
Ch. 41 Red Mission

Making their way back to the camp outside town Peter and Sarah found Kaz and the rest with relative ease. It had been a few days since they signed the contract with the Leader of the Caravan who they found out was named Garland by one of the other adventurers.

"We found a job that will get us to the border a lot faster than we originally anticipated and with less struggle," Peter told Kaz who looked at him hopefully but also skeptical.

"What kind of job is it? Sounds almost too good to be true." Kaz replied trying to sound optimistic. Windson and Perish came up to the group to welcome Sarah and Peter back. Perish and Sarah hugged it out and Windson and Peter nodded to each other. Peter seemed more energetic than usual. He smiled and exclaimed the new job.

"We will be guarding a caravan while they make their way through the border."

Windson frowned a little. "That sounds like a good plan for you two but what about us?"

"That is no problem. We told them we are monster tamers and that you are the monsters we have tamed as adventurers." Peter gave a small smile trying to make it sound normal.

Kaz had heard of monster tamers before in games he had played but they were usually non-sentient monsters that they tamed like wolves and stuff. He was not familiar with monster tamers in this world. "What exactly is a monster tamer?"

Looking to the side Peter kicked the dust a little. Windson decided to inform Kaz himself. "A monster tamer as they call it is just a glorified slave owner. They capture monsters and force them to do their bidding or face consequences. Having monsters under you usually means you are a noble of some sort or really skilled at controlling things."

Kaz did not like the sound of that one bit. He knew that Peter and Sarah would treat them well during this charade but what would the other people in the caravan do to them while they were traveling together. They could be in for more trouble than they anticipated and it looked like Windson was thinking the same thing.

"Peter, what are they expecting from us?" Windson asked trying to get to the point. 

Getting a little jumpy now Peter quickly responded. "They just want us to protect the caravan until we make it across the border. Once we get to the human outpost on the other side they will reward us and we will be on our way and across the border."

"What are we as monsters expected to do while there though?" Kaz interjected feeling there was something missing.

"Nothing special just listen to what Sarah and I have to say and act as hired muscle if we get attacked." Peter looked at both of them and at the ground.

Windson and Kaz looked at each other. They knew Peter was not good at hiding stuff and if there was anything else they needed to know he would have told them by now so it really did sound as simple as a guard mission. A screen popped up in front of Kaz it was a little redder than he was used to seeing for mission screens it made him feel a little off reading it.

MISSION ACQUIRED- Protect your friends.

Success- +5 Character Points

Failure- Lost- Sarah, Lost- Peter, Lost- Windson, Lost- Perish - 3 skill points, - 1 all stats.

Another missions where he could lose all his progress so far. That is not something he was looking forward to. But the question was what did he need to protect them from? Did that mean they would in fact be attacked by someone while protecting this caravan? The thought bothered Kaz it was as if someone was planning these things ahead of time or had some kind of future vision.

Clicking the accept button he decided he was going to do everything in his power to make sure his friends stayed together. "Alright Peter it sounds good to me when do we leave?" 

"Well they are heading out tomorrow morning first thing."

"That's good we were getting tired of waiting and doing nothing. How are we going to play off this lie to them? Do we need chains or anything?"

"Not at all most monsters who are not on leashes or magical restraints tend to be completely obedient so as long as you do everything we tell you to do it should be fine with tricking them."

"That seems simple enough."

The group waited outside town for the night preparing for departure. Sarah told Perish about all the things she saw in the town and Peter and Kaz and Windson went over strategies in case their plans went south. The next morning came quickly and they all headed out to the caravan.

Garland noticed the three monsters accompanying Peter and Sarah and remarked admirably. "Well you kids weren't lying. you have some pretty strong looking monsters on your side. I'm glad I did not count you guys out too soon."

Peter laughed to himself and Sarah rolled her eyes. They all entered the wagon at the end which had more than enough space for them since they had no supplies to unload. Quin walked by them and noticed the monsters. He gave Kaz a sharp look and shook his head before walking away. Kaz watched him leave and was confused.

"Who was that?" He asked Sarah who responded with a little venom. 

"That's just Quin. Somebody who thinks he's better than everyone else."

That was new to Kaz he had not seen her talk so strongly about someone like that before. There must of been something that happened between them. The wagon started moving after a short while and they felt happy that they did not have to walk much right now. Of course when it became their turn to walk beside the wagons they did so without complaint. Kaz did everything he could to be perceptive and watch for any incoming attacks. The first day was peaceful the next day however was when things quickly changed.

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