
CH. 29 Captured

Perish fell into Sarah's arms and began sobbing. "They beat him bloody and then took him in. I wanted to do something, but there were too many."

Comforting Perish, Sarah rubbed her head. "It's okay. It's not your fault."

"I told him I wanted to stay...If I hadn't said that, he wouldn't have left."

Peter looked at Perish and sighed. "We need to get him back. We know what they do to monsters they capture in the human territories."

Sarah looked over to Peter and nodded. lifting Perish up to look her in the eye, she gave her a stern stare. "If you feel this bad, then help us get him back. Do you know where they took him?"

Perish took a deep breath and tried to calm down. "I saw a camp not too far from where they took him. I tried to follow them, but I could not get very far before they started grouping up."

Peter and Sarah stood up and began grabbing stuff for their new mission. Potions, the scrolls, weapons, anything they could prepare for taking back their friend.


His vision began to come back to him. He did not remember where he was, but he hurt all over. Kaz's head lay limp on his chest. He tried to move his arms, but found chains bound them. Slowly looking around, he saw there was another monster tied up next to him. It looked like a man with bat wings and bat ears. Kaz had never seen a monster like that before. The man was still unconscious and looked like he had been there for a while.

Taking a deep breath in, Kaz gathered his wits and started looking around at his surroundings. He saw that he was in some kind of cell. Probably a human dungeon of some sort.

"Oh, that's right, some humans attacked me..."

The bat-like man began to wake up and grunt in pain. He looked at Kaz, who was watching him.

"What do you want, lizard?"

"Where are we?"

"A training camp."

"What do you mean?"

"A camp where they train soldiers to fight monsters."

"Are we going to be the targets?"

The bat man laughs before coughing a little. "You catch on quick. What's your name?"

"Kaz, you?"

"Windson. How did they get you?"

"I ran into them on accident trying to get to the border."

"You too? we must have some luck."

The door to the cell opens, and in came three soldiers. They look at Kaz and laugh. "For a monster, you sure were easy to catch. At least the bat tried to escape."

Kaz wanted to say something, but something told him that staying quiet right now would be in his best interest. He needed to gather as much strength as he could if he was going to be a punching bag for a bunch of idiots.

The soldiers unchained Windson and dragged him out of the cell. He did not struggle since he had been through this so often. Kaz watched as his lifeless eyes did not look back at him. They seemed to be thinking of something else.

Kaz struggled to move his hands and clicked his menu open. He continued to struggle even more and managed to place his last point in recovery. He knew he was going to need it. If only he had more points.

SIDE MISSION- Kill as many soldiers during training as you can.

Reward- 1 Character point per killed soldier.

Failure- -1 Constitution, -2 Body, and -3 Ego

Kaz looked at the missions and smiled. He knew he would enjoy this, but it would come at a cost. He would probably be beaten hard for killing recruits, but he needed to do this. He needed as many points as he could get.

Hours passed, and Kaz could feel his wounds slowly heal up. They were not completely healed, but he felt less pain now. He breathed deep and tried to focus his energy on recovery. Hours passed, and the cell door opened up again. A bloody Windson was tossed into the cage and tied back up. They saw Kaz look relaxed and took a whip to his chest. Kaz cried out in pain and opened his eyes.

The soldiers laughed again and untied him. Two soldiers had crossbows pointed at him. "make a move, and we will shot you."

"Trust me. I don't plan to do anything right now."

One of them looked hard in his eyes, "Or ever."

Dragging Kaz by his arm, he squirmed a little to get his feet on the ground and followed them outside. Looking at his surroundings, he saw that he was not that far away from where he was captured. It seems like he must have run into their camp on accident. They push him towards the center of a cleared field and handed him a wooden sword and shield. He looked at the weapon and armor and tried hard to think about how much damage he needed to do to kill someone with it.

Another soldier with a club and shield entered the circle. He hit his shield with his club and gave Kaz a hard stare. Grinning, the Leader of the soldiers called out. "We will now begin training on Kobold Leaders. Make sure to take them seriously; they are usually fishy and use traps and tricks to win their fights. Good for you recruits, that won't be the case since he has not had time to prepare."

The soldiers laugh loudly, and Kaz begins to get a little nervous. "I just need to kill as many of them as possible." He reminded himself. The whistle blew, and the soldier slowly started moving forward. Kaz was skilled with a blade, and this he hoped would be considered a blade for his skills. The soldier got into striking range and swung at Kaz. He dodged the attack quickly, and the enemy left himself wide open. Kaz wanted to strike, but he knew he would need to land a good hit if he was going to kill this man.

The soldier prepared himself again and raised his shield a little to block an attack that never came. The rest of the soldiers looked excited. They wanted to see bloodshed. Kaz continued to watch the movements and dodged the attacks. Finally, he saw his opportunity. The man's neck was wide open since he swung way too far forward.

Kaz used his momentum from the dodge to put all his weight into the swing. It connects with the man's necks, and a huge crack is heard as the man goes limp. He twitches on the ground choking on his blood, and the soldiers look surprised. The man stops moving, and everyone went silent.

The Leader steps forward and tells people to move the man out of the circle. Two people grab the man, and Kaz knew he was dead.

+1 Character point

"Bring in the next round. This time make sure not to act like an idiot." Two soldiers walk into the circle. This time one has a wooden spear, and the other has a wooden sword and shield. This would be tougher than the last fight. Kaz needed to hurry up and incapacitate one of them to make it easier.

The whistle blew, and the swordsman charged Kaz. The spearman stayed in the back and prepared to assist with ranged support. Kaz was blocking and dodging the swordsman, but he could tell this man was a little more skilled than the last one. Kaz could not jus wait for the right move. He had to swing back and get in small hits here and there to weaken the guy. But every time he managed to get an attack in, the spearman would stab at him to keep him away from the swordsman. These two had trained together before, Kaz thought to himself.

If this were a video game, he would have to stick to one target and take it down quickly, but this was real life, and there were no hitpoint bars to show him how close he was to victory. He had to gauge based on their attacks. It took a few minutes, but he was able to catch their patterns and even begin matching their pace. It was very draining to keep up with this, but his attacks seemed to wear out the swordsman, and the spearman was getting sloppy too. Kaz used this time to get in more swings.

Kaz was breathing hard now. Two vs. One right after a fight was getting to him. He saw them weakening, but they also saw him slow down. They did not want to die like their friend, so they kept pushing harder, doing everything they could to take down the Kobold.

One strike from the spearman hit Kaz right in the stomach and caused him to lurch forward. The swordsman used the initiative to swipe at the Kobold and hit him square in the back of the head.

I've decided to post extra chapters if we reach milestones.

Every 5 Privileged readers we get I will post an extra chapter. Privilege is only 1 coin so come join us and read ahead ^.^

Currently 7/100 privilege readers

Extra chapters posted so far 1/1

Delphonsecreators' thoughts