
A survivor's life in the dungeon. (Danmachi fanfic)

witness the journey of a man who lost everything, as he dives in the dungeon for strength and power. will he succumb to the dangers that he'll face, or will he persevere and find what he's looking for, be it revenge or closure that's for him to decide. . . . . . Hey, I'm writing my very first fanfic, I'll write this story as realistic as I can, so no overpowered MC, he'll be strong, but not in an overpowered kind of strong. I hope y'all like it, and please leave comments and feedback so that I may improve the writing of the fanfic, and it will be deeply appreciated. this fanfic will be dark, themes of death, violence, gore, and other dark stuff, so reader discretion is advised.

TheManCandy · Anime und Comics
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163 Chs

Chapter 75 Tournament Finals (4) Triumph, A Dangerous game.

"LIL RAFAGA!!!" Ais screamed her attack, the black winds, roaring as she beamed straight towards August. Her body became a natural disaster, like an unstoppable hurricane, she moved with destruction at her wake.

"GÁE BULG BEOWULF!!!" at the same time, August unleashed his spell, the most powerful attack in his arsenal, blood red mana compressed into his spear Beowulf, it roared as August with all his strength, threw his spear, beaming towards Ais.

The whole space shook at their power, the barrier cracked, even with the help of the mages from Loki familia, the majority of them were elves, the barrier still sustained heavy damage, some of August and Ais's mana passed through.

Their mana densely engulfed the whole of Orario, every crevice in the city felt their magic, every civilian dropped from where they stood, convulsing uncontrollably as the violent mana forcefully entered their system.

The ones inside the amphitheater felt it worse, their blood started to leak out of every hole, even their pores started to squirt blood, the mana was so dense that every fiber in their being hurts like hell.

The adventurers weren't fairing any better, those who are low level such as those who are level 1 and 2 got knocked out as soon as their mana touched them. Those who are level 3 or higher felt a prickly pain, like a hundred needless was forcefully shoved inside their bodies.

Riveria watched as some of the elves who were helping her with the barrier faint from entering mind zero. Those who were awake were hurting all over from the backlash of August and Ais's magic.

Their weapons clashed in the middle of the stage, a loud boom exploded as their mana collided, a blinding light engulfed everyones vision.

For everyone watching, the world became white.






-Somewhere in the mountains North of Orario.

An old man with greyish white hair and mustache was busy collecting firewood in the forest.

He wiped the sweat that was coming out of his head due to hard work with the towel he kept in his pocket.

He couldn't wait to go home, have a nice bath, and eat some good food. All while watching his grandson read his favorite book.

He gripped the axe he had placed to the ground and raised it high to continue on his task. He suddenly stopped mid swing, his eyes darted wide open as the hand that was holding the axe started to shake.

He stopped what he was doing and looked towards the direction of the city, towards Orario. A frown formed on his face. 'It's all happening way too early.' he thought as his hand let go of the axe, dropping into the ground with a thud.

"Guess I don't really have a choice now." he mutters to himself as he starts to walk towards a large cliff on the mountain side. "The world is moving forward, faster than I expected it to be."

He stood inches away from a long drop, he took a deep breath as his mind wandered off towards the small hut where he lived for 14 years, along with the child who he came to love as his own grandson. "Be well Bell..." he smiled sadly as he started to rip off a portion of his clothes. He placed it near the cliff, obvious enough to be spotted by someone who passed by. "Your adventure starts now my little argonaut."

He then dropped the bag he had in his back along with his axe and started walking away from the village.






The white light slowly died down, the mana that was densely engulfing everything subsided, Riveria breathed a huge sigh of relief as she dropped her hands, the barrier was able to hold.

Her eyes hurriedly darted towards the stage, to see the outcome of their clash.

A cloud of dust covered the stage, blocking the vision of everyone watching, it slowly dissipated revealing a large crater at the middle of the stage.

The whole stadium was now unrecognizable, patches of upturned solid stones littered the whole stage, cracks and fissure line the ground, it was desolated and worn out.

And at the center of it, one was lying on the ground and the other was standing with one arm raised high signaling victory.

His victory.

August Kaiser stood tall and had beaten Ais Wallenstein.

Ais laid on the center of the crater, her sword which was made to have durandal properties was destroyed, leaving only the handle that even when unconscious was still gripped tightly into her hands.

She was a bloody mess, her shoulder was a pulp of meat and gore, bones protruding out of the open wound, as a chunk of her flesh was rend out by the spear.

And Beowulf was embedded in the middle of the crater besides Ais, mana still oozing out if it, you can even see parts of Ais's flesh clinging into its shaft.

