
Ch. 50 The Master

"Where are they taking us Perish?" Sarah was worried now. They were split from the rest of the group and now going to an unknown location. Perish kept her usual strong appearance around Sarah and did her best to comfort her. But she was worried too. This was all new territory for her and she was not comfortable being away from everyone especially her hut. "It will be alright Sarah I am here and I promise I won't let anything happen to you." doing her best to sound convincing Perish herself was not quite sure exactly how she would do that. Having the man take only women worried Perish. She knew the lust that men had and were certain that Sarah was not aware of it yet but she would make sure that if they do anything it would be to her only. She did not like the way the man smelled of roses and fruit. It sickened her due to the overuse of it. As if he laid in a tub of it all day and soaked his clothing in it.