

" all I want,all I've ever asked for was their love, their presence. I long to taste their love but they've never been there.all they care about is making money. I feel like I'm adopted" she cried with sniffles as Isabella pat her back trying to comfort her.

" Isabella do you think they'll ever have time for me?...sniffs...I don't think they're my real parents, I.. I..

" don't say that Michelle, I watched your mum give birth to you.they are your parents and they love you,they really.." Isabella said cutting her short

" lies! all lies!" Michelle spat out forcing herself away from Isabella's hug " if they love me as you always say, then why don't I feel it? I don't feel it. I don't even see it"she sighed

" I'm tired"


meet Michelle Aldama only child and heir to the Aldama empire.

she has lived her lived with just one wish, to be loved

will her wish ever be granted??

read on to find out

A Taste of Love

( even a drop will do....)