
The Sleepover

Hinata POV:

"What a nice home you have Oikawa-san." Hinata comments as he removes his shoes at the Oikawa's doorway.

"I guess.. what do you want for dinner? I'll make anything you request." Oikawa replies as he opens the lights.

"Hrmmm, tamago kakegohan then :>" Hinata cheerfully replies.

"What's your favorite food?" Hinata politely asks.

"Milk bread." Oikawa replies.

Soon Hinata notice Oikawa's award and medals. He also noticed that the boy was in fact attending their rival school Aoba Johsai or Seijoh. An elite school and a powerhouse.

"Ehhh?! Oikawa-san you're from Aoba Johsai?" Hinata asked in shock.

"Yah, I am.. I still haven't told you that I guess.. Well since its been brought up just like what I've told you I am the official setter of the volleyball team and the captain." Oikawa proudly answers.

"By the way Hina-chan what school do you attend at?" Oikawa adds.

"Oh me? I attend at Karasuno.. I guess we are having a practice match tomorrow just so you know I won't hold back." Hinata proudly remarks.

"Well then I take that challenge we'll see who will win tomorrow then.. but for now let's enjoy the evening." Oikawa replies.

"Yah, I agree.. Oikawa-san you're a kind person aren't you?"

"Well that's new.. Hina-chan you are one of the few people who have said that to me.." Oikawa blushes.

"What about your teammates?"

"Well they normally call me 'Shittykawa' and other weird nicknames." Oikawa sulks.

"Wait Hina-chan if you attend Karasuno that means... You're teammates with my kouhai, Tobio-chan."

"Well we are.." Hinata silently replies.

"Why is there something wrong?" Oikawa worriedly asks.

"Oh its nothing.. its just that he was edgy at today's practice that's why I got too bothered since that was new and got lost.." Hinata sadly replies.

Oikawa then place his hands at Hinata's face making the smaller boy blush at the sudden touch and look at his brown gentle eyes.

"Shh, its okay Shouyou.. I'm sure knowing my precious kouhai he will recover soon don't worry too much or you will get wrinkles. For now just rest this evening and relax you're safe here." Oikawa calmly reassures.

At Oikawa's comforting touch Hinata's heart silently yet loudly beats he was relaxed at his side it was truly like he was safe and that there is nothing that could have gone wrong.

"For now, why not contact your family about this sleep over and have a fresh bath I'll prepare your clothes and while I make dinner why not make yourself at home." Oikawa adds.

"Okay.. thank you for everything Oikawa-san." Hinata replies.

-After Dinner-

Nobody POV:

The two spent the night together at Oikawa's bedroom talking to each other casually, knowing each other's likes and dislikes and even their insecurities and past wounds.

"And so that's why I almost hit Tobio-chan's face and started our rivalry." Oikawa admits.

"Oh is that so but I can't really say that you were wrong its just that you were too on edge and insecured at that time.. but Oikawa-san you are a strong person for being able to stand up once more and earn a title as a great setter." Hinata comments.

"Oh that if it weren't for Iwa-chan I wouldn't have been able to stand up again. But still thank you for that Hina-chan." Oikawa sheepishly answers.

"If you were the senpai of the king of the court then that makes you the Grand king!" Hinata proudly say.

"What? That's weird then that makes you Chibi-chan again." Oikawa scoffs.

"Ehh?? That's unfair Grand king is cooler than Chibi." Hinata replies.

"I will call you Chibi if you call me Grand king."

"Kay fine."

The two continued on their endless conversation.