
A Sword Lost To Time - Pokemon

A boy stood in silence, his hand gripped his partner’s handle as the sword wrapped its tassel around the boy’s arm. With resolute eyes, the boy turned to face the deity of the Diamond Clan, Almighty Dialga. A girl stood beside him. As the god of time illuminated with energy, she threw a red wooden sphere. Blinding light exploded, fading to reveal the Pearl Clan’s Palkia protecting the girl. The god of space raised one of its powerful claws, a purple aura surrounding it as the god of time, revealing itself in a new form, charged a deep blue orb of pulsing energy in front of it’s mouth. Palkia slashed. Dialga roared. Space and Time clashed and shattered as the boy was sucked into a crack in the Universe. The girl reached out trying to grab his hand, falling to the ground in despair as the boy disappeared into the fabric of space and time. ——————————————————— Hi! Corvin here. So just wanted to say thanks for checking out this book. It’s my first time writing a web novel so please don’t hate too much. Oh, but please tell my any problems with my grammar or story delivery. Use constructive criticism so I may learn from my mistakes. Also as I’m a high school student, the chapters will be updated when decide I write and edit them. Thanks and enjoy! This was heavily inspired by other stories like New Normal, Hard Enough, Pokemon: Jordinio and Pokemon Trainer Vicky. Go check them out! They’re all amazing stories.

CorvinNyx · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs


Darkness. Nothing but darkness. Everywhere I look I see an infinite void. An abyss. I need to find a way out.


"How long have I been here?"

Nyx turns to stare into the void searching for something, a sign of escape, anything besides the eternal abyss. A black katana rests by his side. Its tassels tightening around Nyx's arm as a singular purple eye showed worry as it could feel the increasing emotion and despair of its partner.


From Nyx, a long, frustrated scream echoed out into the void. His Aegislash flinched at the sudden loud volume as it tried to calm Nyx down, patting his back with a tassel, the other still wrapped around Nyx's arm.

"Thanks Kūsho. I'm alright. You don't need to worry about me."


The sword answered with a whispery call of its name, seemingly doubting Nyx's mental state.

"I'm fine! It's just… I'm worried about Akari and the others."


"Yes. I know she's strong but they're fighting against the Diamond Clan's god!"


"What?! Of course I trust her! But I'm still worried."

Nyx tightly gripped the fragment of the Red Chain hanging off his neck.

"What if she's badly hurt? Or worse? What if she's dead… and I never get to see her again?"

"Aegi. Aegislash." A resolute expression appeared in its singular eye.

"Yeh, let's — WAIT! What about the others! They were in my bag!"

Aegislash's long tassels reached into the void grabbing the floating black satchel and opened it to reveal a mess of Pokeballs and materials. Nyx dug through the mess of items to find certain marked Pokeballs, feeling them to make sure they weren't damaged in any way.

"16…17…18! Whew. You're all here. Are you guys alright?"

Nyx gathered the 18 Pokeballs and held them close to his chest. All 18 wooden balls shook lightly, each making a different sound responding to Nyx.

"Good." With a small smile on his face he then placed each ball back into the satchel. He then tied it tight around his waist.

Kūsho's eye had a deadpan expression. The katana was beginning to get annoyed by Nyx.

"Slash!" It gave Nyx's arm a small tug with its purple tassels, causing Nyx to look at his starter. Kūsho pointed into the void.

"You're right. Let's find a way out of here first. The faster I leave this place, the faster I can get back to Akari an—"

A sudden explosion of golden light erupted, devouring the black emptiness of the void, blinding Nyx.


Nyx's eyes slammed shut, he raised his hands trying to block the harsh light from permanently frying his eyeballs. The light engulfed him and Kūsho, and faded to reveal that the boy and sword disappeared. Instead a strange Pokemon remained. It had a pure white body supported by four powerful legs tipped with gold hooves, a golden cross-like ring surrounded its body. Its green eyes watched the spot where Nyx vanished.


— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Present Day: Sinnoh, Eternal Forest


Murkrow was a simple fellow. He simply had no worries. No thoughts. Head empty.

Wake up. Eat some Wurmple. Collect shiny things. Flirt with Hoothoot. Sleep in his collection of treasures. Ahhhhh. Life was good.


Huh? What's that strange sound? Also, isn't it a bit too bright for nighttime? Murkrow glanced upward to see a MASSIVE FUCKING CRACK IN THE SKY!


White lightning struck, illuminating the darkness of Eterna Forest. The sound was audible to everyone in Sinnoh, and for a brief moment the night skies of Sinnoh turned into day. A wide, gapping crater was all that remained of the disaster.

Cautiously, Murkrow glided down to the crater, peeking inside to see an unconscious male human and a long, black and SHINY sword. He flew down, making his way towards the shiny blade, intending to take it as his own. But as he edged closer to the sword, Murkrow froze, feeling an ominous pressure emanating from it. Every single feather of Murkrow's little birdy body told him to turn and get the fuck outta there. So he did. But he didn't get very far. As soon as Murkrow had taken to the skies, he was on the ground again as two long purple tassels grabbed both of Murkrow's wings and held him in place.


Murkrow watched as the human dragged itself to its feet. This one had short raven hair that had a long white streak. It dusted off its black clothes and shiny armor as it looked around. The black sword that held Murkrow floated beside the human. The human then turned, and Murkrow saw its sharp purple eyes focus on him.

"Hey bird. Where are we?"