
A Superman Found In Marvel.

A man found lost in an abyss, gets offered a few wishes to change his miserable situation.

ChiseldPotato · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Finding post property

Clark's throat felt tight. He shifted Amy on his lap, her Barbie forgotten on the floor. "Hey, there's something I need to tell you," he said gently. "It's a little complicated."

Amy tilted her head, big blue eyes full of curiosity. "About what?"

He took a deep breath. "About… being family."

Amy frowned. "But we are family! Me, you, Mom, Dad…" she said like she was counting it off her fingers.

Clark's heart squeezed. "We are, Ames. But… not in the way you think."

He hesitated, searching for the right words. "You see, Mom and Dad found me. They chose me, brought me home to love and raise."

Amy's eyes widened. "Like a puppy?"

"Ouch" Clark chuckled. "No, to raise me like their son"

A flicker of something crossed her face, then vanished. "So you're not my brother?"

He saw the tremor in her voice, the tiny crack in her trust. "No, not like that." He reached out, brushing a stray strand of hair from her forehead. "But I am your brother. In a different way, but just as real."

"But… you're Clark!" she whispered, her voice thick with confusion.

"And I always will be," he said firmly. "I'm still your Clark, the one who flies you around, builds pillow forts with you and used to feed you."

Amy's bottom lip trembled, then a small smile tugged at her lips. "So I won't be able to fly, like you?"

Clark laughed at he innocent remark "Haha, Cute, but who knows Amy it depends on when your ready"

Instantly she replied I'm ready now" she said jumping up getting him to laugh at her strong stubborn eyes.

Laughter filled the room, chasing away the shadows of uncertainty. Amy snuggled closer, her tiny hand clutching his shirt.

That's when the mother walked in " Clark might not be from my tummy, baby girl" she mumbled, "but his just apart of this family"

Amy ran to Clark and held him tight, and he said, his voice thick with emotion. "Amy. I'll never leave"


A police car pulled into a driveway, the engine sputtering to a stop.

Gwen sitting on the passengers side immediately slunk out, feeling a weird wooziness, taking over each second.

Her dad looking over with great concern "Are you alright, Gwen?" he said, peering through the driver's side window, as she escaped to the front door.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," she mumbled, forcing a smile that felt wobbly.

"Ok, well get some rest, ok" he said starting up the car again.

The car pulled away, as her fingers jittered to open to door until finally, Gwen entered making sure to close the door behind her and shuffling up the stairs like a lead balloon.

Reaching her room, she collapsed onto the bed, feeling like a damp dishrag left out in the sun.

Nausea gnawed at her stomach, twisting and turning her insides.

She pulled the covers over her head, finding comfort on the action but still couldn't stop the shivering despite the summer heat, wishing desperately for this stupid illness to disappear by morning.

Deep within her, though, her body hummed with a change she couldn't understand. Her DNA was being unraveled and rewrote, as something strange was adding to it.

The night was long with twitches and phantom itches, Gwen tossing and turning under the thin sheet, sleep was deep, and an anesthesia.

Dawn finally chased away the darkness, a weak sun peeking through her blinds.

The nausea had faded, replaced by a peculiar lightness, that she didn't have time.to notice in her grogginess.

Stretching under the covers, she flung the blanket across the room with surprising force. It landed in a soft heap by the window, but Gwen barely registered.

Alarm blaring telling her it was time to get up.

She stumbled out of bed, groggy and reaching for her phone. Her fingers unconsciously grazed the screen, intending to silence the insistent alarm, but instead, the glass spiderwebbed under her touch.

The insistent beeping died out, but left Gwen blinking, confused.

Had it stopped already? Oh, well, whatever and put it back down on the bedside.

She headed to her attached bathroom to brush lher teeth was next.

Stepping up to the bathroom door, she grasped the doorknob to open it.

Her hand met not wood, but the metal framework behind the drywall. The door handle, ripped clean from its socket, dangled awkwardly in her grip.

Groggy and uninterested, she thought. Probably needed to be replaced anyway? setting the handle on the sink and heading for the cabinet.

Reaching for the cabinet knob, she pulled instead of twisting.

The entire cabinet door tore away from the wall, whilst the cabinet tried to follow, spewing its contents in a colorful cascade across the floor.

Gwen stared, mouth agape, at the door that clung to her hand. Panic bloomed in her chest. What is happening?

Grabbing the door with her free hand, and no matter how hard she tried to free the door that was glued to her.

It just wouldn't budge, she tugged, heart pounding, but still nothing.

Catching herself almost entering a panic she froze, and went to her happy place, taking in deep meditative breaths.

Arms falling to her side, then the cabinet door clattered to the floor.

Gwen stood there, trembling out of relief, but fear mingling in her moments.

She looked at the mess that littered her floor, leaving a question in her mind. What happened to me?


Outside the city on some farmland, sunlight peeked through the curtains, rousing Clark.

He reached for his glasses on the nightstand, but they weren't there.

Groaning, he sat up and rubbed his sleepy eyes. "Grr, glasses… I completely forget to get them."

He collected his some casual clothes, and threw his pajamas onto the bed.

He shuffled downstairs, his hair unfortunately still a mess, sticking up like a bird's nest.

Amy, was the.first to be spotted, sat at the table, pigtails bouncing as she chased her cereal spoon. "Morning, sleepyhead!" she chirped, eyes sparkling.

Clark ruffled her hair playfully, earning a squawk of protest. "Hey" she whined angliy swatting away his hand. "that messes up mommy's work!" she moaned.

But couldn't help but giggle as he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. He stood behind her, fixing the errant strands while she dug into her breakfast.

"Morning, Mom, dad," he mumbled, grabbing a piece of toast, from the counter.

His dad sat reading the paper, frowning intently. Suddenly, the paper slammed down on the table with a startled thump. "Can you believe this?" he grumbled, pointing at the front page. "Hulk on the rampage, and not a peep in the news, I find that fishy, I tell ya, fishy!"

Clark shrugged, trying to swallow his toast around a grin. "Yeah, remember though it was way off in a different state. Not exactly news, over on this side."

"Still, something that big, green and running around like a wrecking ball? Makes you wonder what else the be hiding," his dad mused, poking his food with a fork.

His mom appeared from the kitchen, humming a cheery tune. "Clark, sweetie, could you get Amy some water and my coffee? I left it on the counter, thanks!"

He did as she asked, then plopped down at the table. His mom's eyes narrowed as she looked at him. "Clark, what's up with those clothes, your hair and where preytell are those glasses you swear you never misplace?"

He sheepishly ran his fingers through his hair. "Uh. Just gonna, um, grab them after breakfast."

"Why," she said sternly, her voice softened by a smile. "I don't want to have to buy you a new pair every month because you keep leaving them in weird places."

Clark chuckled, remembering the time he'd tried using his heat vision with his glasses still on. Let's just say his frames didn't appreciate the experiment.

"No, I forgot to get my school bag after, I helped someone" he said hinting trying to not let Amy understand the code.

His mother, modded in understanding, letting breakfast continued into a lighthearted banter about school, chores untill everybody had to go off, on their different ways.

Clark waved them goodbye whilst the morning sun, casting warm orange rays on his face.

He looked off into the distance finding the peak of the Empire state building pocking the sky.

And just to the left, Oscorp Tower, his destination. Shacking he head, he rose off the ground and then shoot up off into the clouds.

It didn't take him long, but he now that he was above the city he didn't want to be seen descending into it.

Putting up his hoodie and pulling on the strings he activated his x-ray vision.

Finding his clothes, he moved from this location and dressed up inside a public bathroom making sure it was near the highschool.