The next week was awkward for both of them. Neither one said very much to each other. Perish tended her garden, and Kaz kept forging in the forest to get away from the hut. He was not sure why he stayed around for the entire week. Maybe he just wanted to see if she would change her mind. It did not seem like it was going to happen.
Wanting to stay with her hut and garden, Perish thought long and hard about what it is she wanted in life. She knew she could live her days out in the hut as long as no one found her, but that was highly unlikely. She had already killed some humans who wandered to close. Usually, she would have to kill about a handful each year, and it was only a matter of time before one of them escaped and sent for the army or some adventurers to find and kill her.
She knew this was her reality right now, but she didn't want to admit it to herself. If she went with Kaz, it would mean killing more often than not to survive. It could also mean a shorter life. What about Sarah and Peter? Did they want to follow Kaz, or were they following her? If they left her alone in the woods, would she be alright? Could she stand the loneliness?
Questions plagued Perish as she mindlessly tended her garden. Slowly picking out the weeds and planting new herbs and flowers. Her garden was a beautiful, relaxing paradise that she spent years cultivating. If she left, it would get overgrown or trampled on. Animals would take over, and humans might decide to make it their home. That did not make her feel any better about leaving.
Watching Kaz, Perish wondered what he was like before he lost his tribe. Was he a great leader, or some kind of guard? The scar on his chest shows he's been in and survived a serious fight. But when she met him, he seemed clueless about everything. What made her feel so attached to him in the beginning? Was it the fact that he was a sentient monster that wasn't trying to kill her. Was she that lonely to fall for the first monster who showed her kindness?
Falling for might be a strong word for it. She admired the guy's strength and determination, but she had not fallen for the guy. But she definitely felt something strange when she's near him. A feeling like she needs to protect him even though he seems like he can take care of himself. It was a strange feeling, very similar to how she feels about Sarah and Peter. Perhaps that is what friendship is. Wanting to protect the ones you care about.
Perish stayed quiet for the rest of the week and contemplated what she wanted to do. Kaz, on the other hand, stayed away from the hut as much as possible he had other thoughts going through his head. If he had to do this alone, how was he going to manage that? Would he need to start heading for the Border now to get as much time as possible to begin his tribe? How was he going to convince anyone to join him on his own? He could increase his charisma a little that might do it or maybe presence to scare people into joining him. But he only had one point to his name, and the mission he had now was the only one he had available to him at the moment.
Could he maybe pick up another mission somehow? If so, what would the mission entail, and would it take up too much time? He hated all of these questions going on in his head. He wanted to go to the Border with his allies and make it across together, and now he might have to do it alone. He has his ring of invisibility, so it should not be too hard to get across on his own. Perish is the only one left that he does not know how to get across yet. But now that might not be a problem.
He grabbed his sword and began hacking away at a small tree. He was starting to get angry at the constant circles he kept making in his head. He wanted to get to the point already, but he did not know what that was. He has less than a week before Sarah and Peter show up, and he didn't even know if he should stay and wait them out.
Peter and Sarah were riding their horses, making their way towards the hut. Peter was holding onto something in his satchel. It looked like a few scrolls. He was smiling as he rode, and Sarah looked content as well.
"I can't believe you found some scrolls like that for that kind of price. It was worth not getting sweets during the trip."
Nodding, Peter excitedly responded, "This is going to solve our problem with Perish easily. Kas is going to love it!"
They rested for the night when it became dark out and looked over their supplies. They had just enough to make it to the hut, and that was it. They also had a ton of potions left from when Perish supplied them. Peter looked at them and smiled. "Your friend does look out for us, doesn't she?"
"We have always looked out for each other since I was small."
"How did you guys meet?"
Sarah pauses for a moment and smiles. "When I was little, I got lost in the woods. She found me and kept me safe. I had hurt myself while running away from something, I can't remember what it was, but she came out and treated my wounds using her garden. Ever since then, I would come to play in the woods with her and keep her company."
"It sounds like she has always been a pretty good soul." Peter lied down in his bedroll and looked up at the stars. He had only known Perish for a few years, and the time he did know her, he only wanted to study her. He never really got to know her very well. He decided that when he got back, he would take more time to learn about who she is and what she enjoys.
Sarah decided to keep the first watch tonight, and she stayed on a rock by the fire. She was not really expecting anything to attack them tonight. For some reason, she had begun to develop a feeling for it. Perhaps its been all the traveling they've had to go through over the last few months.
She missed Perish and even Kaz a little. They had seen them briefly just a week ago, but it was not under the best circumstances. She wanted to apologize more for not helping him and his people out, but she did not know how to stop her companions. She may have gotten better with the blade, but she still had a lot to learn if she was going to be more reliable.
They slept peacefully that night and continued on their way. The days dragged on longer with each day. They got closer. It felt like they would never make it to the hut. But after a grueling week on horseback, they finally made it. But something seemed off. Perish, and Kaz were not there to greet them. They wandered around the hut and even entered it, looking for any sign of them.
After hours of searching the area, Sarah and Peter began to get worried. Did the soldiers find them? If so, did they enslave them? The place does not look destroyed, so there was no fight involved. There are no excess footprints, so there has to be a different reason for their disappearance.
They waited in the hut. If anything, Perish would come back if she was not in danger. The day went by slower than ever as Sarah and Peter kept peering out the window and door for any sign of their friends. The night came by, and the entrance to the hut opened up. Sarah quickly got out of her daze and looked to see who it was.
Perish came in, and Sarah quickly ran to hug her. "Where were you? We were waiting all day for you to return. We thought something happened to you!"
Perish did not say anything. She just looked ahead with little light in her eyes. Peter noticed there was something wrong. He did not see Kaz show up behind her, and that set off some alarms.
"Perish, where is Kaz?"
Sarah looked behind Perish and noticed he was not there either. She looked back at Perish, who now had tears in her eyes.
"Kaz left on his own to go to the Border, and on his way there, he encountered some soldiers. I tried to help him, but there were too many."
I've decided to post extra chapters if we reach milestones.
Every 5 Privileged readers we get I will post an extra chapter. Privilege is only 1 coin so come join us and read ahead ^.^
Currently 7/100 privilege readers
Extra chapters posted so far 1/1