
A Tale on the Moon

On the Moon, the supreme goddess and god appeared. But suddenly, an obstruction occurred and they fell into reincarnation. They were to experience seven hardships. if the first didn't lead to another hardship, it would be successful and they wouldn't have to go through the remaining six hardships but, it did. Now, they have been through six hardships and are now presently in the seventh. Unfortunately, this hardship experience (or seventh life) is the hardest ever. They are separated in two different worlds. In her world, the powerful devil king falls for her. Not understanding her feelings, she agrees to marry him. But what will happen when on the wedding day, a war broke out between the heavens and the devil and demon realms and she accidentally kills the devil king. She then after being poisoned, appears in the supreme god's world. But then, the past has come to haunt the present. What will happen next? Join me as we journey through the love tales of Mei Xing and Yan Yuan

Vieled_tricky · Andere
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11 Chs

Snowdrop's disappearance

*******100,000 years later************

The world had nine realms: the heaven realm, nature realm, supreme heaven realm, fairy realm, hidden realm, unknown realm, demon realm and devil realm.

All the realms apart from the demon and devil realm were majorly under the supreme heaven realm but with the supreme goddess gone, the supreme heaven realm also had no ruler. And so, during the period of 100,000 years, the heavenly emperor was chosen.

************Fairy Realm*************

The fairy realm was made up of fairies only and the goddess of Peace, Lord Guanyin resided there to oversee the affairs. The fairy realm was very large but was ranked the least compared with other realms.

Most of the servants came from the fairy realm as those in the fairy realm were not allowed to leave. Only those who were up to the age of ten thousand years or those who were recruited as servant faires could leave so, everyone wanted to leave and so, most fairy servants come from there.


"Where's Snowdrop?" Jasmine asked. "Coming. I'm over here", Snowdrop responded running excitedly. "Aren't you in a haste to have a chance to become a servant fairy? Why are you getting late?" "I'm so excited to have a chance to leave the fairy realm soon. After all, I'm a fairy who cultivated for two thousand years. Of course, it's a big day for me. I need to look my best". "Hmm....then if you're lucky, you'll be a servant in the heaven realm". "Actually, I don't want to be a servant. I just want to be free to explore all the realms. Being a fairy is the first step", Snowdrop said."How long will it take before we become faires too. I want to leave here too", Poppy complained. "Don't worry, very soon as long as you work hard", Snowdrop assured.

"I don't want to be a fairy soon. I can't work for those grumpy immortals or gods. They must be annoying and bossy", Vine said.

"Don't say that. All that matters is that you work hard to cultivate and be a fairy like me".

"Hmm...." Vine still had her doubts.

Besides, it's not compulsory to work as a servant. You can be a fairy and stay here". "Yes, I will. I can't leave here. It's beautiful". "The fairy realm is beautiful but the heaven realm would be much more beautiful, don't you think?" "I don't know that but I bet nature realm will be the most beautiful". "Nah...I think the supreme heaven realm would be better and more beautiful", Tulip interjected. "Is no one talking about the devil and demon realm?" Vine joked. "How can evil have beauty? I bet everything is black and nothing else", Poppy said. "For me, I think the hidden and unknown realms would be the most beautiful. I would like to go there", Snowdrop said. "It is called hidden and unknown because no one knows where they are", Jasmine said. "Fine. I'll go for the event now. Take care", Snowdrop said before jumping off.


"Today, I will be screening those who have cultivated into a fairy for a thousand years or more. As you have wished to go to the heaven realm, if you're lucky, you'll get to work there. The message would be sent to you", Lord Guanyin said. After the screening, Lord Guanyin dismissed them. "You all will receive a message by evening to see if you've passed. Good luck",she said they bowed and left.


It was already evening. Snowdrop paced up and down impatiently, looking at the sky. "Come on. Won't you eat something?" Tulip asked as she looked impatiently at the sky. "No, I'm not hungry. Carry on", Snowdrop responded. She looked on at the sky and suddenly, a twinkle appeared. "It's here", she said excitedly and she stretched her hand and the twinkle moved towards her and appeared as a scroll in her hand. She opened it with smiles. As she read through it, her expression changed. She was sad and she folded the scroll back. She walked sluggishly out of her courtyard to her room.

"What's wrong?" Vine asked. "It's nothing", Snowdrop said trying to conceal everything but her face gave her away. "What does it say?" Jasmine asked. "It's nothing", Snowdrop repeated as she walked dejectedly to her room. "I guess she didn't make it", Poppy said. Everyone looked sad for her. "Let's talk about this tomorrow, shall we?" Tulip, the foodie in the group said. Everyone looked at him with a readable expression. "What?'


Why isn't she awake yet. It's 9am", Tulip said. "You're talking as if you ever get up early. You're always sleeping", Vine said."Thank you, Vine", Tulip responded as he shoved some berries into his mouth. The others didn't notice as they were busy doing something else. Poppy turned and noticed Tulip eating the berries. "Tulip, you foodie. Get your hands off those berries", Poppy screamed as she brushed his hands away. As she did that, all the berries fell down and spread on the floor.

"Oh, no....see what you've done", Tulip moaned. "It's all your fault", Poppy said as she pulled his ears. "What's going on?" Snowdrop said rubbing her eyes. "Oh, what a mess. I'll have to clean it up", she said walking to where the berries were. "Woah, what are these?" she asked surprised. "Hmm", Jasmine cleared his throat. "Hmm?" "We thought you were sad and so, decided to pick the best grapes and berries for you", he put his hands round her shoulders. "No need to be sad. We are here for you. As long as we are together, we all we make you happy". "oooooo. You guys are so sweet", she said as they had a group hug. They afterwards sat together and happily ate the berries feeding each other. "It's almost 10am I need to go to bed", Tulip said and everyone responded, "sleepy Tulip". "Yeah. Yeah. Laugh all you want", Tulip said as he walked up to his garden transforming to the tulip flower he was and slept off. The others apart from Snowdrop followed.


When it was evening, Lord Guanyin came to Snowdrop's house. Snowdrop's house was no less a mansion. It wasn't actually her house. It was her master's house. She had been away for thousands of years.

"Snowdrop, where were you? We've been waiting for so long". "Greetings, Lord Guanyin", Snowdrop said and bowed. "Why were you you have waiting for me, if I may ask?" "You were chosen to go to heaven realm". "Heaven realm? But I was rejected". "There was a mix up. We sent another message. Didn't you receive it?" "No, Lord Guanyin". "Well, you have to go. Now". "Thank you", Snowdrop said excited. Lord Guanyin left while Snowdrop went to give her friends the good news. "That's good news. You have to go now", Vine said. "I'll miss you and the food", Tulip cried. "Don't worry, I'll be here every Friday and spend the weekend", Snowdrop assured them. "See you. I have to go", Snowdrop said running off. "Take care!!" her friends screamed.

"mmm", Tulip sniffed as he blew his nose in his handkerchief crying. "You'll never change, will you?" Jasmine said.


"You're late. The others led by the aura of the heaven realm have gone. You have to catch up. Have a safe journey", Lord Guanyin said. "Yes", Snowdrop said. She started flying led by another heaven aura. As she was going, she saw another aura. "Could it be an aura from another realm?" she thought. "No, I have to go. I can't be distracted", she said and continued her journey. But as she did another aura engulfed her and she disappeared