
The Practice Match

Hinata POV

Hinata barely got into their morning practice on time. When he got there the team was already starting their warm ups.

"Hey! Why are you late Hinata boke?!" Kageyama says irritably as he sees Hinata enter the gym.

"What do you mean late, the team is only warming up you know?" Hinata replies.

"Just so you know Hinata we count on you today as well." Tanaka comments making Kageyama and Hinata stop from their usual fights.

"Count on me? On what exactly?" Hinata curiously asks.

"Of course as our decoy at today's practise match I'm sure those elites will be shocked at that god like quick."

Tanaka replies.

"Eh????!!! Uhm I will do my very best sir!" Hinata rashly replies.

"Hinata just calm down." Daichi reassures.

"Yes I will do my best at calming down." Hinata nervously comments.

"But for now may I go to the bathroom?" Hinata adds as he run his way to their school's comfort room.

Man, I hope Hinata will be able to play normally today hope no accidents happen. The whole team aside from Tanaka and Kageyama sigh.

Oikawa POV

Man I'm troubled after saying that my adorable kouhai will play as setter in the whole game and after those warm memories with Shouyo at a very crucial time why must you ache my sprain? Oikawa thinks as Iwaizumi support him as they walk to the school's infirmary.

"Oi Shittykawa I think you can't play today you should rest for the rest of the day." Iwaizumi says.

"Eh? But Iwa-chan this is just a light sprain you know I can still play fine." Oikawa frantically plea.

"Only if the doctor allows you to." Iwaizumi replies.

"Okay Iwa-chan, I will ask the doctor if its okay for me to play." Oikawa reassure.

"You really are like my mom aren't you Iwa-chan." Oikawa sheepishly add.

"Want me to give you an another injury?" Iwaizumi irritably replies.

"Iwa-chan so mean." Oikawa pouts.

Iwaizumi then heads to the gym to meet their enemies and Oikawa then waits for the Doctor's judgement.

I really hope I can play with Shouyo even for just a little while, I kinda miss him. Oikawa ponders as he gaze through the infirmary's window.

During their Practise Match

Hinata wasn't able to play normally in the first set making Seijoh the victors. But they took back the second set after Hinata was encouraged by his senpai.

After the Second Set

I wonder how Oikawa-san is he's not here after all maybe it had something to do with his sprain. I sure do hope he's okay.. it kinda sucks not seeing him at today's match I kind of miss him... Hinata sighs as he was wiping his sweat with his hand towel.

"I think we shouldn't be at ease yet I think their setter now is not their official setter." Kageyama says afterwards was the cheer of some girls in the background.

And there he was on the opposite side of the court waving hi to his teammates the Grand King.

"Yohoo, Tobio-chan its nice to see you again." Oikawa greet as he give off his usual smirk.

This greeting made Kageyama snicker but Oikawa paid no mind his attention was to the little middle blocker of Karasuno as he averted his sight from Kageyama he then gave Hinata a wink and a smile that made the small boy blush.

Timeskip after their match (becoz I'm too lazy =_=)

Oikawa-san is really a great setter with that powerful serve it was like that the atmosphere of the game changed as he entered the court. Hinata thinks as they walk to the gate not paying attention to the advise their captain was saying and not also noticing that Oikawa was in front of them.

He sure looks bothered guess I have to wake him up then. Oikawa plot as he lean down to Hinata's ear and suddenly whisper.

"Shouyo that broad attack and one touch at the end was amazing you know, this only the beginning our fight has only begun." Oikawa whisper to Hinata's ears making the boy quite startled but he continued to listen.

"Let's continue this later then I'll contact you." Oikawa adds.

He then make his way past Karasuno.

Due to Oikawa's words it made Hinata crimson and unable to hear his captain and teammates conversation.