
A Sword Lost To Time - Pokemon

A boy stood in silence, his hand gripped his partner’s handle as the sword wrapped its tassel around the boy’s arm. With resolute eyes, the boy turned to face the deity of the Diamond Clan, Almighty Dialga. A girl stood beside him. As the god of time illuminated with energy, she threw a red wooden sphere. Blinding light exploded, fading to reveal the Pearl Clan’s Palkia protecting the girl. The god of space raised one of its powerful claws, a purple aura surrounding it as the god of time, revealing itself in a new form, charged a deep blue orb of pulsing energy in front of it’s mouth. Palkia slashed. Dialga roared. Space and Time clashed and shattered as the boy was sucked into a crack in the Universe. The girl reached out trying to grab his hand, falling to the ground in despair as the boy disappeared into the fabric of space and time. ——————————————————— Hi! Corvin here. So just wanted to say thanks for checking out this book. It’s my first time writing a web novel so please don’t hate too much. Oh, but please tell my any problems with my grammar or story delivery. Use constructive criticism so I may learn from my mistakes. Also as I’m a high school student, the chapters will be updated when decide I write and edit them. Thanks and enjoy! This was heavily inspired by other stories like New Normal, Hard Enough, Pokemon: Jordinio and Pokemon Trainer Vicky. Go check them out! They’re all amazing stories.

CorvinNyx · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs


Hey. Corvin here. So this story is set in the Pokemon world obviously. The world will be a mix of the game and the anime. Not the manga tho as I've never read those.

There will be some adjustments to the Pokemon like different abilities or forms but those are extremely rare cases. *Cough Cough* Aegislash. Oh yeh. In this world Pokemon can use all their abilities in battle. Some can even be turned off and on if mastered. You just need to train hard and practice the abilities. Using more than one ability is considered really hard and using hidden abilities which are extremely hard to learn is considered genius.

There will be new moves and combination moves. Hey if Ash could make something like Thunder Armor by making his Pikachu use Thunderbolt on his Swellow then I can make a new move using preexisting ones. Moves are displayed like this.








BTW. BP, PP and Accuracy are to show how much damage it does, how tiring it is to use and how accurate it is for the Pokémon. It's just there to help you understand the move. There is no BP or PP in this story.

Also Pokemon data will be displayed like this




[Frequently Used Moves]

Yeh I'll usually do this right before or after a battle with said Pokemon.

Also. No harem. There is only one romance going on with Akira/Dawn. And no segs either. Maybe, maybe segs. I suck at writing those tho. One time, I wrote one so I could bust one to and it made me no longer horny...Damn.


That's all for now. Right? Am I missing something? Ahh whatever that's future me's problem. Hope you enjoy! I would say shit like gimme stones but even I know that it's not worth it. OR you could... I mean I won't complain if ya do.