
the room

I got out as well and he was waiting for me. we walked inside and he brought me to a room. the door hand a sign on it. it only had one word "pet".

as we step inside I could see my horrible bed and all my cheap furniture in the room. my bed up against a wall. the wall color was a grey and the room looked dead.

there was two doors in the small room. we walked threw the first door to see a big pretty and probably expensive bathroom

the second door was a big walk in closet. 1/3 of it had my clothes the other 2/3 was clothes bought for me. my owner grabbed a dress and walked into the second door and I followed

it was a big bathroom with a hot tub size bathtub and a walk in shower. everything was white and clean. I just stood there in amazement. it was so damn pretty. i didn't even realize him walking closet to me untill he touched my shoulder

I jumped and turned to him " w-what are yo-" I was cut off when he suddenly kissed me.

" shut up " he said and started to rip my dress off

" LET ME GO! " I yelled and tryed to push him away

he did when he saw it.

a scar left on my right shoulder four years ago. he just looked at it for what felt like hours at this point my heart was racing and tears were running. he let me go and left. leaving the clothes behind. I was confused.

" was my scar that ugly?" I thought I have always been self conscious about my body then add my scar into the mix and well. you get the picture.

( hello everyone I'm sorry for the {really} late update I was busy. and lazy tbh. next chapter you guys will see a piece of her past. again super sorry )