
Family Meeting

"Hey, Tooru?" Hinata suddenly asks while lying down comfortably at Tooru's lap while his hair was being caressed by the older boy.

"Yes, Shou-chan?" Tooru replies.

"I was wondering.."

Before this scene was the day where Shouyou's and Tooru's families was going to meet.


"Shou-chan I have decided." Tooru firmly declares as he suddenly stop walking making Shouyou's gaze to him.

"Decided what?" Shouyou curiously asks.

"I wanna meet your family.. I mean if its okay with you let's have our families meet each other to let them know one another. And so that I will have your family blessing and you'll have mine." Tooru a little bit nervously replies.

"Well, I'm totally okay with it." Shouyou happily agrees.

"Well I guess we should schedule it then, we'll go to your house." Tooru adds.

"Well if its okay with your family... I've actually told them that I have a boyfriend she was a bit shocked at first but she supports us and she even wants to meet you one day, I guess this is the perfect opurtunity." Shouyou bashfully adds.

"Oh, I see by the way my family also knows they were actually shocked that I was letting them know I was in a relationship and that I wanted them to meet you... I guess they knew about my previous relationships hehehe." Tooru reconciles.

"I'm really lucky to meet you, Shouyou I mean you're the first person I liked romantically and knowing you feel the same way as I do makes me really happy, no something more indescribable than happy." Tooru gleefully adds.

"Me too, I'm really happy that you like me too." Shouyou gleefully adds as well.

We've only known and liked each other for a short time so I am not yet sure but I think I am slowly falling in love with you... The thought to themselves.

The Day when the Family meets

When the two families finally met they were a bit awkard  at first but after a short while of chatting about each other's situation made the atmosphere lighter. Natsu, Hinata's little sister was truly happy that his second older brother looked like a prince; tall, handsome and that killer smiles made the young girl very happy to the point he asked Tooru to play with her.

"Tooru nii-chan... Will you play with me?" Natsu delightfully asks as she tuck the older boy's t-shirt.

"Wah, so cute~^^ What do you want to play today my little princess?" Tooru happily asks.

"Let's play volleyball." Natsu replies.

"Sure, I love playing volleyball too so let's do that." Tooru happily agrees.

"Shouyou wanna play with me and Natsu?" Tooru adds.

"Sure, toss to me Tooru." Shouyou requests.

As the three play volleyball well they were just passing the ball to each other well after a while Natsu became a little tired so she went ahead and just watch the two as Tooru toss Shouyou the ball and then her brother was there to spike it. Natsu loved that view and the parents were also delighted at what they see.

"It seems your son is a really nice person." Shouyou's mother says.

"Well I guess he is, even though most of the times he is very egoistical, arrogant and childish I think he is growing as fine young man." Tooru's mother proudly replies.

"Your son really looks like a polite and kind boy, with that aura around him and that endless energy I can totally see what Tooru liked in him." Tooru's mother adds.

"Well, thank you.. its really shocking how fast they grow up isn't it?" Shouyou's mother sighs.

"Yah, I can totally say yes to that." Tooru's mother agrees.

Since it was pretty late already Shouyou's family has decided to let them stay in for the day and leave tomorrow. Tooru gets to stay at Shouyou's room while his parents get to stay at their guest room. After taking a bath and preparing the bed, the two talked to each other while Shouyou lays his head on Tooru's lap as Tooru gently caress his orange locks.

Which brings us back to present...

"I was wondering if your teammates will be okay with our relationship." Shouyou asks.

"Knowing those guys they will be totally fine with it. I mean they actually knew that I liked you." Tooru reassured.

"How did they know?" Shouyou curiously asks.

"Well on how I was acting I guess." Tooru replies.

"Well how about on your team?" Tooru adds.

"Well, honestly I don't know yet.. so I think of keeping it as a secret to them then one day I (and maybe with you- Shouyou mumbles this part...) will tell them." Shouyou quickly answers showing that he was pretty scared at his team's reaction.

"Well I'm okay with whatever you're good with." Tooru reassures making Shouyou calm.

It will still be pretty long before Karasuno will know or maybe even earlier... Or maybe like 'A  sudden encounter' once more....  (・∀・)