceremony, the teenager didn't have his blazer 'on', he had it draped over his shoulders instead.

Kazuma then looked at each student, noting down things that stood out about them before finally reaching the very end of the row where he saw Colt. The older teacher had been observing this one young man specifically ever since the students started walking in.

He'd expected Colt to be somewhat lazy and unapproachable but now Kazuma took those thoughts back. Yes Colt was a very unapproachable individual but not because he looked sleepy or occupied something, no it was because of the sheer seriousness the teenager exuded.

He'd walked in straight and upright, with firm steps and unlike most teenagers who took shuffling their hands around to cover for their anxiety, Colt had his hands out. He looked at his peers with a serious gaze and had an aggressive air about him.

Kazuma was impressed, very impressed...

If they thought A would be the only class that stood out this year, they were in for a very huge surprise.

It would be a pain to get someone like Colt to actually start bothering with helping his peers though.


Tokyo, Japan,

Advanced Nurturing High School,

School Yard,

Colt POV,

Currently, a black haired teenager could be seen sitting on a bench with his legs folded, he had his arms stretched out and his head hanging to the back, staring at the sky with a bland expressionless face.

Sitting out there, Colt realised, he was at a school where daily attendance was mandatory.

Colt was having an existential crisis.


His crucial thinking, very important for his survival, was interrupted by the sound of a cane tapping against the ground.

"Greetings Mr...?"

Colt, made a small annoyed sound before sitting up straight, being lax about it would just waste more of his time than he cared to 'waste', "Colt, Colt's enough."

"I see, well then, Colt, greetings."

A girl of relatively short stature, did a small curtsy, holding onto a cane that she was using to move around with more ease.

"Likewise." Colt nodded back, folding his arms as he shifted about in his seat, he'd not expected to make contact with the person in front of him so soon. Small stature, a regal air about her, lilac shoulder length hair, a beret on her head and a blue ribbon. It would be difficult for him to not recognise her.

"Arisu Sakayanagi."

"So, what do you want?" Colt wasn't one to beat around the bush, the only reason he'd been sitting out here was because he wasn't interested in spending any more than the required time in a classroom, he was confident he'd be able to make it in time for the first class.

"Some would say that this.... quality, of yours is disconcerting." Arisu Sakayanagi, slightly smiled at his way of talking, not many would talk to her that way.. or rather, not many would talk to anyone that way. She'd seen him while making her way to class and considering there was more than ample time before they began, Arisu had thought to make conversation to 'pass the time'.

She'd seen him walk into the auditorium.... it was hard not to. He was a head or two taller than almost everyone there, his build didn't do much in the way of hiding his presence... not that it would be hidden, Arisu was curious as to how a person could seem so.... aggressive?

"...." Colt looked around as if he was searching for something.

"What might you be searching for?"

"A fuck to give?"



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