
A Time of Tigers - From Peasant to Emperor

Why are the nobles good looking too, isn’t that unfair!? ("Yer just ugly..." "What did you say!?") - An annoyed peasant *** Y'know, I'm beginning to think these Yarmdon raiders and murders are real jerks! - dead villager *** If being special means monsters like being around me, then I don’t want to be special!! - a terrified youth

Nick_Alderson · Fantasie
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1322 Chs

General Khan's Head - Part 5

Karstly's men were exhausted, just as the Patrick men had been. Charging forward endlessly without anything to show for it was taking its toll, and now they could barely lift their weapons to finish off the foes in front of them.

The only saving grace was the lack of extended melees. Every charge was over as quickly as it had begun. Of course, that too was likely to change, as General Khan continued to eye his prey, in search of the opportune moment to strike.

"A poor showing, Samuel, a poor showing indeed… They'll think that we Stormfronters are nothing but physical might," General Karstly said. "We'll be defeated before we can show any of what we're made. It will be Oliver Patrick that they remember, and the strength of his four hundred. We will be a mere side note, in the mind of that almond-headed foe that we face."