
A Tale of a Student who rose to be the King and was Greatly Feared

The Tale of how a Average Japanese Highschool Student who worried about things such as dating rose to be the king of the intergalactic empire and was feared by all. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I don't own the cover art!! If you're the artist and want me to change it, plz tell me!

ManekiNekooo · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Chapter 4: How are the Demon Lord's stats completely maxed out!

I woke up on a hard concrete floor. My mind was still a bit shaken up from my encounter with the Demon Lord but other than that I felt basically the same.

"Where is everybody?"

I slowly sat up and I immediately noticed the motionless bodies of the people around me. I wonder what was happening??

Huh, what's that? In the corner of my vision I could see a small box, I directed my gaze towards it and it immediately opened to show what looked like my stats. It looked basically the same as in RPG games… weird. Well I guess there's no harm in looking at them.

Let's see….

Name: Kagero Hirako <Xalvual Evilian>

Job: Reincarnation of the Demon Lord

Level: 1

Wait what. Level one!! This can't be right! I was so powerful before! Compared to everybody else in the world I'm way more powerful!! I clicked on the level to see it more clearly.

Demon Lord stats:

Level: 1

Human Stats:


Hmmmmmm…. I see. So for a human I'm extremely strong but for a Demon Lord I am very weak. This makes me wonder how strong Xavual Evilian is….

Anyways, as far as I can tell there's no way for me to make my Demon Lord level any higher, all the training that I've done has only raised my human level… I guess there's no point in worrying about my demon lord level since I won't be fighting any other demon lords so it's probably smart to just worry about my human level, but I also can't level up with that because all my human stats are maxed out! Probably maxing out my demon lord stats is needed for being the all powerful king of the intergalactic empire.

I walked out of the abandoned warehouse in search of a way to level up. I rose into the air so that I could get back towards the palace. There's no point in staying in this school, the only reason I had given it a chance was in hopes that there would be some people I could manipulate, but now all the people are gone.

"Hey! Is that the reincarnation of the Demon Lord!?"

One soldier shouted at me as I flew back towards the palace.

"Oh yeah! It is! If we shoot him down now we could get rich!"

They cheered and began to grab huge rocket launchers from beside them. They then aimed them at me and prepared to fire them.

"This is so not fair! I can't even walk around normally without having my life in danger! Being the demon lord is much more of a pain than I thought it would be!"

I flew away, back down into the city and sat down at the edge of one of the streets. So if I go to the palace people will automatically recognize me and try to kill me, and if I stay down here I have no hope in rising up and will stay weak. I can't train with anybody here also, because they are too weak. I have no choice but to leave this city and find another spot to raise my Demon Lord stats. Then when my demon lord stats are maxed out I can come back here and gain the throne!

Little did I know that raising my demon lord stats was a lot harder than I thought.

I walked towards a building that seemed to mostly sell maps and walked into it.

"Welcome, do you want to buy a map?"


I didn't want to waste my breath on a normal shopkeeper.

I walked towards what I believed to be a map of this planet and looked over it. Almost all of it was populated with huge cities, however there are some spots of the planet that are made up of huge mountains and forests.

I smirked. My next destination is Eliathim Forest, the largest forest in Tlavis.

I had a running theory, but I will not explain it until further on.

"Whew, that's the furthest I've ever teleported before. However, I'll have to train much harder if I want to max out my stats!"

There! A huge mountain that was only partially covered by forest. That will be the place where I will gain immense powers.

My theory to raise my power level was very simple in theory however, when it actually comes to setting my plan in action it will probably be very complicated.

So far I've been able to observe all the people I've met in Tlavis, none of them seem to be very strong so they can all be easily beaten, however to sway them to my side I need power that is so fearsome that they will not even believe it exists. To gain this power I'll have to max out my, and my demon lord stats. To do this, I thought that finding a mountain or another area very far away from nature and then talking to the Demon Lord would make my stats go up. But there's still a bit of a problem. Last time I tried to interact with the Demon Lord I almost died. He is still far above my abilities. However, the more I try to interact with him the more powerful I will become and eventually I will be strong enough.

I closed my eyes and willed myself to go, once again, into the vortex of moving galaxies. This time, since there was no output of power, I felt as though I was more in control of the galaxies around me.

"You have come again I see. Perseverance is a key part to the journey of omnipotence. However you know not how weak you truly are. You must embrace the Demon Lord inside of you and discard the human!"

I felt a sudden shiver shake my body as another box filled my motion, I opened it and saw it was the Demon Lord's stats.

Demon Lord:

Level: Infinite

HUHHHH!!! I didn't even know that was possible!

"You cannot simply gain this amount of power in one measly life…no. These are the stats gained from an immortal life. Even now my stats still grow."

"There…there's no way! I thought the level could only go up to 1000!"

"By destroying one planet the level cap goes up 1 level. By destroying a multiverse it goes up 100. And by destroying reality…..it goes up to infinity. Power is created by destruction. Without destruction one is weak and cowardly."

I closed my eyes again and concentrated all my powers towards reality. To destroy reality… what does that even mean?

"I cannot settle for simply raising my level. No, I must raise my level to infinity. Without infinity I will not be able to take the throne."

"To take the throne? That is simply your only reason for your want of immense power? What do you intend to do once you gain the throne? You were never meant to be the demon lord, if I had known your true mindset I would have taken the powers away from you."

"I want to get the throne, because I want to be at the top. No other reason. I want all to bow before me. I want all to see me for who I truly am."

I heard a gasp, however it wasn't from me.

"How could you be so…! You want a throne for no other reason except for your own gain of power?"

I smirked. He was falling into my plan perfectly.

"I want all to know and fear the name Xalvual Evilian and his great power."

"You want all to know the demon lord…. That reason is worthy. Although you speak with arrogance, you truly are the Reincarnation of Xalvual Evilian."

My deadpan face split into a smile, I could barely keep my emotions inside. Watching my plan work out perfectly before my very eyes. The immortal overpowered Demon Lord, falling for my manipulation.

"HAHAHHAHAHHAHA!! Lend me your powers, and I shall make all bow down in fear when they sense the presence of Xalvual Evilian!!!"

The demon lord never responded however I was filled with magical powers that I could barely handle.

When I had left earth my mind had changed, I had become much smarter and was better at manipulating the people around me. However now, I felt as though my mind was far greater than was possible. I felt as though my powers were stronger than the very existence itself.

I slowly opened my now bright red eyes. My red hair was illuminated in the intense, powerful aura flowing around me.

I am the one true, Xalvual Evilian. The one who has even conquered the demon lord who I am his reincarnation. And as the Legendary Demon Lord, I will not just lead the intergalactic empire.

No, I will lead all of existence as it's king.