Everything happened way too fast, one moment they were both unleashing their most powerful blow, the next moment, one of them is laid unconscious in the ground with injuries so gruesome, some adventurers felt their stomach churn at the sight.

When their weapons clashed, their mana and magic was equal, the only difference was that August held the superior weapon. Ais rapier shattered like glass upon impact, so much so that shards of her sword were found embedded inside her body.

She was able to change the trajectory, negate some of its force, but she was still hit by the spear nonetheless, and was still damaged to the point where she was bleeding heavily in the ground.

The medics all rushed to the stage, Riveria among them, the elf running on top speed aided by body enchantment magic while gulping mana potion as she believed she needed every mana she had to heal Ais's injury.

When the elf arrived on her side, she grimaced at how serious the wound was, the spear may not have hit a vital spot, but the injuries she sustained were still critical. She hurriedly cast healing magic.

The others started to carry Ais's prone body into a stretcher, moving as fast as they could because her life depended on it.

"It won't budge!" One of the medics grunted as she tried to pry Ais's fingers open, even now, with her unconscious, she was still gripping her weapon tightly.

"Leave it!" Riveria ordered. 'Her body and mind is still in combat even with her being knocked-out.' she thought. 'I don't know if I should be thankful for it since it helps that her muscles are tensing up, stopping the blood from pouring out. But at the same time, her mana is resisting my own and healing her at this state would likely drain me.'

They finished loading her into the stretcher, with it, they rushed her inside, into immediate medical care.

August stared at their work while breathing heavily, his right hand was shaking non-stop, his vision going in and out of focus as his mind fought the drowsiness that was taking hold of his body.

His right hand was also unrecognizable, he had made improvements in his spell, his fight with Toga helped him a lot, but it was still unfinished. All his fingers in his right hand were bent out of their natural shape, it was black and unrecognizable. His whole right arm was charred as it burned with his use of excessive mana.

With Ais gone from the stage, August could finally relax, he was still tense when they were moving Ais, he could still feel her mana and intent, still wanting to fight.

And with August relaxing, his spell, endless battle, came to a stop. Ibri Achaa marched on the stage to announce the winner, but as he got close, August fell face first into the ground, her body entered mind zero, a side effect of prolonged use of his spell, endless battle.






*August PoV*

My body felt light, like I was floating, unburdened by my own weight, it was a feeling that I was familiar with. I'm back at the abyss. But this time, it felt slightly different, my body felt much more calm than when I entered it before.

Not only that, but it looks different as well, there are bright twinkling lights from the distance, like stars, all though few, their lights were more pronounced in this vast empty darkness.

"Hello August." I once again heard the dark and unsettling voice that seems to vibrate the entire space that surrounds me.

"Beowulf..." I answered, looking around trying to find where the voice came from.

"Curious aren't you?" the voice sounded, like a whisper besides my ear, I turned only to see the blank empty space. "I'm sure by now, you've noticed the change in this place."

"What exactly is this place?" I asked, my voice was curious as I looked around. All I could see is darkness traveling for who knows how long, and starts shining here and there.

"Come on... Give it a guess." the voice sounded amused.

"If I have to guess, then I say that this is you. This place is inside you, inside the spear to be exact. This place represents you, Beowulf."

"Oho... A good answer, but sadly lacking." The voice chuckled, its laughter vibrated my very core.

"Enough games... Why am I back here again?" I asked. "Don't tell me you were bored again?"

"Impatient as always." the space shook as a large chain floated in front of my eyes. "You've grown stronger August... With it, one of the many chains that binds me has been broken."

"...." I silently watched the chain float in front of me, my hand reached into it, and as my finger touched it, the chain shattered and broke like glass, its pieces shining brightly, flying into the vast empty darkness, forming the stars around me.

"Can you feel it August? My power coursing in your veins. With this, you've taken a step closer towards your goal. With this, your power will climb much more."

"Will it though?" I spoke dryly, my eyes moved towards the side, I could feel its presence right there.

"What's this? I thought this news would make you happy? Did you not wish for strength? For revenge? To slay all the monsters?" The voice sounded much deeper, it felt insulted.

"Did I really grow stronger... Because from the looks of it, it was your strength that grew, not mine."

"You are my master, my wielder... My strength is yours, my power is yours." I could feel his pressure growing stronger and stronger.

"Oh yeah? Then tell me, would I have won my fight with Ais if it wasn't for you?"

There was an eerie silence, the voice didn't answer. I clicked my tongue and grimaced, a bitter taste clings to my mouth, like swallowing a bug.

