
Secrets of the Past - Part 3

"Are you genuinely irritated, boy?" Skullic said. "Your suggestion is a valid one, but it would be inaccurate in describing what I intended to describe, for the stench included perfume, but was not limited to it."

"How did you ever get married, Skullic?" Oliver asked.

"With a priest," Skullic replied, smiling.

"…Damn it, I'm too tired to jab at you. Thirty seconds in, and I'm already exhausted," Oliver said, yawning again in place of a laugh. Naturally, he hadn't been particularly bothered about what Skullic had said, but it was fun to hold the General's feet to the fire every now and then.

"Then sit, weakling, and read your book," Skullic said, quite childishly. "I am rather busy. If you wish to pick apart my terminology, you can do it at a later date."

"You yourself said this wasn't studying… This is leisure for you," Oliver said. "Leisure can't keep you busy. Or can it?"