
Meeting him

Hinata was in a park and it was getting a bit late however he doesn't know he's way home...

Hinata POV

"I guess I should ask someone directions."

Hinata then stood up from the bench he was sitting on and walk around the park to ask someone directions.

As he was walking he saw some elementary students play volleyball with a tall highschool student with a brown hair and beautiful chocolate like eyes with a soft smile. Hinata's heart suddenly beat quickly and his face soon gets flushed.

I can't believe that someone can be so beautiful. Maybe if angels do exist maybe they would look exactly like him.

Then suddenly a volleyball hits his face because of being preoccupied by his thoughts.

"Sorry for that Chibi- chan, we were practicing our serves." The man bows to him and smile.

"Hey! I'm not a chibi, my name is Hinata Shouyou and I may not look like it but I am a highschool student, sir." Hinata scoffs.

"Oh is that so.. sorry then Hina-chan... By the way my name is Oikawa Tooru not sir." Oikawa sheepishly replies.

"Um Oikawa-san, will you let me practice with you guys as well?"

"Sure, so you play as well... What position do you play then?"

"I play as a middle blocker."

"A middle blocker at that height that is quite interesting..."

"I may not look like it but I can jump." Hinata proudly answers


"So you play as a decoy and you perform quicks then... Why not practice your quicks with me by the way I'm a setter."

"Really??? Wowww that would be my pleasure." Hinata happily replies.

Oikawa POV:

As a setter I guess considering his height and the tail wind I guess this toss is okay.

The small boy then jumps high.. his face was over the net as he quickly hits Oikawa's toss. What a powerful jump he has. I guess he is that spiker that you will find very amusing to toss for. Oikawa grins at the sight of Hinata, it was truly like he was flying.. making his heart to thump quite loudly which he finds really mysterious.

"One more time!" Hinata smiles.

"Sure, I will toss as much as you want." Oikawa then proudly replies.

Nobody POV:

It was like that the world was theirs they were free from their worries. Oikawa forgot about his light sprain and Hinata forgot that he was supposed to only ask for directions. The two of them were too occupied with how things were not minding the time and their worries. It was like having a good food that makes you forget of your responsibilities. But jokes aside it was like they were falling in love. Slowly forgetting of how things were supposed to be and just finding ways to be together..

-Back to Oikawa POV-

"Tooru nii-san its already dark let's go home already." Takeru tells his uncle who was very occupied at the moment.

"Its already dark? But it was so lit earlier.." Oikawa sighs.

"I guess this is it Hina-chan it was fun, if its okay with you.. may I have your number I would like to toss to you again." Oikawa then says.

"Oh sure.... Ohhh NOO!! I was supposed to only ask you for directions." Hinata then panic.

"Eh? You're not from here? Where do you live then its too late and dangerous for you to cycle back home I will escort you." Oikawa reassures.

"But I live in the mountains."

"Eh?" Takeru and Tooru says in sync.

"Eh?" Hinata follows.

"How will I go home senpai?" Hinata hesitately asks.

"Hrmm since I am half responsible for this mess, why not spend the night with me." Oikawa replies.

"But won't it be too troublesome for your family?" Hinata nervously asks.

"Oh its okay they are in a business trip so its only you and me, all we have to do is send Takeru home.. its not really that much, is it okay?"

"Oh... Is that so.. thank you for helping me."

"Its nothing really." Oikawa shyly replies.