
The Founding

Benjamin Burgundy raced his dirty denim legs up the block. His sister chasing at his tail, he stopped at a post on the corner of the block. Vanessa Burgundy slowed her run, and began walking the rest of walk to Benjamin. "Why have you stopped? We were having fun.", Vanessa said putting her arm around his shoulder, slowly dragging him to side of the block. "Oh, what's that?", She noticed a golden ticket in his hands.

Not sure, but it looks like it might cost a fortune. Enough bread for the next year!", He exclaimed joyfully. "Benny, are you sure? Maybe it's stolen" Vanessa took it and examined it closely.

Benjamin took it back and found an expiration date. "May 14, 1852. It expired 2 years ago." He cried. "Maybe not, let's ask Jeffery tomorrow.", Vanessa comforted him.

The sky's of Utah began to slowly but heavily shed tears and the people along the sidewalks shot out the umbrellas. Vanessa and Benjamin were not prepared at all. Vanessa ran, but Benjamin just stood there, staring the ticket, like there wasn't a rainstorm happening on him. "Come on!", Vanessa turned her head and shouted. "Coming!", He hid the ticket in his pocket and ran after Vanessa.