
A Sword Lost To Time - Pokemon

A boy stood in silence, his hand gripped his partner’s handle as the sword wrapped its tassel around the boy’s arm. With resolute eyes, the boy turned to face the deity of the Diamond Clan, Almighty Dialga. A girl stood beside him. As the god of time illuminated with energy, she threw a red wooden sphere. Blinding light exploded, fading to reveal the Pearl Clan’s Palkia protecting the girl. The god of space raised one of its powerful claws, a purple aura surrounding it as the god of time, revealing itself in a new form, charged a deep blue orb of pulsing energy in front of it’s mouth. Palkia slashed. Dialga roared. Space and Time clashed and shattered as the boy was sucked into a crack in the Universe. The girl reached out trying to grab his hand, falling to the ground in despair as the boy disappeared into the fabric of space and time. ——————————————————— Hi! Corvin here. So just wanted to say thanks for checking out this book. It’s my first time writing a web novel so please don’t hate too much. Oh, but please tell my any problems with my grammar or story delivery. Use constructive criticism so I may learn from my mistakes. Also as I’m a high school student, the chapters will be updated when decide I write and edit them. Thanks and enjoy! This was heavily inspired by other stories like New Normal, Hard Enough, Pokemon: Jordinio and Pokemon Trainer Vicky. Go check them out! They’re all amazing stories.

CorvinNyx · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs


Hisui, Galaxy Hall: Laventon's Office

"I want you to have this." Akari handed Nyx a piece of red gem. It was fashioned into a necklace as the shining, scarlet jewel hung off a ring of black twine. Nyx's eyes widened as he comprehend the sacred artifact in the palm of his hand.

"I can't take this!" Nyx immediately shoved the Red Chain necklace back into Akari's hands.


"…yes ma'am."

"Good." Akari watched as Nyx wore the necklace, a triumphant expression appearing her face. "Besides, that one was extra from the crafting of the Origin Ball. I also got one of my own." Akari dug under the collar of her Survey Corp uniform to pull out her own fragment of the Red Chain, connected to a loop of white twine.

"It's kinda like those couple rings, yeh?" She said while smirking at the growing blush on Nyx's face.


"Oh? You feeling ill Nyx? Your face is getting kinda red y'know."

" ...sh..shut up." Nyx muttered as he pulled down his hood trying to hide his heated cheeks.

Akari's smirk froze, her smile began twitching madly, before she exploded into hysterical laughter.

"You're too easy to tease Nyx. Hahaha..."

Nyx watched as she rocked back and forth, laughing madly. He stared deeply into her pretty gray eyes that constantly shone with joy and happiness.

' She's the complete opposite of me. I'm dark and depressing to be around. Some people think I'm scary. I think others straight up avoid me… Hah. Honesty, I think it's easier for me to connect with Pokémon than with other people. ' Nyx thought as he continued to look at the giggling girl in front of him.

After a while, Akari's laughter died down and they both briefly found themselves lost in the other's eyes. Akari's grays to Nyx's purples ones. In that short moment, a singular thought raced through Nyx's mind.


And out his mouth too apparently as Akari took one second to realize what Nyx had said, before her face bloomed into a shade of crimson red.

"Who's easy to tease now?" Nyx asked as a cocky grin appeared on his face.

"Ughhh. Fine you got me."




Akari slowly pulled her feet up onto the chair, hugging her legs close as she broke the awkward silence.

"Hey Nyx. Can you promise me something would you?"

"Yeh, of course. What is it?"

"Promise me. That even after this disaster is over, that you won't leave me and the Survey Corp behind."

Nyx paused, his lips twitched as he then responded to the promise with hysterical laughter of his own.

"H- h- Hey! There's nothing funny about this! I'm being serious!"

"Hmph... yeh I know. But you don't have to worry about it. I would never leave you."

"Promise?" Akari asked as she held out her pinky. Nyx stared at it in disbelief.

"What are you? Ten?"

Akari looked at him with a cold glare.

"Do it."

"Alright, alright!" Nyx's pinky coiled around Akari's. "I promise to you, that I will never leave you."

' Because I have already fallen for you. '

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —


"ADAMAN! What the hell is that thing?!" Nyx yelled as he stood in front of Akari, he raised the sword and shield of his Aegislash in front of him, slashing and defending against the dust and debris that the blue four-legged dinosaur decided to throw around.

"WHAT! How am I supposed to know!?" Adaman exclaimed, poking his head out from behind a shattered pillar. He ducked as a head of a statue flew past him.

"BECAUSE IT'S YOUR GOD, DUMBASS!!" Nyx yelled as he deflected multiple, sharp pieces of quartz launched his way. "You worship this thing don't you?!"

"Yeh, we do! But why don't you ask the pink one?!"

"That is NOT Almighty Palkia's name Adaman!" Irida shouted from behind her respective pillar before turning to Nyx.

"Lord Palkia told me that its name is Dialga! It's the god of time so please be careful!"

Nyx nodded as he raised the black shield on his arm in response to growing inferno of purplish blue flames in Dialga's mouth.

"Kūsho! King's Shield!" A large, hexagonal barrier formed in front of Aegislash's shield as soon as the words left Nyx's mouth. Draconic fire slammed into the shield, causing Nyx to wince as the force of the attack pushed him backwards, making him stab his sword into the ground to stay upright.


Dialga's powerful flames continued to damage the barrier, causing numerous cracks to appear on the energy shield, traveling outwards from the center. Then, after seconds of continuous assault, the hexagonal shield shattered into pieces. The fragments dissipating into the wind.


The full force of Dialga's Dragon Breath crashed into Aegislash, causing the sword to call out as the attack from the legendary Pokemon scorched the metal of its shield.

"You okay Kūsho?"

"Slash!" One of the sword's purple tassels gave Nyx a thumbs up.

As Nyx looked over the shield, he could see the burns covering Kūsho. He glanced up at Dialga, who stared back. Now Nyx could feel the suffocating pressure Dialga was exerting, his body refused to move as if frozen in time.


Blinding light exploded in all directions, with Dialga at its center. Nyx watched as the light swirled around, surrounding the god of time like a butterfly's cocoon, expanding and continuing to consume all of the temple in its radiance.

I almost died of cringe reading this. I can not do romance.

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