
Ch 42. Feeling of dread

The day felt like any other day. Kaz and the group walked alongside the wagons watching for any incoming danger but there was nothing out of the ordinary for them to deal with. It was very strange for the group to just waltz through the trail without someone harassing them. Perhaps this was how humans traveled?

The afternoon came around and the group settled down to eat and recover. Kaz noticed the other soldiers constantly watched them. Some smirked when they say Perish and Sarah and others kept their hands to their hilts when Kaz or Windson walked by them. Feeling the constant disdain for them Kaz could not help but remember the days of his human life. Days where he would be looked at by all those around him as useless and a target. The only difference this time though was Kaz could fight back now. He did not need to just be everyone's punching bag.

Perish sat next to Kaz and quickly motioned to him to lean in closer. "Something off." She whispered looked around at the tree line.

Looking around Kaz could not see anything off. But he trusted his companions and continued to listen. "What's wrong Perish?"

"Just listen for a second." 

All Kaz could hear were the chattering of Mercenaries and the merchant. Nothing sounded off to him. He continued to listen really taking in his surroundings. Perish watched him and sighed. "There are no birds..."

It had just dawned on him when she said that. All-day he had heard them chirping away not really paying much attention to them. But now that he noticed the absence it unnerved him. He watched the other mercenaries talking away unaware of the changes around them. 

What did it mean? Were they about to be attacked? Was this what he needed to save his friends from. He did not want to take the chance to lose them now, after all, they have been through. Whispering back to Perish Kaz tried to be as calm as he could. "We need to get the group together in case something comes."

Perish nodded and scanned the area. She saw Sarah and Peter talking with a few mercenaries. But they could not find Windson right away. "I'm going to look for Windson. Go ahead and keep close to those two." Standing up Kaz slowly began walking towards their wagon. He peered around the corner and noticed Windson was looking around confused. Walking up to him he called out his name. "Windson, what's up?"

Jumping a little Windson glanced over at Kaz for a moment before returning to his search for something out in the woods. "I thought I heard something but I can't find it. I have a bad feeling in my gut Kaz."

"Perish said the same thing. Be on guard I get the feeling something's coming."

"We should inform the leader," Windson said as he began to head towards the front of the camp."

Following behind, Kaz kept an eye out for any movement. They quickly made their way to the front passing Perish and the others who were now looking around worried. and preparing themselves for action. After a few minutes of weaving through mercenaries, Kaz and Windson make their way to the leader. "We need to speak with you, boss," Kaz said with a little urgency in his voice. Waving him away the leader spoke harshly. "I don't have time to listen to a monster."

Stopped in his tracks Kaz leaned back for a moment. He was going to warn the leader of an incoming attack but what's the point. He knew his group could probably handle themselves just fine who cared about the humans that did not even treat him with any dignity. "You can all die for all I care," Kaz whispered silently to himself.

That was strange he had not felt this kind of hatred in awhile. They had not really bullied him or done anything too outrageous but yet he could not help but feel a bitter rage building up inside of him. These people were the same as the bullies at his school the only difference is that they would not hesitate to kill him given the opportunity whereas the bullies only wanted to make him suffer.

Walking away from them Kaz was getting angrier by the minute. WIndson watched him go and looked back at the leader. "Prepare yourselves, trouble is coming." Windson chased after Kaz and the leader stopped while looking in their direction squinting his eyes. 

"Wait up Kaz!" Windson said as they made their way to the others. Mercenaries watched them closely and some looked irritated that Kaz and Windson were allowed to walk freely as they do. Perish was growling a little now. "They're here!" 

Kaz drew his sword and shield and prepared himself. Things grew to a loud roar as people continued to talk to each other. It was not until someone yelled out in pain for a short moment that everything went quiet. Looking over towards the noise the group noticed a man clutching his throat as he is gurgling blood. With a closer inspection, they saw a bolt pierced right through the man's neck.

"Enemies!" Shouted one of the mercenaries before a bolt struck him in the back. Bolts were flying from the forest like a shower hitting almost all their targets. Swords were unsheathed and yells were heard as the mercenaries formed a circle and raised their shields around the leader. 

"This is bad," Kaz spoke without thinking. He looked to see if any of his friends were hurt and noticed a barrier of energy surrounding them all. It looked as if a spell Peter had prepared activated when the bolts came at them. 

Out of the forest came at least two dozen bandits. All wearing random leather and some metal armor they must have gathered from their kills. Swords raised and preparing to attack they smiled as another man walked out of the crowd wearing gaudy jewelry and had a grin larger than the rest. 

"This must be their leader." Kaz watched with his shield raised and breath still. 

I've decided to post extra chapters if we reach milestones.

Every 5 Privileged readers we get I will post an extra chapter. Privilege is only 1 coin so come join us and read ahead ^.^

Currently 7/100 privilege readers

Extra chapters posted so far 1/1

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