
A Tale on the Moon

On the Moon, the supreme goddess and god appeared. But suddenly, an obstruction occurred and they fell into reincarnation. They were to experience seven hardships. if the first didn't lead to another hardship, it would be successful and they wouldn't have to go through the remaining six hardships but, it did. Now, they have been through six hardships and are now presently in the seventh. Unfortunately, this hardship experience (or seventh life) is the hardest ever. They are separated in two different worlds. In her world, the powerful devil king falls for her. Not understanding her feelings, she agrees to marry him. But what will happen when on the wedding day, a war broke out between the heavens and the devil and demon realms and she accidentally kills the devil king. She then after being poisoned, appears in the supreme god's world. But then, the past has come to haunt the present. What will happen next? Join me as we journey through the love tales of Mei Xing and Yan Yuan

Vieled_tricky · Andere
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11 Chs

What is fate and destiny?

****The next day*********

Snowdrop went over to Cherry blossom's home. She was a friend of hers.. "Hi", Snowdrop said. "Snowdrop!" she cried hugging her. "Where have you been for 1000 years? I thought you had left me behind". "I would never leave you behind like that. I just don't know how I disappeared", Snowdrop said. "Come on in and tell me everything", Cherry blossom said and they sat on her bed. "Well, there's nothing to say. I only woke up in nature realm. It's still a mystery to me'. "You woke up in nature realm? Is it as beautiful as they say?" "Hmm hmm", Snowdrop said in affirmative, "I saw many things there. The sand spirit, water spirit, stone spirit, birds, flowers, mermaids and so on. I got familiar with most of them". "Really?" "Hmm and the nature realm is very beautiful". "Sounds awesome". "It is". "So, you haven't figured out what happened in a thousand years?' Snowdrop shook her head., "no....I only woke up afterwards. But, I don't know why I feel I forgot something very important. It's complicated". "Does it mean you've lost 1000 years of memory?" "O don't know but if I didn't, how could I sleep for 1000 years That sounds strange". "It does. Wait..." an idea seemed to pop.up in Cherry blossom's head, "how about...I help you regain your memory!" Snowdrop laughed, "you're very funny. You must be an immortal with high cultivation and magical prowess". "But it was an easy trick I read about. Don't underestimate me'. "Fine"


Cherry blossom concentrate all her energy all her energy and focus on Snowdrop's mind. She had a to help her regain her memory. She tried the first time but it didn't work. She did it again much more focused and concentrate but guess what? It didn't happen.

"Hmph", she sighed disappointed.

"See?" Snowdrop console her, " I told you you needed high magical prowess. Yours is still low", she said standing up. "You know there are many ways to kill a bird", Cherry blossom said standing up as well.. "You have another idea? No need, you need rest. You just wasted your energy", she said turning to go. Cherry blossom rushed and held her hand "Hmm?" Snowdrop asked turning to her. "Who said anything about using energy?" Cherry blossom said. "Then?" "We could check the Olixers', Cherry blossom said smiling both mischievously and reassuringly at her. Snowdrop too nodded smiling, "yes, we could". She changed her expression into a 'you lose' one. "Nice try. You can only check with permission from Lord Guanyin", she said pulling her hand away. She walked on. No way Cherry blossom would let her go that easily. "Don't be stubborn. So what if Lord Guanyin goes away and no one else is here for us to seek permission from. What do we do then?" she tried to convince her. Snowdrop nodded her head in thought, "you seem to be right". "Of course", Cherry blossom said relieved. "But she's here and we would get into trouble if she finds out". "Find out? Who will tell her? Me? You? or Tulip? Jasmine? Poppy or Vine?" Cherry blossom convince her further. "I don't lie". "It's not a lie. How can you be lying when you're not asked anything?" '"but...." "Besides, you're supposed to keep track of it everyday. As you're checking, you can figure yours out. It's a win-win". "Okay, fine. But I'll check myself". "But....I'ld also like to see". "You won't understand even if you see". "Please, please, please, pleeeeease", Cherry blossom begged waving Snowdrop's hand. "Okay, fine", Snowdrop agreed. "Yes!" Cherry blossom said excited. "But just this once" "Yes, just this once".


Cherry closed her eyes and opened them few seconds later. The view she set her eyes on was magnificent. The ground was like frozen ice and underneath it looked like ocean blue water and she saw pearls forming. She looked up and saw a shiny 'sky' above her. It was not that far and she could reach it if she flew a bit high. The 'sky' emitted blue Ray's of light everywhere. She looked around. Everywhere seemed endless.

"It's beautiful", she said almost inaudible but Snowdrop heard her. "It is", she agreed. "So, only you and your master gets to see this. How unfair". Snowdrop smile, "is it? I only come when I have to work". "Is this the sky?". Snowdrop shook her head in negative, "it's an unbreakable bond that binds the Olixers together". "I see" "And beneath here is where the Olixers her formed. You see the pearls underneath?" she said directing her eyes downwards. "Hmm". "They are formed almost everyday depending if it is a mortal, immortal or god is born. They keep on reinforcing structure till it's born. When born, the pearl completes and goes up forming a the Olixers". "So, now that we are here, how about we check someone's Olixers? Whose should we check?" "Hmm...I don't just check, something must be wrong first". "Like what?" "Like if the

fate of the person should be something, then, if there would be anything that trust to change it, I'll fix it or prevent it from changing". " Can't the person change he's fate?" "He can. Anyone can change their fate. My duty is to make sure that their destiny is unchanged". "Destiny, fate...it's all confusing. How do we know when something is wrong?" "The blue rays will change to another color. Since all rays are perfect, we'll be going now". Cherry blossom was disappointed. "No, no. We came to find out the cause of your memory loss. We can't leave without finding out". "Fine", she said. She pointed her palm to the open Ray and turned her hands in circles. An Olixer appeared. Her name was imprinted on it. "See? It's blue ray is perfect meaning it was meant to happen". "I see" but she didn't see anything, "can you read your fate?" "Yes but since nothing's wrong...I won't" "How do you read it?" Snowdrop waved her hand and another olixer appeared while hers disappeared. She stretch her hand towards the olixer and a white aura surrounded it splitting it into six. "Each one of them represents something... love, pain, memory, hurdles, happiness,hatred anger , death and so on". "It divided into six but you mentioneed more than that". "Well, each division is divided further and further", Snowdrop said and waved her hand at the divisions and they turned into white dust forming different weird patterns. "In this mortal's destiny, he would have to die in place of the one he truly loves. He can't change that", Snowdrop said and suddenly, she felt pain her chest and held it falling down. Cherry blossom noticed and helped her up. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine . "Come on, let's go back". Snowdrop took them back to her room. Cherry blossom made her lie down. "Have some rest. You'll feel better', she said. After making sure Snowdrop was asleep, she left.