
Ch 49. Goods and Grimish

Windson watched as the forest began to turn into grassland and then slowly into a rocky area. The ride was not comfortable but many stops were made. The small creepy-looking man who bought Windson who goes by the name Grimish checked on him often. Smiling from time to time in what looked like giddy delight. Feeling uneasy about the situation Windson finally decided to ask the man a question. "What exactly are you planning to do with me?" 

Grimish gave an even bigger smile that seemed almost unnaturally wide. "Oh, you perfect thing I am going to sell you of course. You cost me quite a penny but I can guarantee I can get more out of you than what old Andi could. You see I am somewhat of a connoisseur of monsters. I know the true value of any monster I come across and if I don't well. I will eventually."