

It was a usual Monday morning with the summer sun and scorching temperature of 33°C. *phew*

Things were no different in the Singhania house.

"Dhriti get up its morning. She should wake up early in the morning but this girl. Dhriti if I don't find you outside in 10 minutes make your breakfast on your own."

Saroj Singhania shouted at her daughter for her to wake up while gathering her belongings and keeping them in their place. She is a successful fashion designer running the company 'Dhrihash'.

"Mumma let me sleep my vacations are going on. Who wakes up at 8 in the morning."

Dhriti whined and again slept covering herself completely with the AC blanket to protect herself from her mother's scoldings. Saroj finding no other option switched off the AC and fan. In a few minutes, Dhriti sat upright throwing the blanket off her.


Dhriti started to whine but immediately shut up when she saw her mother glaring at her.

"Quickly get up and come outside. It is such a special day for your brothers and madam wants to sleep."

"Oh shoot Mumma!! I forgot about that. Give me 5 minutes I will be there."

Saying so she hurried inside the washroom.

Saroj shook her head at her daughter and went into the dining room where everyone was present except Damini, her sister-in-law and Dhriti the princess of the Singhanias.

Though they had another daughter Aanchal whom they loved a lot who was now happily married for almost five years now and had one kid. But they loved their princess Dhriti more and she was pampered and spoiled by everyone for obvious reasons. And no she was not a spoilt brat.

Everyone was now present in the dining room and were having their breakfast.

"Aunty could you please pass me another stuffed bread."

Sahil asked.

"Heyy don't eat much it's our first day in the office. If you'll get fat how will you impress girls."

Adarsh whispered to Sahil and winked at the last statement. Karan who was sitting next to Adarsh heard him and gave him a smack on the back of his head.

"You are going there to work not to impress girls and if I ever get a complaint of any of you regarding this then you see. Understood! Devesh you only talk to them they listen to you. Don't know when these two will grow up."

Karan said while shaking his head.

"Yes Uncle you don't worry they will learn eventually."

Devesh said with a smile.

If you don't understand what is happening let me make it clear. The younger sons of the family Sahil and Adarsh have completed their internship in their company and the skillful sons betas of the family are now joining the office officially.

Saroj and Damini fed their sons with sugar and curd.

"All the best brother. Work hard. And no mischiefs without me."

Dhriti exclaimed clapping her hands and hugged both of her brothers.

"Thanks chhoti."

Adarsh said and hugged her.

"Bhaiiii don't call me chhoti I am a big girl I am going to be an adult next year."

Dhriti whined and crossed her arms and huffed towards the end.

"So what you will always remain chhoti."

Adarsh shrugged.

"Brother look at Adarsh bhai he is teasing me."

Dhriti complained to her favourite Devesh bhaiya. She knows that even if no one in the house is listening to her, her Devesh bhaiya surely will. He loves her the most and she does too.

"Adarsh stop teasing her."

Devesh said.

"I love you bhaiya."

Dhriti stuck out her tongue at Adarsh and hugged her eldest brother and smiled up at him. He hugged her back and kissed her head tenderly.

"Heyy there will be no sibling hug without us."

Came three voices of Sahil, Adarsh and Vaibhav. And they had a sibling hug while the elders looked on smiling and praying that their love remains the same always.

And then all the male members started off to the office.