The day was almost here, and Sarah was nervous. She had practiced for over a week and taken a few days to recover, and now it was time. She was to head off to the main city with Peter and enroll in the adventurer's guild. Perish wasn't going to be there to support her. She knew it was going to be dangerous, and she could even lose her life. That night she had nightmares of what her incompetence would bring her and her friend. Waking up in a cold sweat, she decided to stay awake for the rest of the night.
Morning approached, and Perish woke up early to see Sarah was already awake. "Are you doing okay, Sarah?"
Perish knew she was worried about today. She decided to do something to calm her. Walking over to sit next to her, she placed a hand on Sarah's shoulder. "It'll be alright, Sarah, you will have Peter to support you. I have seen your skills improve quite a bit since you started a week ago. Don't give up on yourself."
Standing to head out, Perish looked to Sarah once more and smiled. Sarah watched her go and then returned to contemplating the future. Peter and Kaz woke up at about the same time and looked at each other. They woke up this time every day to practice different ways to use magic. Today was different, though. There was no practicing this time, only goodbyes.
"You think it's going to be tough?" Peter asked Kaz.
"If you remember my tactics for dungeon delving, you should be fine. " Replied Kaz with confidence.
Kaz knew a lot about how dungeons were set up, and if this world was anything like his game, then it should match up pretty well. However, the tactics he used in his fight with the adventurers so long ago seemed to catch them off guard. Perhaps real life was different. From what Kaz was told about the adventurer's tests, they will be paired up with two more people, someone who studies traps and doors, which Kaz assumed was a rogue or ranger class, and someone who was closer to the divine, which of course was a cleric or paladin. If they had more people in their group, especially a group as filled out like that, then they should be perfectly fine.
The travel to the main city was going to take them a few weeks, so Kaz and Peter decided to get one last bit of training in before they had to part ways. Sarah stayed in bed for most of the day, and Perish was hard at work, making some potions of sorts. By the time they all were ready to leave, Perish handed both of them a bag of potions. Each one labeled. "These are in case you need them. I can't do much, but I wanted to help you guys out as much as I could."
"Thank you, Perish," Sarah said while grabbing her hand and squeezing it. Sarah knew it would be more than a month until she saw her friend again. She wanted to remember what her hand felt like before she left. Peter and Kaz gripped each other's hands tight and looked at each other in the eye.
"You're a man now, son. take good care of her." Kaz said in a deep gruff voice.
"You got it, dad. I'll protect her with my life!" Peter responded, holding in a smile.
They laughed at each other and wiped a tear away. Kaz continued, "But in all seriousness, take care of yourselves. I wanna see you guys come back safe and stronger than before."
"Of course, With Sarah's quick understanding of the blade and my magic skills, we should have no troubles."
Sarah looked at the ground and used all the strength she could muster to look Perish in the eye. "I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too. But it's only a month. We've gone longer than that before when you lived in the village."
"I know, but what if someone finds you out here again?"
"Kaz and I will take care of it should that happen, don't you worry."
Slowly nodding, Sarah smiles faintly, and Perish pats her head. "You're such a worry wort. Just remember that a fighter is confident and careful. You are there to protect your allies, so don't get sloppy."
Peter and Sarah set out towards their destination, making sure to avoid the town that wanted them dead. Kaz and Perish decided to lay low while they were gone. Better not to bring any unwanted attention their way.
Peter and Sarah walked and camped for about three days before making it to a new town. They had been to this town a few times growing up and always liked the fresh fruit that was sold in the stalls here. Perish did not only leave them potions but just enough coin to hire horses to get to the central city, pay for the entrance fee, and to buy a treat or two along the way.
Sarah decided to save her treat money for when she got closer to town. Her stomach was not prepared for anything sweet right now anyway. Peter seemed more energetic than usual he was excited to see what the trials entailed. He had always dreamed of adventure and thought to himself often that he would eventually join the guild. But he never had enough money saved up to do so.
They bought their horses and started riding towards the city. Along their way, they encountered a merchants cart and decided to walk and chat with them. Once the guards declared they were not bandits in disguise, they had quite a lot of fun learning about what guards do and how they decided to become guards. It turns out that most people who don't want to adventurer lifestyle instead choose to become mercenaries that stick to the human lands.
The first week was over with very little trouble, and the group was already halfway to the city. The merchant loved the idea of these two young ones making their fame as adventurers and decided to give them his hiring crest. If they completed their initiation, they could use this crest as proof they could be trusted for guard duties Increasing their chances of getting jobs in the surrounding area.
They were both grateful for the man's kindness, and the second week went along just as smooth aside from the one encounter they had with a band of bandits who were taken out quickly by the experienced guards. Peter and Sarah did not even have a chance to help them. During that fight, Sarah caught a few tips from their sword swings that gave her some ideas. During their breaks from traveling, one of the guards even practiced with her a few times to help her stay on her toes. She was eternally grateful for that.
They finally made it to the big city, and what they saw dropped their jaws. Large buildings scattered the area, and horse-drawn carriages filled the streets. People walked crowded almost on the sidewalks. Everything seemed busy and exciting. Peter and Sarah were nearly swept away with the lives of those around them. Shops with large windows showed their wares. Restaurants and even a large theater surprised them. They continued to walk the streets, getting closer and closer to the center until finally, they saw something that quickly destroyed their illusions of this place.
In the center of town was a large square with people standing and watching what was going on. Peter and Sarah got closer and saw the many guillotines lined up. Each one had a monster awaiting execution. Sarah wanted to cry out, but Peter quickly stopped her.
"Remember, this is the main city. If you try and stop this, you will only find yourself joining them."
Peter held onto Sarah and directed her away from the scene before it could unfold. Tears in her eyes, and she tried her best not to listen to the cheers. How could people be so cruel to them?
They continued on their way and finally found themselves in front of the Adventurers hall. Looking at each other, they nodded and entered. What awaited them were grizzled faces that didn't seem to want them there. Maybe scarred men and women, some missing limbs even watched them as they walked in.
Stepping up to the front counter, Peter started speaking but was cut off.
"Were here to take the Adven-"
"I think you're in the wrong place, kid."
Without even looking at the kid, the woman at the front counter continued reading her book. Sarah tugged on Peter's arm and whispered to him. "Peter, maybe we should come back."
Peter held his ground and slammed his fist on the table. The woman did not budge an inch at the motion. Peter leaned in and looked at her hard.
"Were here to take the adventurers test now."
Decided to make a little longer chapter today hope you all enjoy it! Make sure to like, comment, review, and follow the series if you liked it!