
Ch. 60 Why even bother?

Putting to sleep a noble in the dark alleyway near the arena Peter changed clothing and prepared to infiltrate the building to save Kaz. He walked up to the front gates and was stopped by the guards. "One gold piece." Peter looked at them a little surprised and then dug into his coin pouch and grabbed a golden coin. Handing it to the guard they looked it over and nodded. Removing their spears from the entrance he walked through confidently. Looking around he noticed there were tons of people here. Men, women, and even children. He had never been to an arena and was not entirely sure what went on here he saw most people were beginning to sit in the seats and found a spot open at the front row. Sitting down he waited for what was to come. A woman he recognized from the trade stood at the other end of the arena and spoke to the crowd.