"I felt it, at our clash... It may look like we were equal, but she was stronger than me... She only lost because of our weapons... Because of you..." I took a deep breath and continued. "Beowulf... I realized since coming here in Orario, that I have relied on your strength, so much so that if it wasn't for you, I would have died the very first day that I've entered the dungeon."

"You might say that your strength and power is mine... But the way I see it is different. I'm greedy, I don't want reliance, I want my own power. And right now... You're in my way."

"BE VERY CAREFUL OF WHAT YOU'RE ABOUT TO SAY CHILD!!!" The whole world shook as its voice boomed all around me, I felt a pressure pushing me down, my body suddenly felt heavy. A pair of golden wolf-like eyes glared at me, shining brightly in this vast empty space. I was but a speck of dust at how large the eyes were.

"There you are." I smiled viciously as I locked eyes with Beowulf. "How nice of you to finally show yourself."

"Your arrogance will get you nowhere August!" Beowulf spoke, its voice was clearly angry, its eyes glaring daggers at me. "I can sense what you are thinking. And I must advise you against it, or suffer the consequences!"

"I told you... I'm greedy, I longed for strength, my strength, not yours. You are but a tool for me to use, and I will take every ounce of your power and make it my own." I smirked and tilted my head. "Don't look at me like that... As you said, you can sense what I am thinking, what makes you think I couldn't sense yours? Aren't you planning on doing the same? Taking over my body once my strength reached its peak."

"Think of it as a game... Whoever wins between the two of us, will get power, and strength..." And freedom. I didn't say the last part out loud.

A smile slowly crept up from the vast empty space, a set of large sinister teeth showed, a low rasping laughed echoed.

"Hahaha... So it's like that huh?" The eyes slowly closed, bringing the darkness and emptiness back. "You really are the best vessel I could have asked for."

"Why thank you." I answered as I felt the pressure slowly dissipating. I guess that's it for my time here, at this endless abyss. I spared a glance back at the empty space where I know Beowulf resides. "Don't worry though... You'll get the freedom that you so crave... One way or another." as I said those words, I felt my body falling.

My eyes snapped open, I was lying down, I stared at the unfamiliar ceiling as my body ached all over. My bones felt like they were creaking at my every move as I raised my right hand up to see the damage that I sustained when performing the incomplete magic.

To my surprise, my arm was healed, aside from the pain, it was practically good to go.

Heh, it looks like Beowulf still has a soft spot, I know that he was the one healing me after all, well aside from the medics the tournament provided for us.

I sat up, or at least I tried to, but a hand pushed me back down. Quite forcefully if I may add. I looked to the side and saw my god, Heracles, sitting at a stall, his hand extended to my chest, pushing me back to bed.

"Old man?" as the words left my mouth I felt a thudding pain smacking me at the side of my head. "What the fuck?! I'm still recovering you fucking old geezer!"

"Call me old one more time and I'll shove my foot up your asshole." He said coldly, and I can swear to everything that is holy that Heracles is the scariest being in this world. "Do you understand?"

I swallowed and shook my head up and down. Why the hell is he pissed?

"Good... How are you feeling August?" he asked. Is he worried? Why can I hear a hint of worry in his voice?

"Like shit." I answered curtly. "Everything is in pain, even my fucking hair hurts!"

"Good." the old man replied and shrugs.

"Good? What the hell!"

"At least you're well enough to feel pain... That's a good sign." he said indifferently as he stood on his seat and walked out of whatever room I was in.

I could only open and close my mouth, I think my mind stopped working. In what realm is feeling pain a good sign? "God fucking damnit!"







-at the vast abyss.

"Don't worry though... You'll get the freedom that you so crave... One way or another."

Beowulf snapped his eyes wide open as he heard August's last word, yet as he did, August was already gone.

Countless thoughts ran up Beowulf's mind. It was his greatest desire to be free... Free of its bindings, free from his burdens. His every action was for that purpose, for the freedom that he so craves.

"What are you planning, August?" He asked himself, his voice echoing in the empty abyss. He tried to move but the chains that were binding him stopped him on his tracks, it rattles and chimes as he tries to pull free from the bindings.

He hated that sound, it reminds him of his plight. It grates his ears, at every rattle the chains makes.

He released a low growl, his mind wandered back to the boy who has become his master. "Fine... I'll play your game." he spoke with a jovial and curious low voice. "But the moment you ever show any sign of weakness... ha- haha- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

His laugh echoes dangerously at the vast empty void that is the abyss.













Chapter 75 is done now, how do you guys like the story so far?

Please leave a comment, a review and feedback so I can improve on writing this fanfic. every little thing helps as it allows me to see your preference on things and would help me write a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

thanks for picking up this fanfic. hope you guys like it.