
A Date?.

In Karasuno

After their practice match the team headed to their gymnasium to practice a few drills and have a meeting.

The first thing the team noticed was that after the bizarre occuring of the captain of Seijoh whispering to Hinata was that the said first year was fidgeting like he was flustered and confused. The team was slightly worrying, good thing was that Sugawara was able to bring up the appropriate question to Hinata.

"Hinata are you alright? After our practice match you look quite bothered." Sugawara concerningly asks.

"Yes, I am alright nothing to worry about." Hinata grins.

"Was there something that Captain Flashy said to you Hinata. You can tell your senpai I'll beat him for you." Tanaka proudly says.

"Ehh?? I'm really alright, what he said it was just that he said that the broad attack and one touch in the final set was good that's all." Hinata reassures.

After that conversation and after cleaning the team went on their own ways to their houses.

At Hinata's House

After having dinner and telling her mother of what happened Hinata found his way to his bed and lay down because he was quite tired as he lay down he found himself pondering about Oikawa.

I really like him now don't I... I wonder if just if we were to start dating will our teams be okay with it? I'm sure its okay to Natsu and to my parents after all. But do I even stand a chance I mean his the grand king.. athletic, smart, quirky, a little bit sarcastic, handsome and he's popular, I really wonder if I have a chance on him.

While he was busy with his thoughts he suddenly heard the chime of his phone. Telling that he had received a text message and to his suprise it was from Oikawa.

-Their Conversation-

O: Yoohoo~^^ I was wondering if you aren't busy this Saturday, I was wondering maybe you can spend some time with me in at the planetarium nearby.

H: We have practice during Saturdays but maybe after our practice is that okay with you?

O: I'm okay anytime (人*´∀`)。*゚+

H: Our practice ends at noon I guess let's meet at the planetarium then.

O: Yah, make sure you don't get lost okay?


H: I won't get lost this time don't worry ಠ ೧ ಠ

... The two continued their conversation until they've decided to stop and sleep...

The two continued to have their night talks and excitedly await for their Saturdate..

Today will be the day that I will confess to Tooru even if I get rejected I still hope we can be friends... But I will even the smallest chance that he will accept it and then we will d- d- date... Hinata thinks as he smiles to himself convinced and determined of confronting his feelings for his soon to be Tooru (。・//ε//・。).

At first I thought of him as just a lost little crow but now for me he's someone who must be mine I won't let anyone take their chances to him.. This Saturday will be the day that I will finally ask him out. Whether or not he accepts it I will just win his heart. Oikawa proudly declares to himself as he picks his clothes and prepare himself for their date.