
Ch. 6 Howls in the night

lyKaz was not sure what to make of the sudden fear from the man. Had he not seen a kobold before? Was he that terrifying? The man backed away slowly and raised his sword in a defensive position. He called to his partner, who was preoccupied with the girl. Kaz had an idea come to mind. He knew in his games that kobolds never traveled alone. Perhaps he could trick these guys into thinking there were more of him waiting in the bushes. "Leave now, or I will have my men cut you down!" Kaz spoke with authority in his voice. He then raised his hand and made a signal as if to alert the rest of his party to advance. The man fell for it. He dropped his sword and began to run in the opposite direction. The other man finally got the girl off of him and followed his partner deeper into the woods.


MISSION SUCCESSFUL- Investigate the Noise

REWARD- 1 Character Point

Relieved, Kaz sighed. Looking back at the girl, she looked even more scared now. She backed up against a tree and extended her claws and teeth, trying to look menacingly. Her hair raised all over, and she looked almost like a scared cat about to pounce. "Calm down. I mean you no harm." Responded Kaz, but the girl continued to look at him with venom. She responded with something, but again Kaz had no idea what she was saying.

It seemed to him that there was a severe language barrier between him and everyone around him. "Xora, is there any way I could figure out what she is trying to say?"

"You can acquire more skills by either finding them in the world or purchasing them with Character Points." Interestingly, he did notice he had a skill for a language; perhaps he can find the language she is speaking and learn it. He opened up the menu and clicked on the store page. It looked a lot like a store page to an app game. Full of random things to buy, each one enticing with discounts left and right.

He managed to find his way to the language menu and saw that learning a language cost him two character points. He saw an extensive list of languages and had no clue what one to pick to talk to her with, "Hey Xora, do you know what language she is speaking?"

"Information Unknown." Well looks like he will have to pick one and hope it worked. If it was anything like his games at home, there had to be a simple language that most people on the planet spoke. He scrolled down the list and looked at each one until he came across one that seemed to be right. He clicked on it and spent the character points.

SKILL ACQUIRED- Language- Common Lv 1

Knowledge flooded into his brain as he started to understand the new language. It seemed as if his mind was being rewired to fit the new knowledge in it. Grabbing his head, he developed a little bit of a headache. Shaking it away, he opened up his character sheet, and there is along with the newly acquired bluff skill. He loved lying to people in games, so he knew he would have fun with this skill later on. He looked at the girl who was still in a protective stance growling at him. He decided to try out the new language.

"I don't want any trouble; I came here to help," Kaz spoke slowly, still getting used to the language. His kobold mouth was making it sound like he had an accent."What do you want with me?" She responded cautiously. It worked! He was able to understand her. He put his sword away and raised his hands to look harmless and tried to smile.

"I heard your cries for help and saw strange humans were attacking you. I could not stand by and watch another human hurt someone." He was honest with her. He hid the part about Xora telling him to do it and wondered if she even noticed the system he was playing with in front of her just moments ago. She did not seem to,o which was right on his part. It would be hard trying to explain what he was doing. He could always say he was casting magic to understand her since what he was doing was moving his arms and hands around a lot.

"What a kind kobold you are. Am I your prisoner now?" She calmed down a little but never lost eye contact with him.

"Not at all, miss, My name is Kaz, and I am just a wandering kobold trying to find a place to stay." He moved closer to her slowly and saw that the damage to her leg was pretty severe. She was bleeding pretty bad, and if nothing was done, she could potentially bleed out. She backed up a little, but the tree behind her did not budge. She bared her teeth again, but Kaz kept his comforting stance.

"You need to get that treated soon, or you will die." He spoke calmly. He did not know the first thing about treating wounds. The only thing he knew was what he learned from watching t.v. He put his bag down and pulled out some rope. Then found a straight stick and looked back at her. "I will do the best I can to patch you up if you would let me."

She closed her eyes for a second, her face looking a little pale. Slowly she nodded, and he went to work trying his best to stop the bleeding and get some kind of tourniquet made for her. Helping her up, she used him for support mostly. He did not mind since she looked to be in so much pain, but her chest against him felt warm and comforting. He blushed for a moment and then stopped himself before he got too worked up."Do you have a place to stay tonight?" Kaz asked, hoping for a good answer."

"My hut is just about 30 minutes away. I ran from there when those men chased me. I fell into a bear trap and tried pulling my leg out, which lead me to this sorry state." She smiled a little and looked at the ground. "Thank you, my name is Perish, and I am in your debt Kaz." Her voice was soft now and did not show any signs of anger. He was surprised at just how sweet her voice sounded now. She leads them into the direction of the hut, and after about an hour of slowly limping, they arrived.

I've decided to post extra chapters if we reach milestones.

Every 5 Privileged readers we get I will post an extra chapter. Privilege is only 1 coin so come join us and read ahead ^.^

Currently 7/100 privilege readers

Extra chapters posted so far 1/1

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